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Posts posted by sgtguk

  1. Dare I say it................we've had very little problems in the Sales Threads of late from possible scammers and assholes :inverted:  I for one am thankful for it !


    What we keep getting however are threads posted without following the forums sales rules that we are all supposed to heed. I know myself It can be quite a time consuming affair to make your sales thread so I can see why members can try to shave a little here and there so they can 'just sell the watch' and not waste time making sure they follow all the rules they are supposed too.


    These are the Forums Trading zone rules (as of 1st May 2013)



    • This forum is for the sale of personal pre-owned Watches
    • You cannot sell Watches that have been purchased for the sole purpose of modding/upgrading then re-sold for profit
    • Your Sale should have a complete description of the Item
    • Condition of the Item should be clearly stated
    • Shipping and Payment instructions clearly stated
    • Pictures & Prices are mandatory
    • Rule of Thumb: honest sellers post good, clear pics to reveal details; dishonest sellers post dark, blurry or distant pics to hide them. Please beware of sellers who fall into the latter category
    • Any & all special terms must be clearly posted in the sale (payment methods, post count, membership length or status, etc...)
    • Your listing cannot be edited after it's posted - ALL pictures and description must not be deleted or changed
    • Any questions about these rules should be addressed prior to the listing
    • Violation of these rules will result in your privilege to sell on this forum being suspended
    • Thanks - The RWG Team~
    • You must be a contributing member to post a sales thread



    Not sure if anyone could use a step by step guide or a sales thread template, if you would please comment and I will do my best to put one up that's easy for everyone to use :)


    Don't forget it's in both the buyer's and seller's interests to follow the Sales Rules, less room for any problems down the track ;)  





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  2. I agree we do obsess over the minutia on our pieces and for what end ? Our own enjoyment ;)  No one else these days gives a rats what you have on your wrist except other people like us !


    I'm now in my 40's......just 'cough' so can pretty much carry most brands that I would want to and not have to worry whether or not someone would call me out, the last time I was asked was by the guy who cleans my pool he was shocked to see me getting my hands dirty whilst giving him a hand with the filters and wearing a Rolex, I let him know it was a rep but only after he checked it out and was amazed by how good it was...........it was my old SD 1665 which has so many tells it's not funny  :)

  3. Guy's im telling, i just saw this chick coming out of the Diamond Lounge, i was in my old platinum corner drinking a redbull vodka, same old same old i know! But she walks up to me and gives me a little paper slip and she smiled and said "its from and old friend" then the cunt gives me a kiss on the fucking nose, see you soon she says and walks away!!!

    I opend the slip and i read "the bitch that just kissed your nose, just sucked my dick in the D-Lounge" Regards your friend Legendkiller

    Mother fuckers!!! I hate you Diamond freaks!!! One day i will kick that door open and piss on all your heads :D

    Oohhh right i took a quick iphone pic if the chick!!!


    Thats f**king funny man I'm laughing my ass off right now Z your a crazy bastad   :inverted:  pssst.................she did me first   :whistling:

  4. Please help the newbies out instead of making fun of them.

    I suggest you read the stickies and read other threads in the Omega forum.



    I will always help out noobs like myself mate it's just that this question was posted by the op on at least 2 forums already, and tbh from the look of it we can see where the op is heading with his questions............we all love noobs but please help us to help you by doing the decent thing and read at least a few pages of the vast amount of threads available here  :inverted:

  5. Thanks for your comments guys glad you like it   :inverted: 


    I'm not sure if the pics were tweaked at all but from the looks of the colours in the flesh it's pretty much as it appears in the pics and after giving the bracelet an hr in the spa it wears lovely on the wrist too :) Out of all the builds I've had done I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping this one, although it may well see a Conus visit to have a different crown fitted, MD it'll be in your hands as soon as I dare let it go  :)


    @ deckard - did you get on the Artic Ocean list ? I've not heard anything back as yet but still have my fingers crossed  ;) must be out soon too!

  6. This one has been a while coming and was only possible for me after selling a couple of my builds to fund it, but let me say it's been worth the wait  :inverted:


    I fell in love with the Blue Snowflake a long time ago and being a serial flipper of watches I have been chasing the build that I'd eventually keep, hopefully this is it  :) I bought this one from a really nice member and thought I'd share some pics with you all, his pics are far better than I can do tonight and I can't wait!





    Yuki Tudor Submariner 9411 case set with custom engrave own serial no

    Yuki Rolex bracelet 

    Yuki 9411 Tudor dial and hand set

    Yuki Tudor Rotor

    Gen Tube and Crown

    Gen insert

    Gen Plexi

    ETA caliber 2824




















  7. Does another members post count reflect how we treat them?


    I've been a member for a while now but tbh still consider myself a noob in lots of ways, I've spoken to and dealt with lots of members, from the guy who just joined to others who have been around reps most of their adult life and have an enviable knowledge of the minutia of each model in the reps they choose to collect.


    When I first joined I had been lurking (like most of us do) for a good few weeks trying to read up and find out about the models I was interested in buying, in fact the first thing I looked for were the tells on an Omega Smp to stop me buying a rep online, So glad I found this place  :)


    I choose to join up here first as I'd had a look at another site and decided that I felt more comfortable here than I would have there, simple. One of the things I liked here was the way the membership interacted with each other and especially with noobs such as me, they had a laugh and obviously knew their shit about reps, for me posting on any given thread was a very daunting experience especially when I knew sod all about it, but it's gotten easier with time and knowledge learnt ! 


    On other boards I've seen noobs really taken to task over stupid things they have said never to be seen posting on the board again. There will always be the weekly 'who makes the best Sub' threads but the forum will only thrive if we can attract a more involved membership.


    My question is this, when you speak/post or contact another member on the forum do you base an opinion on them by how many posts they have made and/or join date, or do you first give them the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise? 


    Tread your own path..................... :inverted:

    • Like 1
  8. I am right-handed, wear my watch on my right hand mostly, but sometimes on the left just to feel different.

    Its like wanking. Feels different when done with the other hand. :lol:


    What's wanking ?   :partytime:   Ah this short movie might explain...........



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