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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. Absolutely so, I think people are too quick to forget that human error occurs, and too quick to think that just because someone is working behind a till, that gives them the God-given right to treat them like garbage.

    It's funny how it works in the UK, as people just think that the price on the price tag is the price, and simply pay at a cashier (who actually says how much it will be, or asks for the amount, rather than the customer actually offering the amount and the cashier formally accepting it) but I guess it's just the difference between the law on paper, and how it works in the real world. I think the real problem, is that people are too used to 'corporate good will', and don't seem to understand that a company policy might be one thing, but their actual consumer rights, can actually be very different, and they actually have more leeway under 'corporate good will' than they do under the law :lol:

    [Edit to add]

    Whoever came up with the phrase "The customer's always right!" deserves a kick in the nuts from everyone who's ever had to work behind a counter and had a customer mouth off at them despite being in the wrong...

    I absolutely disagree. The employees are paid to do their job, they are not volunteers, so I expect things as sensitive as pricing for expensive goods to be double checked for consistency. I am going to spend thousands of dollars on something and I deserve to be treated like royalty as a result. If they are stupid enough to mix up the price then it is my right as a Canadian citizen to purchase it for that price. To the person who wrote 'what if you make a mistake listing your house'... that's preposterous, if you're doing anything financial you must triple check accuracy and if you don't then you don't deserve to own a house/have a job. Sorry if I sound harsh but where I live most retail employees are apathetic a$$hats who seem to forget they are here to serve me (royalty) and if I even sense an attitude I will tell that right to their face. Especially if they don't know something. I went to a telephone store and I was asking about Blackberries. I asked the lady a question, whose shirt said "expert" no less, and she told me something blatantly different from the specifications I had read online and admitted her statement to be falsification. Obviously, instead of saying she didn't know, she lied and made something up to appease me.. There was nothing left to do but expose her incompetence to the rest of the patrons. Because people like that don't deserve to have jobs they don't even deserve to live. If you're incompetent enough to mix up numbers then you deserve to face the ramifications for that even if it means paying up for it with deductions from your paycheck. Yes I am ruthless but in my job, people expect perfection and I go to great lengths to provide them with that... and I'm not paid very well either but that's not the point. Being paid is enough. If somebody doesn't return the favor I get very upset and I will not hesitate to express just exactly how I feel about whoever is pissing me off right to their face.

    It goes without saying most people don't like shopping with me because "oh shopping with corgi is embarrassing oh tra la la"

  2. Corgi, Those are beautiful. Are they yours? Since they're "useless" I'll be happy to get rid of them for you. :p

    Thanks :)

    It's the same box on both pictures. Josh sells this one... I snagged it back when they were selling for $75, now they are a little more...

    I'm happy with it, it's a fun thing to own, but I won't be spending any more money on boxes in the near future. We're in a recession for heaven's sakes! :p

  3. I think it looks really good; much better than how the website showcase pictures make it seem. I honestly thought it was a dog when I saw the cartel images but your wrist shots really bring out the unique effect of this watch.

    I would love to see some more pictures!

  4. Oh my, this happened to me on my second purchase years ago.

    Imagine getting a package for a loved one, that you think contains a beautiful full gold lady Rolex datejust. "I think this package has something for you... wink wink" She opens it... and inside...



    Oh god... the look in her eyes swelling up in tears... the shock in mine... we're both just baffled

    I figured it out a few tense minutes later and found the watch inside after some prying; the turtle was unrecognizable after my endeavor.. it looked like one of those really bad car wrecks where you couldn't even guess the make of vehicle involved.

    Joshua got a kick out of that story I remember..

  5. Shoot, rhack1, that really stinks... it's a gorgeous watch. I have encountered this problem before two times. Once in a complicated Breguet rep and another time in a complicated Patek rep. The problem is impossible to define but seems to affect these generic 21j movements on rare occasions.

    If I had the opportunity, I would take a really close look at the aesthetic part of the watch itself. If you are satisfied that everything looks OK then I would get it serviced by a watchsmith. The reasoning here is that once you do, it will provide you with guaranteed years of faithful service, whereas a replacement from China might prove just as problematic - or it might have other deficiencies. Besides, shipping cost and the risk of loss or damage - if you have the opportunity to fix I say go for it. It will also build a relationship with a watchsmith which is always a big plus in this hobby.

    Good luck!

  6. In Canada there is a law that stores are obligated to sell for the price as displayed. A friend of a friend in Alberta picked up a new Audi (the big one) for something really ridiculous like $24,000 (retail is about that 4x over) because the employee was new and mixed up the prices on the windshield of the car. He was a lawyer, though. To the defense of the salesman, all Audis look the same to me anyway.

    I've had a couple of run-ins where this has happened and usually it takes a little arguing but if you stand your ground you'll get out with a great deal.

  7. Another thought -

    One of the reasons the rep hobby is allowed to exist is the popular concept that all reps are crap and rep dealers are just scam artists looking to rip you off.

    So in many ways these scammers provide a valuable smoke screen for us, reinforcing the idea that there are no real reliable rep dealers and as such, no serious rep hobby.

    The scammers and crap dealers do us a valuable service, as only the lucky few know the quality sources and as such pose little threat to the big watch corps.

    If everyone knew, rep sales would skyrocket - Rolex, Omega, Hublot and the lot would be humiliated and would pressure China to shut down the rep factories.

    China's legit watch business is now well established, so killing off the reps wouldn't cost the Chinese much at all.

    So - rather than try to run them out of business, you might be wise to promote them, as the more people who get ripped off by them the safer we are

    Ding ding ding we have a winner.. B)

  8. Welcome, madame GB109.

    This forum is very male-centered (stay away from the loony bin!!) but most of us have significant others who share a passion for quality wristwatches. If you're looking for a quality lady's watch, look no further than the Franck Muller Lady Conquistador. This high polish, ETA-powered, and deadly accurate rep is definitely in my top ten list. Unique and well made, it's a must-have for the discerning female enthusiast.

    Forgive me but I only have two pictures... and one has Jellybean in it..



    A new Patek Philippe Lady-24 was released a while ago, this one has the correct (36) diamond count and placement:



    If you're into Rolex, the lady Datejust line is very accurate and highly customizeable with many different models example. Stay away from the lady Yacht-Masters, however.

    If you have any more specific questions do not hesitate to ask! That's what we're here for! Good luck and remember.. they're just reps... have fun!!

  9. It's an interesting and tempting concept, however I don't want to encourage anyone to even visit those rep websites. Many of them have secret malicious coding that will install viruses/trojans/rootkits/remote keyloggers onto your computer at most compromising your secure information at least making your life very miserable...

  10. That UN makes me so jealous...

    This morning was really beautiful; it gave me a chance to snap some new pictures...


    Oversize picture to show off the high quality gen dial.


    The one thing that's starting to make me mad about this watch is that gold hands over a gold dial, while very "bling", are not very legible. When it's just a little dark I have to put this one right up to my face to read the time. You don't really get that problem on a Breitling, Omega, or even Sub...

  11. I'm looking at the DeWitt Academia and have two questions:

    1) How is the AR on the reps? All of the photos I see on this site and the dealers sites have a bluish tint to them, while the real watches are crystal clear. Is it just poor photography or does the AR definately give the watch a bluish hue which isn't present on the gen?

    2) Are all the DeWitt's offered by the dealers the same or are their differences among them? I ask because the model I'm interested in (the Academia Chronograph Sequential Black) can be found on various dealer sites from $335 to $400+. What gives?

    Thanks for any info you can provide.

    Hello, ironmatshal. I'm going to try my best to give you an answer but note that Dewitt is not my area of expertise here.

    1) Yes, most members from what I have read report that rep tint gives off a bluish hue and is not up to gen standards. If you sincerely like the piece, I recommend getting aftermarket AR coating from one of the forum's fine AR specialists. In my opinion, the AR is more than passable during casual wear. It might not be as strong as gen, but gets the job done.

    2) You will need to be more specific. Some websites are scam websites and might not offer you the same watch as our dealers will. Materials, movements, and quality control procedures play a role in pricing that should be considered. Also, make sure you're looking at precisely the same watch on every site.

    I hope you follow up to question 2 (dont be afraid to post links) so we can better define your concern.

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