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Posts posted by Pix

  1. (...) there's clearly evidence of pre-meditation here in terms of kickstarting his own service, and that alone should be sufficient to condemn him. I don't have a problem with shoddy workmanship anywhere near as much as I have a problem with liars.


    Today I've reached a point where I'm not wondering if he should be condemned, but where I want to hit where it hurts... Money.

    I'll find a way, as he has activities on the "bright side" (gen watches, gen foras). That masquerade is making me sick, there's no way I will ever forgive all this scam. It IS a scam, I trust at least there's no more member expecting an happy end.

    Tried calling several times today, with or without calling ID activated, I think the private phone number might soon be as useless as the pro one.

    If anyone is successful, please let us know.

  2. Hi,

    called this morning to the private number. No answering machine : actually no answer at all...

    I suggest indeed to follow Flightless advice : his private phone is available publicly. Just follow the step explained.

    I'll give the number to customers asking by PM. Admins : as mentionned, this information is available publicly in the UK white pages, so there is no disclosure of personal datas.

    I doubt however we'll get any answer on this phone either. But I'll try again, night and day if necessary <_<

    The last deal was very easy as far as I'm concerned : SEND BACK MY WHOLE STUFF, AS IT IS, AND REFUND ME.

    Do you think he had the honesty to answer ?

    Rocketeer, what you are doing now is just making people upset, including me, and this will end in a drama if you continue. There have been words about kicking you in the ass, but I do believe there will be one point where you will take physical risks with some members who are not tossing and turning on the boards as we do, but will just knock at your door to punch you in the balls.

    And as shocking as it might sound, I'll applause that. You've been too far.

  3. There's indeed one thing we can't deny in this whole mess : Chieftang's AR is the best I ever saw (well, let's say the latest batches from J. were comparable, but we all know how it turned)

    This is probably why we all "fight" everytime a new run is launched, because we can't get the same quality elsewhere.

    Factory AR is often average to bad. Local coating labs are often the same who make eyeglasses coating, and even if the result is correct, it's neither superior to the factory's coating nor giving this feeling of the crystal disappearing.

    We indeed want the genuine Chief's AR, not a rep one :lol:

  4. :)


    The 2 Breitling look good, I'm glad some members get their reward. Or let's say it, what they paid for.

    For the rest, sorry, can't agree.

    For the badly prepped thing : none of our business, Rocketeer had to prepare them correctly. Period. If the prep was done by the owner of the crystal, it's an other matter.

    But may I remind that Chieftang has not reported any issue in his runs, so I don't see why when the crystals landed in the UK, they suddendly appeared to be badly coated, screwed, broken. Only a croocked dealer would pretend that happened during transportation...

    As an update (or re-update) I was asked by Rocketeer if I wanted the bad Chieftang crystal (not my words) and the broken one now (5mm thick !!), or wait for a local UK run and a replacement crystal.

    I chose the first solution, and the only answer I get is again an automated message.

    Understanding of a guy beeing swamped, I have. Excuses for lying (we have so many examples) and putting the fault on Chief's run : make up your mind.

    One more week, I'm flying to Liverpool, then drive 2,5 hours and knock at Rocketeer's door. I asked for an appointment : no answer ^_^

  5. I have not asserted that my opinion is worth more than the Admins' one. I confirmed I did not agree, and that it's not all black or all white, that's different.

    And maybe it's because Admins consider "regular members" (should I mention I've bee a Platinum one and still a Supporter) as having automatically no mean nor right to influence / comment certain things, that I decided not to have RWG as my home anymore, about one year ago.

    I take the right to read problems (and relative correspondance) which are freely submitted to me by either members or friends for my opinion and advice. It's common sense.

    I have "returned home" for Lani's photo contest upon invitation, which I could not refuse, as a gentleman (I mean he), but rest assured I will not disturb anymore soon, after this contest (which I do love) and the Rocketeer matter are solved, if ever.

    Maybe I'm just not done for RWG and the way it's driven, RWG which has been for me, and still is, a great board with great members....

  6. You're right, he asked for that.

    Did Mark permit to show the content of his mails to the whole Admin team ?

    I have deleted this conversation with him long time ago, but I had the feeling he proposed to sort out by exchanging the watch, paying the carriage both ways (which is not the usage). That was not accepted, as the only way he was let was to make an immediate replacement, without waiting the watch to reach him back. Besides he was requested to deliver an other model. These are all tiny details which made the thing complicated and obviously not acceptable for him.

    What is worth mentionning, because it can explain why he was reluctant in spending too much to solve the thing (although he followed his return policy, as stated on his webstore) is that he sold the watch at the factory price, having therefore very few allowance to make an additional "commercial gesture".

    There are words he wrote I would not have accepted either, this is true, and I put this on the account of anger brought by misunderstandings and inflexibility in the expectations of the Admin concerned.

    Usually if I return something under warranty, it's difficult to get something else in return when it fails. I get the same.

    I think he went out of the hole already anyway, by being a trusted dealer on other boards.

    Different boards, different dealers, different ways of thinking.

    My opinion might be biased, however I bought more than 50 watches from him, got the usual problems (none D.O.A. however) and still buy from him : if he would treat his customers so badly, I don't think I would buy from him anymore. Not that I consider me as a reference, but as a normal guy who knows what's acceptable and not for himself.

    The most important is that we can discuss freely ;)

    Actually I don't want to debate the details, I know it will lead nowhere.

    I really just wanted to bring an other angle in the conversation, to say that it's not all black or all white.

  7. @Ken : I'm not starting any kind of crusade here. A decision was taken, it's not my right nor duty to fight against that. I just felt I had to post my opinion on Mark, persisting in the fact I rate him as a good dealer.

    What happened happened. We won't change that.

    But keep in mind that if a mod takes a bad decision, he's not banned if he does it only once. Mark was (somehow)

    Regarding privacy : I have not published anything and won't. I was informed by Mark about this matter as he was looking for some support (if you look how he arrived here, you'll see that I was the one who introduced him on RWG). This is to say I have very good relationship with him, and he asked me for support... as a friend.

    I'm not judging. I'm just feeling a bit bitter about how he was so quickly kicked, whereas other dealers who have more detractors are still here. In the end I was close to think that the fact that this story happened to an Admin was the reason for the ban. That's only my opinion. And I accept the fact we disagree, respect your decision, but don't agree with it :)

    But it's not that important, there are real scams around, and these should be treated more seriously than what happened to Mark...

  8. I appreciate your reply on this one... We have 2 conflicted accounts here and needed another less biased opinion. In all honesty, I believe Mark's side more than the other side.

    I don't know if the point is to believe one side rather than the other. Looking at the correspondance, you can see that both got worried because they both felt they were about to be scammed. I don't say I have more understanding for the Admin or for Mark. I just say that I find it too straight to ban him as a dealer because of one case with an admin. Look at Mark's reviews, if he was so bad the world would know. Look at other dealers reviews, you may wonder why they are still here. That's my point.

    Besides, there are obvious language problems, but this is something easy to settle : make short and simple sentences. Imagine the guy you talk to is not American or English native. That's what I do always, maybe it's easier as English is not my native language either.

    If I believe the admins may have taken what they considered as the right solution, I wonder why they don't have the same step when bad matters happen with others. Can one draw conclusion on ONE case ? At that time, I doubt RWG would endorse anyone, even the "best" ones... (no, I won't give names, it would turn into an immediate bashing thread) :)

  9. I have personally read all the content of the correspondence between Mark and the Admin. That was sometime in April as far as I remember.

    The admin in question had bad luck with the watch falling on the ground, surely because of the defective bracelet.

    I discussed this matter personally with Stephane, member of the team, as I felt bad for Mark and how things turned for him. St

  10. Now, keep in mind also, that supposedly there were two runs worth of crystals accumulated in the UK by April, which would mean about 60 or so. And who knows how many more between then and now... but the point is that crystals being returned now may have never been in the chieftang run. The extra 30+ crystals may have remained in the UK this whole time and have been coated there... Where else did the green AR come from? I HIGHLY doubt in the two weeks he's had the chieftang crystals that he's done another run locally... There just hasn't been enough time. So IMO there has been a run ongoing locally in the UK in parallel with the USA run.


    This is very likely indeed, all facts go in this direction, starting by his information that the run was doubled. This is a point I first did not understand and I told you about in one PM/mail : doubled run. Eventually it is very clear that one run was sent to the US, an other one to the UK. Without permission. And the explanation on it is "Chief screwed the crystals". As easy as that.

    Don't want to sound insistent : but this is a SCAM. Chief's activity was hijacked, very obviously.

    email 30th march


    after all the hassles, your crystals should be with Chieftang any day now.

    We eventually almost doubled the size of the batch going over to cope with the extra demand, and there are still enough pre-bookings to fill the next batch.

    I'll update you as soon as Chieftang has any information about the return shipping date.


    Has anyone wondered why some crystals have not been sent to the US ? <_< There's indeed only one explanation : money saving !!! Here we are... The most unacceptable is that he does not admit that and is blatantly lying to explain wy we are going to get green crystals.

    He knew he would do it, since the beginning. He told that to some persons, I have a 100% reliable source about that.

  11. Sorry Kenberg, with all respect I owe you : do not expect me to hide anything or refrain from informing the members of the status of any operation which come to my knowledge and linked to Rocketeer. I know this thread is not only about my case, but I express here my intention : no understanding on what he did, information with what is being reported here and there.

    The "constant damning" is IMO the result of his stuborn refusal to have a minimum of common sense (communication) in the disaster he created. Because he's not accepting he's the origin of all this mess.

    I have decided to start this thread to make pressure on him in a more "efficient" way (he never cared to answer my emails), to warn the community, and maybe to make some (still confident) customers aware that they should start chasing for their watch/crystal, and get any kind of help and feedback wherever possible.

    I fully understand and agree on the need to have a discussion between reasonable people, but we cannot just sit and wait, hoping he's doing the best.

    He won't come here and post, he would have already if that was his intention. As he would have in Chief's section.

    His method is mailing each and every member that has an issue, and tell him BS (sorry) in order to pass the mistake on someone else and gain time.

    Today, after 4 monthes, I ended in writing an answer to his mail, asking for an immediate return of the watches and full refund.

    What have I gained ?

    Watches I will have to probably spend money on, hoping he did not screw anything else when "working" on them : dials, rotating bezel, stems or anything else. Maybe the Breitling is even lost, as its crystal is broken. And promises of a replacement one is something I don't trust so far, as the rest of what he told me. I find it strange he confirmed that he cannot source the crystal from his usual dealer Hont, but had to go to an alternative (of course unknown) source, which is "slower". Do you imagine what slower means ? He's proven to be particularly unefficient in sourcing spare parts for many members screwed watches. This could last an other 2 monthes.

    I hear you Ken, and will refrain from posting useless assertions. But for the rest (information), I'll stick to them and make them public.

    Good point Ken as it seems some members are getting their crystals back...Just very slow.

    So far I only know of Asim having got his crystal(s) back and now on his watche(s), being satisfied. Rooster got 2 (one being the greenish thingie). For the rest, noone yet with a confirmed correct crystal or working watch. I hope this ratio will change quickly, honestly.

    Rocketeer can decide to stop trying to "fix" his mistakes. But he can't run away : there are at least 30-40 members who know where he lives.

  12. Sorry AMK, I unfortunately don't know the details. I trust TheRooster will give you an answer if he comes to read my post.

    To be honest, I am not even confident in Rocketeer being able to strip the AR correctly. Otherwise, why would we have so many bad crystals ?

    (Rocketeers words in the same email I refered to this morning)

    As you may already be aware the AR run from Chieftang has had a number of quality issues, with a number of the crystals being shipped back with obvious flaws and others having a tendency to easily mark or scratch.

    And yes, I take the right to make it public (imagine that I was flamed by Rocketeer last time I publicly published his socalled "private correspondance")

    As it says it all...

  13. Here's one UPO crystal that came back. It was posted on RWI and I do feel it makes sense to show how bad it is.

    I'm afraid the theory of a simultaneous local AR coating might be right... It's not the first time I hear this possibility. That's not honest, we signed for a Chief's run !!



    (on the left...needless to confirm)

    @Kenberg : the run was hijacked, for sure. I just don't know how many members are concerned. We know 32 crystals went to Chieftang. For the rest ?

    @AMK : that picture was originally posted by Rooster on RWI, I took the liberty to post it here, as it's a fact and it's been made public.

  14. @AMK : I posted an example some pages ago. It looks green and is very reflective.

    Ask to Rooster what he thinks about it, as it concerns his watch. I have not seen the result by myself.

    It's your right to consider the alternatives as fair, and Rocketeer as an honest watchsmith.

    I can't ignore however what was proposed initially, and I can't accept Rocketeer to try to endorse the role of the one who is trying to fix problems generated in his view by Chieftang (let's call the thing how they are !!)

    Does that mean he screwed your crystals too ?

  15. So finally we agree about the blatant lies and the wording : this is a scam. Nothing else.

    I asked for my watches back, as they are, I don't want more damages nor wait or lies. And for a refund and compensation. I am however quite hopeless on the latter.

    I was proposed a replacement crystal, which of course is difficult to find and will take time + a local Ar coating (not the first time to hear, right ?) I don't want that horrible UK coating, I want Chief's one...

    I can get local Ar coatings anytime in E.U. in less than 10 days, and it's the quality of Chief's coating which made me do the step into the now infamous E.U. run.

    The IWC Portofino was supposedly prepped by Rocketeer, so you might have the explanation about who did a mistake. I never wore this watch.

    As I mentionned before, I would not take the risk to pop up a Breitling crystal, and this is an evidence that it is difficult : I can only imagine the crystal got broken while unmounted or mounted. If ever. Maybe just never sent, as it was the case for other members. For your reference, this crystal is very thick, I can't understand how and how it would break so easily.

    I will disclose the full content of the mail by PM to admins if they wish, although I know, again, they have not much room to act on our behalf. At least, I beg RWG's admin team to ban Rocketeer to avoid more disappointments.

    Such a shame...

  16. Some news, I'm quoting only a part of the BS I received as an excuse.

    Your IWC crystal was returned with some obvious scratches to the coating and the mineral Breitling crystal was returned damaged.

    Is there anyone here still thinking we should not worry ?

    @Chief : I am forwarding you the complete mail from Rocketeer. As usual, the fault is not his. Read the mail, and draw your own conclusions.

    Almost 5 monthes for that result...

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