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Posts posted by Legend

  1. I own a gen AP ROO RG rubberclad and a rep rose gold JPM.

    I love them both.

    The plating on my rep has been good to me, and there are no signs of fade.

    One thing though..if you know your watches, pick up any rep rose gold ROO and you would know its not a gen.

    The weight is simply too light in your hands. Other than that, they are visually very pleasing.

    No regrets for me personally.

  2. Uhh, parts... Great idea actually.

    On a side note: scratched by a cat?!

    Erm, yes thats another tale actually. I was carrying my neighbor's cat when it started playing with the strap of the watch I was wearing. It left some scratches on the SS case. :D

  3. So I dropped my PAN288 a few days ago and it got a couple of dings right near the crystal (amazingly the crystal is just fine). The dings are very very small, but they are all I can see know when I look at the watch. And i love this watch. This bums me so much, that I'm thinking about selling it and buying a new one, the same one. Am I crazy?


    you're not nuts.. you're merely seriously liking this model. If the watch is not modded, yes why not get a new one and keep this for spare parts. ;)

    I did the same with a watch of mine too, under similar circumstances, except it was scratched by a cat. :lol:

  4. I drive a nice car and have a nice house, and I am clearly considered well-off in terms of my finances (and it's not an inheritance). I can afford gens, but all my 5 of my watches are reps. Reason is simple, I love watches, and I love the brands. Homages don't work for me. I admire my watches as how you'd admire an ad for the watch.

    I never buy reps that have too obvious tells. Things like AR that are too blue, screws that are blue, the wrong markers, or a unreliable movement, are reps that I don't buy.

    I am fascinated by watchmaking, but I haven't had the time to start even exploring it. I can stare at the movement of my open-back Pam 111 all day, just watching it tick. One day, I hope I can dissemble a watch myself and assemble it back myself again.

    I've never had people call me out on my watches, because people normally assume that they can't be rep based on my lifestlye.

    When people do ask me about the price of my watches, I tell them what a gen costs.

    And if people ever ask me if the watch is a rep, i'll answer: "what do you think?" with a wink. The way I figure it, if the person can accurately tell me that it's a rep, I can have a good conversation with him/her about watches. Thing is, I've never been asked this question before.

    What I won't do is to attend AP get-togethers with AP owners, nor compare watches with a stranger with an authentic Pam. I wish I could, and I wish they'd accept me, but realistically speaking, I know I'd receive disdain and disgust rather than curiosity and friendliness.

    It's a lonely hobby, but one that I enjoy, because I can never see myself springing for a gen when I know a good rep is there. E.g. a Pam 111 is not a watch with a horological background that I would be impressed with. Whether it is a nice watch, is a totally different matter. A good patek complication, or a JLC, or an AP (not the commercial ROO trash) would be one that I would buy and invest in, and keep it within the family as a heirloom.

    It wont be a lonely hobby, lots of fellow enthusiasts here in RWG mate!

  5. My wife is Asian and I can attest to that...they are some nosy [censored]s! LOL! ;)

    I am Asian, and I do not consider myself nosy in the slightest. I have Caucasian colleagues and subordinates who gossip and [censored] as much as the next Asian.

    My point is, if judgement is unavoidable for you, judge the person, not the race.

    Show me a nosy Asian, and I'll show you an equally "inquisitive" westerner.

  6. Very well said lk. Many of the members here have gens. So I guess the days they wear their gens they are upstanding genuine classy folks. But the days they wear there reps they turn Into to unethical disingenuous scumbags. :fishing: Anyone who would judge a persons worth by how much there watch cost has serious Issues. Some of them are here In this thread. ;)

    My answer to the Op's question...." Why In general do gen watch owners hate reps"? Thats a easy one. This is for you Killer of legends. :tu:

    oh my, the prodigal son returns! :lol: :lol:

    Welcome back my bro, and yes, your pic says it all.. its your wrist, its your watch. Why give a f for anything more? :D

  7. my 2cents worth:

    a. If one wears a replica, it may not mean that he is not able to afford the real McCoy. He could be fascinated with the design, but not the price. Ethics aside, there are many factors why someone chooses to wear a rep. I have gens and I have the rep for my gen. I don't see anything wrong with that. Whatcha gonna do, chop my wrist off? :D

    b. If one wears a gen, do not automatically assume that he could REALLY afford one. You and I would not know the financial obligations and resources that the gen wearer has. Often, our choices in luxuries of life boil down to how much we really want something, and the sacrifices made to get that something.

    c. It is purely a man's own business, whether he chooses to wear a gen, rep, franken, or gaudy toy watch from Toys 'R Us. There is the question of good taste of course, but let each man wear his watch of choice and face the consequences, be it compliments, deride, criticism or downright debasement.

    d. There is nothing we can do, to stop anyone from choosing to wear a gen or rep. The sun will rise tomorrow, bringing with it fair shares of wearers of both gen and rep watches, and it shines on both camps equally. (Unless you're in Alaska, sorry Nanuq :D)

    e. Collecting and appreciation replica watches is a hobby. To me, there are a lot more possibilities of modifying and trading them with other enthusiasts. I am a gen owner,and I do own watches that go beyond the run-of-the-mill gens. But no, I don't hate rep owners at all. I like to mingle, interact with, learn from and trade with rep owners, because I am ALSO a rep owner. I find this community a lot more fun, candid and knowledgable than the gen forums I joined. A lot less upturned noses too. Who gives a damn if you own a gen or rep? As long as you enjoy it, its all good. There will always be differences in opinions, but you have a choice of who to listen to (and who to give a good kick in the nuts to).

  8. Have you tried the shanghainese mooncake that is filled with pork and served warm? Delicious! Regular moon cake is mama huhu (so so in English!). Horse horse tiger tiger - right legend? :g:

    Hey not bad dude.. horse horse tiger tiger is the phonetic translation. :thumbs: I never tried shanghainese mooncake, heck i never even heard of shanghainese mooncake :lol:

    I tried mooning a few times to mixed results......:D Ken

    And there you are, being an RWG moderator. :lol: Just don't do that when you do your job here ken! :D

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