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Posts posted by Raijor

  1. I am Canadian and have successfully purchased 25+ reps in the past 3 years. Canada is the easiest country to import reps into as it is not illegal to purchase and own reps for personal use in Canada. It is illegal to obtain reps for commercial sale. This information is available on the RCMP website in the section on intellectual property crime in case you would like to verify it for yourself. Perhaps this will change under Steven Harper as he has spoken about toughen up the law in this area. For now all is easy and well.

    An important point to keep in mind is that FedEx and UPS will not knowingly ship rep watches and all customs difficulties will come from using them. Regular mail or the Chinese courier service EMS used by most of the approved dealers on RWG have been trouble free for me.

    Good luck and happy rep hunting. And welcome to RWG. This is a great place full of terrific members as I am certain you will discover over your time here.

  2. Dani your story reminds me of another I was once told by a great teacher. of mine. I would like to share it with you.

    There was a farmer in a Chinese village who was considered very wealthy because he was the only man in his village who owned a horse. He used the horse for plowing and for transportation. One day his horse ran away and all his neighbors lamented how terrible this was, but the farmer simply said "Maybe".

    A few days later the horse returned and brought two wild horses back with it. Now the farmer had three horses and his neighbors none. The neighbors rejoiced at the farmers good fortune, but he replied only "Maybe".

    The next day the farmer's son tried to ride one of the wild horses and was thrown off and broke his leg. The neighbors cried about his misfortune and poor son but he again only replied "Maybe."

    The next week soldiers came to the village to conscript young men into the army and took the neighbors sons but could not take the farmers son because his leg was broken. The farmers cursed their bad fortune and congratulated the farmer on his good fortune in not losing his son but he only answered "Maybe".

    Dani, "Maybe" your fortune is not yet final. ;)

  3. McCain is hoping to pick up the Hillary contingent with this move but I do not think he will succeed. I do not believe that the women who support Hillary will simply vote for McCain because he has picked a woman for his running mate. I think that Hillary's supporters are not that one dimensional but we will see. It sure make things more interesting. I am a Canadian so I don't have a dog in this fight and am just making an observation. I have nothing invested in this. Cheers

  4. That Gevril is quite nice!

    I once owned the 18k strap version. It too had 20mm lug space and not 19mm like actual Daytona it was modeled after. I was a good watch. Bought it cheap at $2500 and sold it cheap a few years later at $2000. It wore well and made me feel good but in the end I sold it to help finance a new Datejust purchase. Later I sold the Datejust to finance a family trip to Disney World. I discovered that there is always just one more watch I want, Just one more and with reps the total investment is way lower even if I have 15 plus watches. Occasionally, I still miss that Daytona clone but it passes when I buy a new rep. Here are a couple of photos of that actual watch. It has a plastic crystal that sits up very high. I always felt that this was one of the features that made the watch. Too bad the photos I have do not show it off from a different angle.



  5. ebay still have the 18k for 6.6k. THey using the 19mm strap.

    I saw that too. That price is out of line for a leather strap version and more in line with what I have seen the gold bracelet versions sell for. Nice watch but with leather not $6600 nice. Cheers

  6. Gevril made a homage of the 1960's Daytona in all steel and solid 18k gold. They pop up on eBay from time to time with solid gold models selling between $2500 to $5000 depending on whether it comes with the solid gold bracelet. I would rather drop $5000 on a Gevril homage myself if I were wanting a solid 18k watch rather than the this one.

  7. The gen Daytona from the early 1960's from which this model is copied has a 19mm lug space and 19mm bracelet end link. I think the photo shows a gen 19mm end link bracelet on the rep watch that has mistakenly been made with 20mm lugs. The Daytona from the mid 1970s on has a case with the 20mm lug space and 20mm bracelet.

  8. Nope, its not only AR that makes the difference. Its also the small details on the case. If you see and compare the pictures between lite and non lite, there will be differences. I remembered a while back i read the comparison between the lite and non lite at one of the rep forums, there are few differences between two.

    Would you take the time to point those differences out? I would like to know what I have missed because I have not noticed any. Cheers

  9. We all agree that this is the golden age of rep watches correct? So whats up with the pessimism?

    I think the pessimism on the forum is a reflection of the pessimism in America today. The poor state of its economy is given constant negative press and reports of about how bad things are and how much worse things are going to get are on every news channel. I believe this wears on people and begins become part of their every day focus whether they consciously realize it or not. When things are easy and good people are usually happier and more positive about their situation. Now it is the opposite. I think it is a sign of the times and eventually all will change again. As for myself I have learned and continue to learn far more than I can possibly give back to the forum. I try to contribute where I can, but reviews and how to's are best left to those who know what they are doing. This is a good place it is just the times are a little hard right now for people. I'd like to think that there are better days ahead. Cheers :)

  10. I believe that we create our own reality in our thoughts. I happen to think that reps are good enough to give me the feeling I want to have. I can experience positive emotions and thoughts without having to fork out the big cash that gens would set me back. For me life has moved on to having experiences and it is no longer about acquiring things to gain positive emotions. Its a good place for me right now. I am not saying others who think differently are wrong ... this is just my own philosophy and the point I have come to today. Tomorrow, next month or next year I may think differently but for now i am happy with my reps and would not trade them for any one gen. Cheers

  11. Hello guys this is the one, i saw areal one a almost lost my eyes hahaha

    what about that, is it a good one and what do you think about the gold layer etc.etc , and what about small scratches on the bracelet will it be able to loos that much so you can se the steal under.....????



    Having owned solid 18k and 14k gold watches I can tell you that a gold plated watch does not look the same as a solid gold watch. There is just a difference in the color and hue of a solid gold watch that for some reason does not come across on a plated watch the same. I would follow the advice you have been given. If you must have gold go with two tone. Cheers

  12. Expect to wait for your watch to arrive.

    Expect to deal with customs/shipping.

    Expect a watch to arrive DOA from time to time.

    Expect to be disappointed from time to time.

    Expect there not to be good QA.

    Expect drop shipping.

    Expect to get a gen if you can't deal with any of this because no rep will make you happy.

    I second what LordRasta is saying ... so true

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