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Posts posted by indywatchguy

  1. do you need equipment for this or can you do it without?

    Both..there are crossfit workouts that are total body weight, but most require at least 135lbs in rubber bumper plates, kettlebells, pull-up bar, jump rope, and 20lb medicine ball. You can do most WOD's(workout of the day) with these. Oh yea a wood box about 20in high for box jumps.

  2. Yesssurrr crossfit rocks! Been doing it since 2007. Best program ever! Highly recommend it....helped me to maintain a healthy weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Wouldn't be without it! Do insanity and P90x as well. all good programs and remember ANY thing is better than sitting on the couch! Enjoy to the max gents!

  3. Met my wife on Eharmony! Awesome experience Chango! So don't give up! Like Gran said do the research put in the work and you'll find that match. Just remember you can only attract what you are so be the right person to meet. I've tried a few different dating sites in the past and I feel eharmony is the best in terms of digging deep to the core of who you are and what you desire..I couldn't ask for a better match then my wife. she's from the other side of the world but yet we have SOOOO much in common its weird...best wishes to you all!

  4. I love mine, but will love it better when I find another Gen LV insert.  So far the two I had found have been sold to someone else offering more money :(

    Steel how much you willing to pay???? I just found a LV insert for $575 sealed in original packaging.

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