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Posts posted by Raijor

  1. So, I'm looking around at some of the repro box sets that are available. I'm assuming that for the most part they're all made by the same company and then farmed out to the various dealers, so we won't discuss levels of quality. What I want to know is, Do many of you plunk down the extra money for a box set with papers and all? It seems like it would be a cool thing to have, but it also seems like one of those things that gets you excited for a few minutes and then goes in the back of the closet for the rest of its life. It would be one thing if they were just a few bucks, but some of these sets are around a cool C-note. So, is it worth it? Or do most just find it to be a waste of time/money? Also, does one make the paperwork that comes with it match up to the watch? Or is it all just generic stuff?

    I fall into the

    find it to be a waste of time/money

    Save your money and buy yourself another good rep instead.

  2. The really sad thing, is if these idiots actually bothered to read the Qur'an, they would know that such actions are utterly forbidden. They have no right to call themselves Muslims, as their behavior is totally against the tenets of Islam

    Teejay .. are not certain Imams and Madrassa interpreting and teaching the Koran in a way that encourages this kind of action in the name of Islam, just as any religious sectarianism allows for a complete range of philosophy. I so do not want to make this seem Islam is the cause of this behavior or to blame for any terrorism ... that is not at all the point of my post . I would just like some edification on the question I ask about violence preaching Imams and Madrasas...if this is something that is happening and this is not the true message of Islam can anything be done? ... or does Islam by its nature prevent the stifling of the teachings of any Imam or Madrassa? Just curious about this and do not know anything about this except what I have seen on CNN.

    By way of example in the Catholic Church. John Paul II was devoutly anti-communist and when he became Pope he made it the Church's business to work on destroying communism in the world with his focusing on eastern Europe and specifically through Poland. As an anti-communist Pope he also faced an issue in South America with openly Marxist revolutionary priests espousing violent over throw of fascist regimes in their countries and supporting replacing them with communist governments. Pope John Paul gave these revolutionary priests an ultimatum stop preaching a Marxist revolutionary ideology from the pulpit and stop all support for any Marxist causes and groups or leave the Church and give up their vocation as Catholic priests. If they did not they would be stripped of their priesthood and excommunicated. He accomplished his goal of cleansing the clergy of revolutionarys for good or ill depending on which side of the issue you are on. Is there any mechanism in Islam that could accomplish the same kind of thing if it were deemed desirable by the majority of Muslims? I know this is not a practicle thing but I would like to know is there is any central authority that has the last word. If there is not it helps explain why there has not been widespread condemnation of the acts of terror engaged in by certain Muslims by the Islamic world.

  3. I haven't sold any gens to buy reps although I really need to sell a reasonably large number of both now. I agree that you shouldn't sell one in order to buy the other - sell the SMP if you don't wear it anymore and buy reps if you want. However, if you think of them as replacements for your SMP you are likely to be disappointed.

    My modded / franken PAM reps are close to my gens in feel and quality but there are few others that really compare (maybe the SOSF). Today I am wearing my gen Speedy Pro and I wore my gen black SMP for the past few days. There is no way that any rep feels the same as these do.

    All very true PAMman ... I think of reps as facsimiles and not replacements... higher end and modified reps are good enough to satisfy most of my needs and wants but not all of them and I did keep a few gens that I felt I would miss too much.

  4. I am thinking about selling my Omega Seamster Professional gen watch to be able to buy more reps without thinking about the economy for a whlie. What do you think about this idea? Have any of you been there done that?

    I sold off my gens save a few Datejusts not to buy more reps but because after being introduced to quality reps on this forum, I realized that having several gens was a waste of money. Perhaps you are coming to a similar conclusion?

  5. The trouble with this plan, and with many others I've heard, is that the guy who buys what he can afford and makes his payments on time, gets screwed. Does the phrase "redistribution of wealth" ring a bell?

    Nobody is getting screwed by helping out other people. The guy who buys what he can afford and makes his payments on time looses nothing. Nothing is taken away from him. You assume that life is a zero sum game. It is not.

    I agree with Pugwash..hit the re-set button and start over. Wealth and exchange have become nothing more than zeros and ones in the computers of the world. Goods and services are exchanged for changes in the zeros and ones in computers either by handing over pieces of paper that represent some amount of purchasing power or by direct computer changes in the bank balances of the exchanging parties. When was the last time you made an exchange using an actual commodity such as gold, silver or even precious stones that you personally handed over to another person in exchange for something? I have never done it and have been in business for over 25 years. Those days have not existed for a very long time.

    The world economy is nothing more than the mass hallucination of the world's population that actual wealth exists. If we all agree to start over it starts over. Why do things have to be so difficult? Kudos to Pug for making the point. Hit the re-set button fast and end the suffering.

  6. I had something similar a year ago, saying that I would have to change my account. I ignored it and nothing happened. I think it's just Paypal trying to get you to upgrade so they get more money out of you! They were implying I was a trading business, which of course I wasn't so I just ignored their first few emails, and never heard anything more.

    This sounds like a Paypal method.

  7. I have owned a few solid gold gens in the past and the 18k and 14k yellow gold of these watches has not be duplicated by any gold plated watch I have seen. There is a real difference in the look betweem solid and plated. If that does not bother you then I believe that you will be happy with your gold plated rep. I have a couple of yellow gold plated Breitling reps and to to me they look good enough ... not perfect but good enough. Cheers

  8. Very nice work. You have inspired me to take on a Rolex all stainless oyster bracelet that is fully brushed. It is on a Datejust and I think that oyster bracelets on Datejusts look best with polished center links.

    For polished steel, a Dremel with green rouge can produce a professional result. But, for brushed steel, I would recommend a Bergeon 5444 Satin finish pad.




    (The polished center portion of the end link was polished with a Dremel & green rouge - the brushed sections on either side were masked with tape)

  9. From what I've researched on the relevant policies it's technically not legal to import them into Canada. Canada still has anti-counterfeit laws. The difference is, it's very legal to own them in Canada (i.e. protect the consumer in case of innocent purchase), not legal to sell them, and seizure by Canada Customs requires very specific details on shipments and specific requests by trademark owners before seizure is allowed. The US has broad umbrella-like policies that allow seizure based on "gutt feeling" by inspectors who then validate fake vs. gen and then take action.

    There's an interesting older thread here:

    Legality of Owning Replicas - Share Your Countries Laws

    This is the Canadian situation a I understand it too.

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