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Everything posted by mrnixon

  1. I am new here at the forum, but since I recognized it, I have read alot with large interest. My initial expectation of a good replica such as a 300 usd Panerai copy was that I should get something rather good. My logic was that the movement should be rather similar or the same as in cheaper Swiss brands such as Certina which uses non modified ETA movement, and that the rest of the watch ought to be of fairly good quality it least. But since I started reading I have come across stories about crystals which are cracking, spring bars which are pushed into their holes (ie one has to drill new holes and get new spring bars), swiss eta movements deviating 3 minutes per day etc. So my question is, how good is a good rep for 300 usd with a Swiss ETA? Is it up to the standard of a cheap (around 300-600 usd) swiss watch such as Tissot, Certina etc, or should I expect buying a rep means that I have to visit my watch maker frequently, trying to find spareparts on the net etc. Is it realistic to expect that the rep will last as long as for example a longiness which also uses unmodified eta movements. I know, the question might appear as a bit naive, but I would still be interested in hearing your experiences and views. Thanks in advance U
  2. I am totally new with rep watches. What are the risks with them? Do you mean that the quality is low, or are there risks buying them etc? I had made up my mind to buy "the best Pam 1950", but I just found out from this forum that apparantly the crystal cracks, so I guess I will go for something else. I would also like to know how I can get in contact with PT. Would be a huge plus for me to be able to buy from a EU based seller to avoid problems with the Swedish customs.
  3. I guess one way of seeing how hot a brand or a modell is, can be to look at the prices the watch is sold for from a safe seller on Ebay. My impression is that the basic models nib are sold for prices rather close to retail prices, but that more expensive ones are loosing more value. Personally I would not buy a 127 (1950) for the prices they are asking for on Ebay. At that price the watch purchase becomes partly also an investment decision. I really like the watch, it is very nice. But I am not sure I will love it so much in 10 years when taste and fashion probably have changed. If that happens to a 1000 dollar watch it is not the end of the world, but if it is a 10 000 usd watch it is a bit too much for a fasion item I think. Just for comparison. 10-15 years ago the fashion was that the watches should be really thin. Today those thin watches feel rather cold I think and you can get the really good brands JLC, IWC etc for rediculously low prices.
  4. Thanks I would appreciate if you could inform us how it went. I guess the Swedish customs can be rather similar to the Norwegian. It is not the end of the world if I have to pay VAT on top of the purchase price, but maybe it would also be considered a crime and I would get in trouble for trying to import a fake watch?
  5. Hi, Sorry I was not clear enough in my previous question. I will not go to China to pick it up. I will have it shipped, so I was interested in knowing how people usually arrange this, if there are any advice etc.
  6. I am planning to buy a PAM from one of the recommended dealers from the forum. The one I will go for will most likely be Andrew. Have had some contact with him and he seems very professional. My worry now is how I shall get the watch back home. I am currently living temporarily in Istanbul, normally in Sweden. Most likely the Swedish customs are less likely to keep the watch, but on the other hand the risk that they discover it is probably larger. So my question is how do you people on the forum get your watches home? All advice is appreciated.
  7. As I stated above I am not an expert but also to me it seems like the differences between the two watches must be very small but the difference on hte price tag is rathe substantial. A beautiful watch. I get more and more tempted. I will probably go for the same as yours, Andrew seems to reliable and the watch seems to be good quality.
  8. From my point of view the PAMs are ideal replica watches for two reasons. One is that they are rather special in terms of design and size. I have been thinking about buying a genuine Pam but I dont know if I want to spend so much money on a watch that is a bid odd, so I will buy a rep and keep it for a while and thn if it feels right I will probably go for a gen. The other reason while I like the Pam rep is that it seems to be a rather simple watch. The is no moving bezel, no chronograph, no screw crown etc that can break. It means that the job of the producer of the watch should be fairly easy and then I will get a watch that will not cause me any problems. I am though a total novice when it comes to reps, but this was the reason why I have decided to buy one.
  9. I didnt know that the different backs of were switched at the same time as they changed the colour from red to white. Interesting, thanks. What I meant with the text of the back side was that "Rolex Patent" is in the right directon but the text "Gas Escaple Valve" is up-side down. On hte original white it is all in the same direction not in both as in the pictures above.
  10. Thanks Andy for your reply. I guess then I will go for the one I was planning to buy. I like your 1950. Looks really nice. I might try to get one later after I have received the one I am planning to get. Are there any significan differences between yours and an original?
  11. I have a real 1665 (white) on my arm today so I had a quick look at the pictures to compare it. I was impressed how similar they are. The only big thing I saw was the text on the back side of the watch is in the wrong direction. On the real one all letters are in the same direction (up side of the letter is towards the out side of the watch) but there are at least two different backsides of the original 1665 so it might be different on the one I dont have.
  12. The Zigmeisterzumba I was reading your description about the Swiss ETA 6497-1 and its problem. So to keep it short, buying a "Swiss made Unitas 6497" does not mean that I will be safe and I will still risk getting junk? It is not so much money (around 250 usd) but it would still be nice to get a watch that works properly. I was also trying to see if the one I am considering has the problem you mention in your article, but was not able to see on the picture. As you are more trained on this, are you able to see at the picture (see the link) if the one has one or two screws? I appreiate your help http://www.exclusivediscount.co.uk/unitas/6.jpg
  13. Many thanks!
  14. Hi all, I am new here at the forum and I am planing to buy myself a PAM rep, but I guess my question can be of more general interest since it deals with the movement Unitas/ETA 6497 which appears to be very common in rep watches. The one I have decided to go for is this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1 I have looked at pictures on the internet and found different versions looking rather different although they are all claimed to be Swiss made. I am sorry, since I new here I have not yet learned how to paste pictures so I paste the links of two This one comes from a seller on Ebay (Homer I think he is called here and the watch is not a rep of Panerai as it has no names etc) http://www.exclusivediscount.co.uk/unitas/6.jpg The other one comes from Trusty time (Andrew I think people here call him) http://www.trustytime.com/index.php?main_p...products_id=585 As you can see the basic positions of stones seems to be the same but the rest differs. (I personlly like the no-nonsence look of Homers). So my question(s) are: Are there different types of Unitas 6497 and why is one to prefer over the other? I have seen that "swan necks" seems to be something good? What is the advantage with it? And lastly, when I have bought the PAM, is there anything I should know? Is there anything that should be done, any modification etc? Many thanks for advice and comments
  15. Now I ordered one them (exactly the same as the beginning of this thread). From the pictures it looks nice. I will have it sent to my home country Sweden, but I will not be able to see it until I come back (currently livign abroad) so it will take a month for me to give you feed back.
  16. The particular one I was interested was the one shown in the link at the beginning of this thread. It is the same as this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/UNITAS-ETA-6497-MOVE...1QQcmdZViewItem At the pictures it looks really nice and I also like the clean look, but since I dont know anything about different versions etc I would be very grateful for some comments. I looked at the webpage, but the only thing I saw was picturese. There were no prices, data etc nor contact information. But as I said, I like the look of the one on Ebay so if you guys out here think it is a good one then I will probably buy one. Thanks in advance for comments. Ulf
  17. Hello, I am new here at the forum and have no previous experience from any of the dealers discussed. I am thinking about buying the watch discussed above. The seller seems to have a good reputation so I am not worried about that, but has anyone seen this particular watch he offers? I would be very glad to hear some comments etc or maybe suggestions of other offers. Thanks in advance Ulf
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