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Posts posted by sgtguk

  1. I gotta say I agree with cougar on this one, to be fair we all know what we are buying into, trouble is that these days reps are no longer the $50-$100 purchase they used to be, as such they should attract attention to any issues when a so called 'Super Rep' has faults and basic ones at that upon release, after all it's a $300+ rep isn't it ? 


    I'm all for fair play and lowering my expectations with reps but I do expect a decently lined up dial for my $300 ;) just my 2c..............just wish Noob would get the Ceramic out soon too  :partytime:   

  2. I don't blame you mate  ;)  and yes mymanmatt I've seen some of his work but not asked him to work on mine as of yet, only heard great things though  :notworthy:  good luck with this one mate and keep us in the loop on the build too will be awesome I'm sure!

  3. I've got very little experience modding watches but if your thinking of messing with a Gen dial clipping feet etc and have little experience yourself, you must have balls of steel my friend :partytime:


    My advice for what it's worth, grab ya parts and head for a modder :inverted:  you can always practice on the rep dial after !  

  4. Cracking piece Mike really like it   :notworthy:  Congrats and enjoy it !  Meant to be yours mate as that's the first piece I've seen you get and be able to wear ootb   :partytime: 


    and Mike your pics are really good these days..........do you remember the first ones you took   :huh:     

  5. Joey I couldn't have put it better mate  :)


    I'll also offer another viewpoint on this from recent experience with a local  'Swiss' watch maker, so I take my Gen SmP in for a bezel swop and he gives me a price to do it, great, not cheap by any stretch but it's getting sorted and he's an approved Omega service centre, tells me he loves the new 8500 movement and how his tech's are trained to strip it blah blah blah, calls a few days later to say it's done, all good  :)  


    So as I have a few pieces in the box I don't really look at the piece for a few weeks then I notice that the insert is off (about a mm) to one side and is not aligned insert to bezel, not centralized if you like, no biggie just needs an adjustment and I'll drop it off to them to do it. I took the piece back in and quite politely asked for it to be rectified no rush etc etc, all I got was a look of astonishment from the watchmaker :huh:  and he said 'it's not much out, I wouldn't worry about it, not really a problem is it'  :huh:  this watch new is over a couple grand and isn't a beater either, the guy is supposedly approved by Omega to repair their watches and was bragging earlier how accurate their work is in his shop, swiss quality ya know! 


    Well needless to say I informed him of my intentions with regards to the watch and his anal passage and he then decided that the insert was indeed off a little and could be aligned asap, after and additional 3 visits back to him after leaving it with him I still have a misaligned bezel/insert, first time the insert was still off and very stiff to turn bezel, 2nd attempt still off and bezel nearly fell off, after picking up the last time insert is still off but bezel is moving as it should at least, at this point he won't be seeing me again.........ever :bangin:  I'll find another watchmaker for my Gens !


    My point is that it doesn't matter whether its rep or Gen you will find watch repairers who don't care  ;)    

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