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Posts posted by mjmurphy926

  1. I spoke with him on the phone at the end of Sept. He is doing well, but inundated with work!

    Good for R...He's truly one of the Good Guys and deserves only the best out of life (I'm assuming lots of work is a good thing :D )!

    Can't wait to see him back either.

  2. 1stly, welcome Matt. Be prepared to do alot of reading (of previous RWG posts on the subject of your preference) before buying. At least, if you do, you will greatly reduce the amount of money you waste & increase the likelihood that you will be happy with your purchases (in the long term).

    As to modding watches - some mod their own & others pay someone to do the work for them. It all depends on your experience/skill, financial state & emotional levels. There are 3 (main) axioms that bear memorizing in the watch collecting game -

    1. Buy the seller before you buy the watch (or watch part).
    2. If you want it done right, do it yourself.
    3. The quality of the work is directly proportional to the investment of time, research & effort you put in before you begin.

    Beyond that, do alot of research on gen sites for the watch you are interested in & then post your questions here.

    Good luck &, to quote Otter, my advice is to start drinking heavily.

    Good advice freddy! Can't argue with Otter wisdom, but no Bluto quotes about the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor? :D

  3. Breaking up a gen to build a rep? Just listen to that for a few seconds. Is this hobbie getting a bit out of hand?

    Although I would never do this, there is some logic to the notion.

    If someone wanted a specific gen part for a franken project and couldn't find one, but also couldn't justify owning a $4k watch, he could buy the gen, take what he needs, and sell the rest without losing money (in theory).

    Not the way I would approach it, cuz once I had the gen in hand, I wouldn't want to let it go, but I could see it happening.

  4. I looked in the dealer section, curious who sells the noob.

    Any help?


    Yeah. Almost all the trusted dealers sell noob watches. I bought a noob 16610 dial from either Andrew (Trustytime) or Josh (Perfect Clones), I don't recall which.

    Just send either of them an email and ask if you can by a noob 16610 dial from them. I'll bet you can.

    BTW - they put those dials on both 2836 and 21j movements, so both sets of mounting pins are on the back of the dial. You need to remove the 2 you aren't going to use.

  5. When I first got my WM9 v1, I had a thread going comparing the standard noob sub dial with the flat "S" dial that came with my WM9. Although I liked the flat "S" on the WM9 dial, the first thing I noticed was that the print was sort of a gray tinged white whereas the noob was a whiter white. At first, most thought that the whiter noob color was accurate to the gen until By-Tor showed his gen GMT had the same color as the WM9 dial. So it would appear that even paint color on gen watches vary.

    I ended up going with the noob dial simply because the whiter print color appealed to my eye more.

    Bottom line - Rolex has so many variances in their dials that cases can be made for both the WM9 flat "S" dial and the noob dial being more accurate to gen and as Dizzy says, nobody is going to call you out for either, so just choose the one that suites your taste better, or follow JoJo's advice and look for a gen.

  6. You actually forgot the no-date Sub variation (14060M) from the choices.

    But from these, the classic black 16610 definitely. New fat lug version does nothing for me, and I never liked the LV.

    +1 on all counts except maybe the fat lug version. I've not seen one in person yet, so I'll reserve judgment until I do.

  7. Love the thread since my bezel on my BK WM9 V3 since it has some back play for a 10min space. I think it is the click spring as well (unless it is the teeth of the inner bezel). I tried to bend mine but it is a no go.

    The clark one would be this one right?eBay

    Help a poor fellow in need :bangin:


    That's the one.

  8. I had the same issue (it really annoyed me) and removed the bezel and readjusted the click spring. After a couple of weeks the spring broke and the bezel was rotating in both directions. So I purchased a spring from Clarks and installed it. In my opinion, the Clarks' spring is better, there is almost no movement/ play in the bezel now.


    Thanks for the tip. After reading this a few weeks ago, I ordered a Clark's spring and bezel washer for my WM9 v1. It really tightened up the bezel! It feels very precise now!

    Thanks again,

    another mj

  9. What do you guys think about the ultimate submariner from Josh? I've been looking at it this morning, not sure if I can get the clark crystal installed on it. Any experience with it? The two tone version also looks very nice.

    I'm pretty sure all of Josh's subs come from the noob factory. You can get it for around $100 with 21j movement or $250 with ETA (clone?) 2836-2 movement. It's a nice watch, but not as accurate as WM9/PT.

  10. try the PT Supreme = WM9 V1

    its still available - i just got mine today :)

    with some basic mods - gen insert,gen crown and clarks crystal it cost you around 400 Euro.

    sadly the WM9 V3 has some problems - so i went this way.



    Wow Frank, I didn't realize these were still available. How does your case look?

    I ask because I bought one, second hand, from a forum member a couple years ago. It was one of the originals with no rehaut engraving. I was very impressed by the quality and accuracy of the case, but the one I got had the top CG quite a bit fatter than the bottom. I had to remove some material from the outer portion of the CG and also reworked the inner part of both CGs. I also did a little cleanup on the rehaut as there were a few tooling marks. But once I completed all the work, I ended up with a spectacularly accurate watch. I also swapped out the original dial for a noob dial, installed a Clark's crystal and installed a gen pearl in the stock bezel insert. I've been looking for a decent gen insert ever since.

    I lost this watch several months ago while moving, but just found it a couple days ago. It's still my favorite watch.

    You can't go wrong with this version. I agree with you Frank. Highly recommended!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    My result:


  11. Definitely longer lasting! But perhaps just as rewarding!

    That it is. I tried to replace the empty feeling with a DSSD, which is an AWESOME watch, but not the quite the same. I almost forgot the well balanced, light weight, pure tool watch feeling of the old subs. I may never take it off again!

    BTW, we need to get a Denver area GTG going! There's enough of us around...

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: count me in! :drinks:

  12. And here I thought that happy endings were only suitable for fairy tales and massage parlors!

    I bet finding this gem was almost as good as the kind of finale at the later of the two possible scenarios, eh? Maybe it's time to go buy a lottery ticket!


    LOL...yeah. I was gonna say maybe even better, but that would be a lie. How about lasts longer?

  13. So back in Arpil, we had our old house on the market and were looking to buy a new one. On a day when we had a showing scheduled at the old house, I accidentally left my WM9 v1 sub on my wife's dresser (at least I thought I had) as we headed out. When we got back, I went upstairs to get my favorite watch and it was not there.

    I asked my wife if she had put it somewhere and she said she couldn't recall. I searched all around the room, but couldn't find it. Not wanting to call my Realtor and accuse a potential buyer of stealing my rep Rolex (and also not wanting to explain that "rep" part), I had kind of written it off, but still had a little hope it might show up during the move. It didn't. :thumbdown:

    Well, today I was moving furniture (including my wife's old dresser) around one of the spare bedrooms in the new house and heard something sliding around in the hidden jewelry drawer in the top of the dresser. Care to guess what it was?

    That's right!


    Turns out that in her frenzied cleaning state, she had put it in that drawer without thinking about it.

    It feels like Christmas!! :yeah:

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