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Mike on a bike

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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. The fly in the ointment is the millions of refugees you see it is not a smart to let a fifth column into your country. In addition they are draining the resources needed to fund the effort to over come the zealots who are wreaking havoc in the middle east and who are creating the refuge problem on purpose. It is smart for ISIS to create this problem to weaken their adversaries and get sufficient amount of their own inside of their enemies countries.  They are playing it smart and for keeps they will behead you as soon as look at you we can not afford any sentiment here sorry if we do their strategy wins and we lose. Cold and hard is war my friend they are relying on your humanity to get the chance to kill you, don't fall for it.

    PS you are drawing a comparison between a strategy to defeat the old Soviet block a conventional enemy and not what we have to deal with now, that is folly.

  2. AH reaching back to their colonial past so yes ironic, as far as racist well depends on how you define it: wanting to keep your traditions , way of life is why people followed leaders in the past to carve out their own country (it's all about self/common interest) their language, values. You want to come assimilate or you stay where you are , a case of common sense/self interest by those who have formed the country. This being said the Brits realized they had given up the right to maintain their way of life to the boys in Brussels so opted out, their country their call.



    PS If someone else controls your borders you no longer have a country they own it, not racist self interest.

    Disel it is a stretch................

  3. 24 minutes ago, dieselpower said:
    • In the UK we do not elect our head of state.
    • When we 'buy' a piece of land we do not actually own it. We merely own the rights of access to it. True ownership remains with the crown.
    • If we discover valuable minerals in our garden they do not belong to us. Crown property mineral rights prevail.
    • Our armed forces do not swear allegiance to the government, nor the people. Only to the crown.

    These are just a few examples of facts that demonstrate that there are varying levels of 'democracy'. In light of the above, to complain about the 'undemocratic EU' and by so, imply that the UK is a shining example of democracy in action is nothing short of silly really.


    Just sayin'

    WOW that list sucks but it could be worse, you can still vote and it it is acted upon.

  4. 3 hours ago, surgcmdr1 said:

    Love it [censored] THE NWO

    Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

    The NWO with it satanic agenda is done The Lord rules Amen

    Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

    Yes it is time for the will of the people while we still can over the political class and mega corporations with their globalist agenda. I know there will be some financial pain but that is nothing compared to the end result of the aforementioned interest consolidating power to make a vote that was just held in UK irrelevant and/or impossible. How better of do you think we are going to be if they are left unchecked long term, really think about it.

    If you think they are benevolent you better stop smoking that crap!

  5. Whatever the reason gents what's done is done as far as others leaving who knows but certainly improves chances now that the Brits took the plunge (bully for you!). As far as currencies did not your exports just get a whole lot cheaper............... that is always a good thing.

    Things have stabilized moved back up a bit.


    • British Pound to euro exchange rate today -5% at 1.24, lowest at 1.2018.
    • Euro to pound exchange rate: 0.8065 best at 0.8321
    • Pound to dollar exchange rate today -7.77% at 1.3720, lowest at 1.3218
    • Pound to Australian dollar exchange rate today -5.16% at 1.8513, lowest at 1.8005
    • Pound to New Zealand Dollar exchange rate today -5.60% at 1.9349, lowest at 1.8869
    • Pound to Swiss Franc exchange rate today -6% at 1.3390, lowest at 1.2854
    • Pound to Yen exchange rate today -11% at 140.07, lowest at 133.20
  6. As I know little of the market hard for me to say but as with anything scarcity will increase cost and yes also lower acceptable standards to attain product as far as our good stuff becoming more prevalent I would say yes.

  7. I gather you like it......................


    5 of 5 stars Reviewed 6 days ago NEW

    We got in late after IOM TT practice one evening and were lucky to get a table... it's crowded for a reason. The staff are more than friendly, and the food is plentiful and delicious.

    We ordered cod and chips ... be prepared, this is not your typical American miniature serving of tired fish smothered in thin greasy fries. We each got what looked like half of an entire cod, with luscious crispy breading, on top of a mountain of thick fresh "chips" (fries). The cod was a full thickness fillet and didn't have any of the grey fishy layer just beneath the skin. It was white fleshy wonderfulness on a fork.

    When you're in Douglas, make this a destination. You'll love it.

    • Like 1
  8. 40 minutes ago, 508-Fanatic said:

    I can, the hands are wrong. The plots are wrong. The font is wrong. Look at the scale and size of the red triangle on the fake versus the genuine. 

    Yes a rep, I'm not always sure but this one was easy. Just look at the E in Master......................

  9. " For the rest of you who are more open-minded " my friend think about that statement, how about you are closed minded not us as you do not support our position. ( now doesn't that sound like bull, it is and so is your statement) That is typical liberal dogma if you are on the other side of a argument you are closed a minded , racist etc..........

    OH by way the left wins they have successfully turned the debate over radical Islamic terrorists the real issue into a gun debate, keep your eye on the ball here this is misdirection at it's best. Go watch Freddy's posted video again that is the issue not if you wait 3 days for a gun to be bought or if the magazine has 8 or 15 rounds. Smoke and mirrors so the present government doesn't get the blame, how can they defeat what they will not even recognize by name.

  10. Clip magazines whatever the inference is clear they are interchangeable terms and I aware of that assault rifle,  Sturmgewehr  (storm rifle in English) first put out by the Reich in 1944 first one of it's kind.

    (The detachable magazine is often referred to as a clip, although this is technically inaccurate)

       I could just see my dead Uncles running around in WWII saying magazine as they fought with Patton across Europe and Guadalcanal............ now on Garand it was a clip loading magazine hence a "clip" but with the Thompson I guess magazine would be more appropriate, the BAR  I wonder................ Can not remember my father's term (Korean war Marine) but being a Marine most likely used the technically right term.

    Now that that is out of the way, Matt as freddy said not auto but with a large enough magazine against UNARMED civilians it is hard to rush you so it's a turkey shoot.



  11. A few thoughts.

    You know the Christian right does not believe in being gay but they don't go around killing people.................................(I could care less you do what you want in bed )

    This would not happen in Texas they would have whacked him before he got a full clip off, so much for disarming the populace they all carry  (no guns for French citizens how did that work out , yes tougher gun laws is what we need in the USA)

    To my EU friends, your countries are almost lost wake the f**k up!

  12.   "I know I am opening pandora's box with this opinion, but I really think that once most people start owning gens, frankens and expensive Reps become almost ridiculous. "  That is a tough call I go back and forth you will see my decision in the next raffle. Do I put in a beautiful brand new gen (Raymond Weil Ti Freelancer or my Rolex 1984 spider dial Pepsi GMT) Now I can buy another Gen but getting all the Gen parts for that Rolex well that is very hard. As far as cost the same.................:g:

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