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Posts posted by relaxman

  1. mistyped the thread was about seconds at 12 AP.

    in the original thread was an ongoing discussion about reliability of seconds at 12 daytonas. it went on for some time. i believe it was incorrect. so i layed out the criteria and the history of movements that were considered failure prone. and this came on the back

    of a thread in which a bunch of newbs were afraid to run the chrono function on there a7750. The Zigmeister said there was nothing wrong with that. this is on top of a bunch of threads which almost seem like the membership are trying to convince newbs that purchasing is justified. in addition to the hightened level of service newbs are asking of member sales.

    now some of you are to green to remeber the thread i was speaking of updating was well respected and considered a valuable contribution to the forum. so much so it was made a sticky. i wont go into why its not a sticky, it has nothing to do with the thread itself. so i was going to update it with more observations.

    in doing so, i posted the comment here in order to see if my facts were correct.

    my guess is that most of you didnt read the comment clearly or completely or maybe your just not capable of understanding the concept?. i dont know most of you. because no one has offered an opinion as to where i should correct it.

    so let me say the following

    1. i dont think its horse shlt. i was trying to contribute to the forum and wanted to make sure it was factually correct. if this is how you treat people that are trying to help, then maybe there is a reason that most senior members arent here anymore. you can say something constructive and correct me on an error factual or impression. or you can be douche and attack me.

    2. offshore, not sure what your deal is. i dont know why you didnt reply to my pm about disliking your product in that thread. i was only relating my experience with similar itemz. if i knew you were selling it (you said avail from china) i would have taken a closer look before commenting. i see its not mutual. if you're upset about something else, you have never mentioned it.

    re: someone on the internet telling you how to do things, if you bothered to read the post, you would see i clearly state what is my opinion and when there is significant controversy where my opinion is stated that others disagree. i also stated the evidence of my rational.

    i put my resume there because i dont have the history there like i do here and since the history of my experience is the foundation for the opinion i thought it was relevant.

    so, i guess ill let you geniuses go on thinking your chronos running will hurt your movement; ill let you think that such a thing as a gold wrapped rep exists; ill let go all the completely untrue [censored] that dealers tell you everyday that no one calls them on; and ill go on not saying anything to newbs who think member sales are retail; i wont lay out a few simple rulez to follow to figire out an ebay listing is a scam. those a few of the topics i weighed in on reguarding comments by members both newb and some that have been here a few years. and ill just keep to myself stuff to help out with taking photos of watches.

    i apologize i tried to help. you dont need to read my threads or my posts, you dont have to respect my opinions and are free to post your own.

    ps i have received several comments from old timers regarding my opinion about what i would consider misguided views. especially in relation to expectations. from dealers from other members and from reps in general.

    i see no reason why I should be ridiculed. something i do not recall doing to anyone on this forum save 4. they know why.

    i think the comments are inappropriate for newbs or especially senior members. frankly you should know better. as personal attacks are prohibited. i don't think i have ever seen someone picked at like this. even scammers have gotten treatment in line with a modest level of decorum.

    i would ask if any of you had something relevant to add to the conversation? i was genuinely asking if what i understood to be correct was still the case. so i would not continue to post irrelevant info. but as it doesn't appear any of you are interested in a useful dialog i think the thread should just be dropped. i am very disappointed. i guess its possible that some of you misunderstood my "fun" threads as ridiculous self promotion. i can see that, you dont know me. and there was oddly little activity. but, i have always tried to toss out some fun. and so did many other members, but i guess thats the old days.

    you guys are all welcome to sit around and critique quality control photos all you like. thats not why im here. thats not what this place was about up until the last time i was active.

    Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using Tapatalk

    You lost me at mistyped.. ;)

  2. awesome, can you link me to the item so I can purchase it? Also where did you get the gen gator strap? I really love this setup it's very nice and I'd like to order the same thing.. how much $ total did it run you for the setup?

    Just go to josh's website and choose the 088. There is only 2 choices one on rubber or leather.. I bought the strap on risti at a great price of $160 which is really good considering it was unused

  3. Relaxman - There is likely a team of bureacrats huddled around an image enhancement screen at an undisclosed location around Washington, DC trying to decipher the facial details of the suspect that just photographed a timing device in front of a Homeland Security vehicle.

    Laughing... For now.

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