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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. My friend has a theory that the Victoria persona is actually someone who isn't her and had some "funning" at our expense, I understand that's a pastime on the internet.

    This is possible but I sincerely doubt it is true. I have had conversations with Victoria that were fairly long/elaborate and she always stuck with her story well. The wrist-shots were also pretty convincing. If this was just some guy faking it then I have to congratulate him on keeping so well in character and devoting so much time and energy to pranking us! To successfully pull this off somebody would need to invest a fairly large sum of money in characteristic reps to be posted here in photos. Definitely probable for a prankster genius, but I think too much work for an amateur.

    I think the real story is a little more upsetting. A few people here were very very rude to her and she contemplated leaving many times. I have a feeling that some of these individuals persisted in harassing her via private message causing her to become so frustrated that she left without any warning. The last message she sent me basically read "I am almost out of here". If this is the case then I really hope you people are proud of yourselves.

  2. Josh used to be my dealer of choice, and what problems I did have with him were rectified eventually.

    I switched over to Narikaa simply because I appreciate his 'preventative' approach to fixing qc issues, by inspecting watches and choosing the models carefully to ensure I get what i paid for the first time around - not the second, or the third.

    I think the mega-dealers have been corrupted by their own popularity, and of course increased revenue associated with that. How many times have I typed something watch-related (but not specifically rep-related) into google and the result was perfect clones or trusty time? Plenty. Lots of people have discovered this hobby (thanks to jackasses who prance around telling the whole world about their super new fake rolexes) and business is going up. Keeping a customer is not as important as it used to be and as a result their approach to business has changed drastically.

    In the end, it's up to us, the consumers, to make informed decisions about where we shop because really the only protection we have in this fast-paced, big-money world is ourselves.

  3. It's never appropriate or cute to post about your experiences wearing counterfeits to the establishments where their genuine counterparts are sold. I think it's not just "unpopular" but actually "strictly forbidden".

    I stopped doing this a while ago because for every 50 dumb generic talking head employees there is one enthusiast who will notice a fake and get curious indeed. Let's not make that happen.

    I know it is very unlikely for you to get caught given the circumstances and timepiece in question but this kind of information can be very, very suggestive to newcomers who do read these types of posts. It is of the absolute importance to ensure our hobby remains underground and exclusive.

  4. I have to agree, my favorite watch is my Nautilus 5711G, and nobody ever notices it, one woman thought it was an Accutron.

    Still, I think it's a fantastically beautiful watch, even as a rep.

    My grandfather had one thing to say about watches -

    "Patek means old money, Cartier means new money, Rolex means your plumbing supply business is doing well and Omega means your grandma is really happy you finally graduated liberal arts college"

    That's so true. People don't give a second glance to any Patek sports watch unless they are familiar with the brand very well or are WIS.

    If you think getting noticed in a Nautilus is hard, try an Aquanaut! Nobody cares! But put on even a inaccurate Rolex submariner two-tone rep and every third person stares.

  5. Can these actually be used for self-defense? They are non-lethal but aside from taking someone's eye out with the help of inhumanly good marksmanship I don't think you could do much damage... of course being perfect replicas means they are illegal in Canada because here all "fake guns" need to have orange/red colored end.

    I used to have an old soviet BB gun but the spring & firing mechanism fell apart after about a dozen rounds were fired. It was good fun to blow into Styrofoam cups though.

  6. I was curious why RepAustria was not present in the wrist-checks... he should be easy to spot if he posts one, because he has very distinct looking hands and wrists.

    On another note.. where's Victoria? I heard someone came over to her place for a visit... I guess they've been staying for a good few months now?

  7. What`s a walkman ipod ?

    This is a "i" series device from Apple specifically made for listening to music. Comes in many different variations. Unlike the ipod phone, iphone, it is incapable of connecting to the internet or making telephone calls - strictly a music player. Here is a stock photo of one like mine:


    Turning it off is a little tricky (I've often thought I had turned it off only to find it dead the next morning as it was running all night) but the "single button with large wheel" setup is surprisingly smart and easy to use once you get the hang of it.

  8. This is way too complicated for me... a walkman ipod is where I draw the line... but a mobile telephone is something you need during an emergency, and I don't want to be playing around with some colorful touch screen nonsense as I fight to press 9-1-1...

    When will cellular phone manufacturers learn?

    Telephone: call people

    Walkman: listen to music

    Nintendo: video games

    Camera: camera

    Don't put all of that sh!t into one instrument because you're going to get one really clunky and confusing mess.

    Edit: Actual price will be about $500.

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