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Posts posted by sgtguk

  1. Just got an email from Mary and rochest saying their office got raided.

    Anyone else get the email?

    I had a $600 order in with them.....


    Yes saw this yesterday, Rochest has assured all buyers that their orders will be met as normal, just may take a few more days to sort them out mate  :)  Rochest & Mary are both fine though which is the main thing, you will get your order just give them a few days to regroup and get them sorted. 



    Edit: link from other RwG guys http://www.rwg.bz/board/index.php?showtopic=56586&hl=&fromsearch=1

  2. Yep..Aramar sent some more information last night. The watch remaining exactly the same (design,colors,etc..)but the logo on the dial will be "Aramar". Also it has been delayed till mid September. It is going to be manufactured by Grovana who used to produce watches for Steinhart. I have been waiting while, another month or two won't hurt :)


    Really glad you posted again mate, led me back to the thread with the updated pics on it, it looks exactly same except Aramar instead of Steinhart no biggie for me so re-ordered with Maurice again, cost me $30 extra too with exchange rate   :fool:  teach me to jump ship too quick !

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  3. Wow some nice updates over there buddy!  :notworthy:

    How do you like the AP Diver? 


    Thanks Mart, I really thought I'd not get on with it tbh, case looked bulky and I'm not one for rubber straps either but WoW really fits well and with the mods its a cracker, I know it has more tells than a V3.5 but when you see it in the flesh it just has that gen look to it, you should get one on the list mate I reckon you'd like it ;)  

    Nice one mate, love that 3717.


    Thanks mate  :)

  4. Fantastic collectiion. True style. You got great taste


    All the best



    Thank's Gran, much appreciated !  :)


    Man..i gotta tell you..you really are crazy about watches..that collection is just amazing...the last photo which consisted of all of your collection was absolutely brilliant..you should think of getting a box to house them..

    Thank you too Andrew  ;)  I've got one winder/box for most of them, the rest are in a standard watch box :) trouble is I keep outgrowing them !  

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