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Posts posted by Stephane

  1. 3 hours ago, RickFlorida said:

    Great idea.   What is sad though, is our stress is even worse than in France.   In the U.S., we don't get 7 weeks of vacation like the French do.   We are too enslaved by corporate greed.  This Turbulence Zero should have a demand here.

    Well, that Turbulence Zero will be .com so worldwide ;-)

    English is going to be launched shortly after French and hopefully we will launch many other languages after English !

    3 hours ago, Justasgood said:

    Blessings my Friend, I have no disposable money, but I am willing to donate 10% of the sales on the remaining items I have for sale.


    Congrats and continued peace and Love!

    Thanks so much K.

  2. Dear All,

    The following explains in details why I am posting this “call for financial contribution”.

    Would you be willing to help this project, please note that funds should be send to MikeOnABike through RWG’s raffle account.

    Guys please contact me "Mike on a bike" to jump in or should I say float in.


    Going to have try this, conus guys run at a crazy pace especially in NYC area.


    The reason why I do it this way is to have our staff bear witness of the funds that our community may contribute to this project.

    I got an okay in the staff section (and some wonderfully positive encouragement) to post this short story and ask for your support today.

    Those of you who have known me over the years can imagine how difficult it would be for me to say which of the three cornerstones of this fellowship: the thrill of the hunt; the sharing of a discovery (yours or mine); or the camaraderie of this group, means the most to me.

    These same three principles that connect us collectors are the threads that run through a new venture that I’m preparing (with several very supportive friends) to launch this fall.

    In my search to bring some balance to my very public, very volatile life, I uncovered a foundation for it in a very private place – meditation -- not cloud-covered, bald-headed, mountaintop contemplation – but time-tested tools and routines that can stand up to the strain of real-life, stressful and challenging environments (and that early reviews say I’m pretty good at delivering in my radio voice – whew!)

    As the well-documented, but new-to-me benefits of this ancient pursuit became impossible for me to refute, I sought to find a way to share my experience with others the world over, BUT in my own way. This new platform will be called Turbulence Zero (we chose this handle because it works in English as well as my mother tongue, French, and is flexible enough for the subsequent launch of the service in other languages.)

    History shows that it’s hard-wired in my being to share, broadcast and convene like minds: from my pirate radio days to this brand new, multilingual on-line platform for voice-guided meditation. We have a core group of experienced and committed marketing and broadcasting talents, and, as I hope you’ll agree from the pitch that follows, all our brainstorming and number-crunching needs now is a modest pre-launch funding stimulus. Please PM me if you can support this venture with a financial contribution – a big hand or a little hand.


    Turbulence Zero: Introduction

    We exist in turbulence.

    All of us.

    We are enveloped, engulfed and overwhelmed by motion and emotions, sound and noise, lights and action:


    • some are fleeting stressful moments — barely blips;
    • others stretch out before us like unbearable, unending and unlit tunnels;
    • many of us lose touch with ourselves and lose sight of our loved ones.

    We come to know no other state. We can envision no alternative.

    So we turn to work -- too long; stress too much; try too hard and love too little.




    Turbulence Zero: Overview

    We're a small group of seasoned media professionals who have "been there and done that" — all THAT and more. We have an idea that needs backing. It's an idea that works, that turns the aforementioned troubles on their heads. We know it works because it has worked for us.

    Our careers: DJ, producer, writer, advertising manager, graphic designer --  often crossed and sometimes connected over the years. Our paths have been divergent but the histories, habits and tendencies that drew us together are too similar to ignore. We faced our common problems and explored time-tested solutions over the last year -- both individually and collectively. The work we did resulted in less stress, more honesty, greater work satisfaction and closer, deeper relationships.

    We've invested hundreds of hours researching, writing and recording the foundation series of a multilingual multi-media platform that will initially launch in 2016 with a web-based series of French audio-guided meditations, videos, scripts and tips.

    Once these "first-in-French" programs are "live" we will follow the template with English; then mobile apps, webinars and podcasting. All of this on an ongoing subscription + affiliate-reward-driven + ad-supported funding formula.

    With your help, Turbulence Zero will begin broadcasting this brand new, first-of-its-kind channel, station, compendium broadcast series by the end of 2016.

    This is the production of a group of people who have dramatically reduced the effects of turmoil and turbulence on their lives and dramatically improved their time from total turmoil to turbulence zero through simple habits and effective attitude adjustments … some as simple as 3-2-1-zero.

    Turbulence Zero: How it works

    We're certain of a few fundamentals:

    • There is no carte blanche, single answer or solution for everyone: not meditation; not religion; not Tai Chi, yoga, diet, BINGO, bongos or spirituality.
    • It is a simple process.
    • You don't need any special skills, education or upbringing to go from turbulence 3 to 2 to 1 to Zero.
    • You can explore the basics of a less — insane — existence in less than ten minutes, absolutely free, to see if it fits for you.
    • You can start building the foundation of a more — peaceful, content and loving — existence with one of our short, stress-free, easy-to-follow programs.
    • You are not alone. Counting down to Turbulence Zero is as easy as 3-2-1-0 when you collaborate with others who have done and are doing it along with you.

    Access to the Turbulence Zero platform will begin at a very affordable, €5.95/month, but there will always be some free (ad-supported) components of the program, like our TZ (the unTV) Meditation Station which will attract new, paying subscribers to the community as well as challenge, enlighten and entertain existing customers .

    What we need now is your financial contribution (large or small) so we can complete the 3-2-1-0 countdown to launch TZ: whether you can afford €3210.00 or €32.10 or something in between.

    Your contribution is important because we do not have the entire budget to carry out this project.
    For its development, Turbulence Zero will face fixed production costs.
    We estimated the duration of the phase prior to the launch to four months.

    Turbulence Zero: Budget

    Here's what we need to fill the gap in our initial budget and how we plan to spend it:

    - Website Development: 12.500 €
    - Graphic design: 4.000 €
    - Copy writing: 3.000 €
    - Studio and audio production: 1.500 €
    - Marketing (SEO, SocialMedias, Press Release): 3.000 €
    - Staff (External): 3.000 €

    If the total of the funds we raise exceeds our initial target, they will be directed toward the following stages of development:

    - Set up of iOS and Android applications.
    - Daily entertainment on the site via specific content renewed each day.
    - Integrate a tool which allow the group to interact with the members.
    - Development of partnership solutions to make Turbulence Zero available to the larger number.
    - Adding multiple additional audio series for the meditation section and adding other sections in the area of welfare as Yoga, Food, Healthy Living, ...

    Turbulence Zero: Counterpart

    We are willing to offer counterparts for your contribution helping us to finalize the full budget.

    € 5 => 1 month of unlimited access to all content, a big thank you.
    € 10 => 2 months of unlimited access to all content, a big thank you.
    € 25 => 6 months of unlimited access to all content, a big thank you, your name as an early TZ friend on social medias.
    € 50 => 1 year of unlimited access to all content, a big thank you, your name as an early TZ friend on social medias.
    € 100 => 2 years of unlimited access to all content, a big thank you, your name as an early TZ friend on social medias, your name on our website (They are our original contributors).
    € 250 => 5 years of unlimited access to all content, a big thank you, your name as an early TZ friend on social medias, your name on our website (They are our original contributors).
    € 500 => A permanent and unlimited access to all content for ever, a big thank you, your name as an early TZ friend on social medias, your name on our website (They are our original contributors).

    Any higher contribution is welcome. 
    We will think of something to thank you even more !
    A trip to sunny Malta to meet some of us and meditate together maybe...

    Note: you have the final word about publishing your name in case you prefer to remain anonymous

    Not only isn't there a product out there that delivers a kind of ongoing, packaged program that is this easy-to-understand, simple to practice and incorporate into daily life: most celebrity speakers, lecturers and gurus are in a place you have to get to — physically or mentally — whether it's accepting another set of beliefs or committing to an overall lifestyle overhaul.

    Turbulence Zero exists in the same place you are right now. It's imperfect, normal and 100% natural. You just have to be able to count to zero.

    Thank you so much for your time.



    Guys please contact me "Mike on a bike" to jump in or should I say float in. ;)Going to have try this, conus guys run at a crazy pace especially in NYC area.

    Image result for stressed out smiley  

  3. Straight to the point. Excellent share, thanks for the link.

    I too experienced the pride ... not worth the hope nor the money.
    And indeed nobody ever noticed whatever I wore anyway except you guys at various GTGs 

    My personal pride now is my rep of the Great White and my Tissot @200$ :clap2:
    I don't even wear the few remaining others from my initial ridiculously large collection :rudolph:

  4. 25 minutes ago, UmpaHimself said:

    Yeah, it's the red dial that sells it though. That's why I don't see a huge issue with building a vintage watch. You get the look you love with (hopefully) a movement and case with a ton of life left. As long as you're not trying to sell it as genuine I don't see any issue IMO.

    Exactly my current state of mind.
    My Great White or 1680 have some genuine stuff, but overall they look stunning, at least to my eyes, and works perfectly well with the slow beat ETAs!

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, KB said:

    Actually Ezio makes a good point, there are many fine long time members that could have also met the cut, except the guys we chose are not just stellar members but they are also here every day and the number 1 point on a moderators CV is availability.

    So those seniors that make feel passed over please understand that we in the admin team do regard you all very highly and we are very glad you call RWG home regardless of the number of visits you do per week/month.


    33 minutes ago, Nanuq said:

    Well said Ken, I was looking for the words to say the same thing.

    Gents who were not chosen, you would likely be surprised just how much we debated each of you before making these choices. Surrounded here at RWG with such a stellar member base, it was not easy.

    ..............and your number may well be up next time we add new staff. So enjoy your freedom while you have it!

    +1 here for sure


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