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Posts posted by sgtguk

  1. Can those with outstanding watches please keep us posted when you receive tracking information and when you eventually get your watches? I'll do the same, but up to now I still haven't gotten any acknowledgement from Mike since i requested my watch be returned.


    3 of my pieces were posted back on Sept 4th, tracking info was sent by Mike, just waiting for them now but as I'm in Oz will take a while to get to me, I'll update when they get safely to me billy  :)

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  2. Yes, I am. And I certainly meant the term I used, "heroic" as  a jab. Your post reads to me as using a faux heroic stand to cover your complaint.   I didn't mention your values, nor did I accuse you of threatening anyone. Reading, evidently much like patience,  is a skill.


    In my opinion this thread was NOT needed, as I said.


    With few exceptions, the vast majority of complainers in this thread are 'newbies'. We have a member here who can repair watches. Technically I suppose it is a business, he shouldn't repair a watch for free. But he doesn't have a storefront or a neon sign on Main street. He is a MEMBER here, a hobbyist as we are, and those of us who've been around a while seem to know this, while the newbies whine about 'are we there yet', and a guy with 4 lousy replies here, ALL complaining in this thread, makes threats and harasses with phone calls to Mike's house. 



    Our hobby is "replica" watches. In the real world that means 'fake' or 'knockoff',  it is illegal in most countries, most are shipped by sneaking them out of a country, or in or both, so getting the watchsmith on Main street with the neon sign to fix one is near impossible. So we ask our fellow members to repair and mod our watches for us. Sure, we pay for it, but nowhere close to what a watchsmith would charge for the same work. Does that mean that our fellow member is now the local Walmart?  'I want it now',  'I want my hand held', I want-I want-I want!!! Does it give anyone the right to even have the idea that any of our members is in some proper business with staff and little claim tags for your repair? Does it give ANYONE the right to THREATEN a fellow RWG member? 





    This thread is 'premature evaluation'. Odds are that the 'are we there yet' crowd in this thread have posts elsewhere asking the membership how long it takes for Andrew to ship, or how long will my order be in customs. I've never made a 'newbie' bashing post, but this thread brought it out. Looks like Dave was right. 


    Congrats yet again on bringing the thread to total shite oh and for your first newbie bashing post, idiotic at best, and btw I can read perfectly well thank you! 

  3. Mike made two threads, one explaining his being ill, and the 2nd explaining a death in his family.  Any heroic support to fend off the vultures should have been added to Mike's own threads. Then all the explanations are in one place. Then everyone knows a fellow member has a personal problem. Then everyone knows that a fellow member lost a loved one. Then everyone knows their precious "babies" were safe and sound. All this thread has done is to show that some of our members value their "babies" more than a fellow member's health or well being, and that some of our members like to threaten other members. We already knew what lawyers are, so that wasn't needed either. 

    In my opinion, this thread is not necessary, nor warranted.


    Like I said JoeyB your entitled to your opinion, here's mine, this thread wasn't intended as Heroic support and I never said it was either, don't tell me what I value nor accuse me of threatening any member here either, so do me a favour and pull your head in points scoring in this thread is a waste of time and energy.


    In my opinion this thread was needed and with the amount of interest it has had I think and indeed I hope that it has enabled Mike to alleviate some issues through it. 

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