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Everything posted by kye_lin

  1. What if it goes higher than USD500?? You going to ride with it too??
  2. Let's rock and roll!!
  3. And the plot deepens...........
  4. middle...
  5. Actually.. if you look carefully... I think there is a strap slope.... shallow one... and the lugs look thinner... I might be wrong....
  6. kye_lin

    Pam 161

  7. Hi Pamfried.. Maybe I am too harsh to judge you too quickly..... I can see where you are coming from... but maybe.. just maybe the way you phrased your opinions made ppl think that you are being negative and over critical.... Personally.. I think these dials are not 100% accurate... but they are damn bloody good for what they are... and I am glad that someone among us made the effort to improve the exisiting dials... I congratulate them instead of being anal and pointing out every little fault... The fact the you are also on a dial project to improve the existing dials is great and I applaud you for it.... I just think that we should show more appreciation than being over critical.... these are just reps anyway... and they stay as reps no matter how hard we try.... I apologise if I was too harsh to judge you...... and maybe you are too harsh on your judgement as well??? Take care...
  8. I know he (Pamfried) has a similar dial effort going on... it has been there for months with no results.... His dials might turn out to be the best ever.....ever.... ever.... and if so.. good for him and kudos to him.... and I will even congratulate him.... But his action of slamming/dissing other ppl's dial effort is still uncalled for here...
  9. To FGD.. These are great dials and so far the most accurate Pre-V and Pre-A dials available.... especially the fonts... Kudos to you my friend... Great effort on your part.....
  10. The Pre-V dials come in both thick and thin indices.... depending on when they are released.... and they vary from batch to batch The thickness on these particular dials offered are similar to the originals and correct These dials were only offered to some ppl here recently only, on the forum as there were limited numbers.. and I doubt that you were on the list... so you probably did not see them before..... I might be wrong and correct me if I am... So you are wrong about these dials.... pls do your homework before slamming other ppl's efforts...... Like you have done previously...
  11. Damn! All you guys got it so quickly before me... Still waiting for mine in the mail....
  12. Yeah!! Mine are on the way.. Finally... THERE IS A GOD!! and his name is F---GOD--P!! My PreVs are gonna ROCK!!
  13. Thanks all.. These straps just complete the look for my PreVs.. Project Completed!!! @Kruzer.. Looking forward to the stems... cheers! Kai
  14. Here are my PreVs with new shoes... 201A with Kodiak 202A with PAV90 Cheers....
  15. I apologise on hijacking the thread.. Here is what I have done with similar cut out dials from DSN.... Using the method shown in the same reference pic Surfer provided... 201A on Kodiak 202A on PAV90 Great work The Zigmeister BTW!
  16. I dun know what the fuss is about here... T has made the T60 crowns... and he is going to make the T48 crowns as a second run... Just take your pick on what you prefer.... T60 crown looks great in my opinion... No AD or Paneristi is going to go around counting teeth on PAM crowns to spot a rep...
  17. Nice watch!! THe gear removed is for the alarm.. useless for this project...
  18. My gen SS manual crown has 48 teeth.. But sod it.. I am keeping the T-crowns I just bought.. they look great and no one is gonna bloody start count crown teeth on my PAMs.... they look so good already.. who cares about crown teeth!! I think we should all just live with the existing T-crowns... T has put in so much effort making them.... I think we can all live with extra 12 teeth on our 2mm crowns... this is the least we can do to show our appreciation for a fellow member that go out of his way for the community here.... KEEP THE T-CROWNS!
  19. Cannon pin is flushed on the 9... trick of the light.... Thanks all... Kai
  20. The 172: JF caseset and CG with palp crown.... DSN dial.. the only decent one around.. gonna live with that... Now the coating... I contacte my PVD guy in SG and wanted a PVD coating similar to Tantalum... He came up with a custom PVD coating with Tantalum in it and some other elements... gives it the closest color I have seen... greyish with the bluish tint... better than the oxidised Ti.... The weight of the watch might not be as heavy as the gen.. but definitely heavier and more accurate than Ti... The PAM9: JF caseset and CG with palp crown.. swiss 6497-2 highbeat.... GEN dial and hands.... Thanks all... Kai
  21. My latest two PAMs... PAM 9 L dial PAM172 with special Tantalium PVD coating.... Thanks for looking..
  22. kye_lin

    T - crowns

    Hi T.. And your ordering email is??? Pls let us know when you are ready..
  23. kye_lin

    T - crowns

    I will take: 2 Steel Autos 1 Ti Auto 1 Steel manual..
  24. kye_lin

    T - crowns

    NICE! Goof job T!! When are they on sale?? THanks.
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