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Posts posted by sgtguk

  1. That being said we all know "Z" he is a hot head but loves the board with equal passion, I guess like any group or family we were willing to over look faults and see the good. I think some communication with him after the fact might have resulted in a better outcome or maybe not, but for sure now fuel for the fire has been added by stonewalling him.



    Couldn't agree with you more Mike ;)  and whilst I/we appreciate your comments Freddy I do feel that we would all benefit from knowing the 'why' in this case. From where I'm sitting it looks like Z got himself into a verbal slanging match with a mod and copped a long term ban, I'm sure that's not the full story Freddy just saying how it looks to the membership.

  2. Just seen this, I for one like Z and his manic posts, he adds some colour to the board and on more than a few occasions had me pissing myself laughing at the screen with his humour :partytime:  


    I remember Mike's thread and Z's comments were of his usual calibre, nothing too intense but yes they were directed at one mod, I felt that at the time he was ranting and was probably pissed (we all do it) the mod involved handled it and I thought that was it, didn't realise that Z was banned just off the board for a while catching up with his life/kids whatever. I'm not happy that he has been banned but one too many fucks into the wrong person will do that in the end, but has he really done that much harm here?


    I'm with the opinion that what he is intending to do amounts to a ban from all the rep boards for life, in reality he won't go ahead with it because he will be targeting his friends.........


    I do think however that we need to know the reasoning behind his ban here, it's happened a couple times that I remember in the past, Z throws some fucks at someone and copped a week ban etc but afaik he hasn't ripped anyone off or anything of that nature that we usually need to fully ban a member here, is what he has done really that bad  :g:


    @ The Mods ......... Can you tell us why has he been banned ? 

  3. As the guys have said mate they will deliver the piece to you, depends on how much you want to spend on it that's all  :inverted:  I've used a few of the Trusted Dealers so far inc (Silix) and all good touch wood !  Take the time to have a good look through the dealers websites first decide which piece you like and compare pricing on a like for like basis (movements etc) then take the plunge and you'll be right   :)  


    Remember patients after you order is a necessity in this hobby Jonas :partytime:    

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