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Posts posted by sgtguk

  1. Only because the buyer threw a huge crybaby hissy fit. Money talks, bullshit walks. I would have tried to handle that differently, but in the end the guy who paid got what he paid for.


    But they're not, and it gets old seeing people in sales threads tell noobs (incorrectly) that they are.


    Uhh...TwoTone? He's an admin, and he wrote the sales rules posts... why wouldn't you start there?


    Yep agreed mate and yes he did get what he paid for, I for one don't think seller was up to anything just miss-communication thats all..


    Do you think it is a good idea to have tagged pics though? And yes I do too  ;)


    I think we can gather some sellers don't know where the sales rules are posted never mind who Twotone is, and yes mate I know who Twotone is  :)  Thanks for clarifying too ! 

  2. Yes that Tudor sale was one hell of a Pita for all concerned I think   :bangin:   life is all about communication and when you add the different time zones to the mix anything can happen !  


    I agree tagged pics should be mandatory, there is no reason to not have a tagged pic in the sale as it takes no more time to write your details and date on a piece of paper does it, reassures buyers that you have the piece in your possession too! 


    I know we have a more relaxed atmosphere here than other forums but we still have a fairly busy M2M Sales section, do we have any Mods checking the sales listings here as they do on other boards? I'm sure we do, I'm just not sure who to contact as and when any issues arise?

  3. I for one think it's a great idea but would be a lot of work wouldn't it to keep it updated? Apologies I'm not that up to speed with tech stuff   :inverted: would be great for Pam noobs like me searching for a specific type!


    That example looks easy to use too ;)  

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