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Posts posted by slai

  1. I don't know if there are any top gear fans around here and I'm reposting but...

    Some say that his eyes glow like superluminova C3 at night...

    Some say that his head only turns in one direction when he swims...

    Some say that he sleeps in a cage that rotates 360 degrees and has a particular disdain towards gravity...

    Some say that his annual physical is conducted by Contr

  2. It was the "Weider overtraining principles" that screwed up the whole training scene for decades.

    Too many natural, non-steroid using people really believe that they can make progress with those isolation exercises and excessive overload... like training 6 times a week... or other bs like that.

    On weeks when it's work is too crazy to get to the gym as often as I want, it's pretty much a combination of squats, DLs, SLDLs, benchpress and pull-ups. Zero isolation exercises.

  3. You will never improve your arm size with those isolation exercises. Never.

    If you want big arms, you'd better start squatting and deadlifting, and increasing your overall body mass. Have you ever seen a really big guy guy with big arms and thin torso & skinny legs? Well... me neither. ;)

    Deadlifts and squats are my staple :) ...and I hate hate hate isolation exercises. I get so bored. I LOVE leg day...until I walk out of the gym as though I just got released from prison. :lol:

  4. That's sound advice. There is NO way to mask this with perfumes -- it's a nauseating smell, which permeated my leather watch case, and other straps. I put it there for a day, and realised my deep mistake the next.

    Like I said before, you can only mask a stink with something of greater stink. :lol:

  5. I have found when faced with a stink that won't go away, the only thing that will change the odour unfortunately, is to mask it with something else of greater stink. So the real question is, what smells worse than death? Perhaps some swedish fermented shark?

  6. Ok, I'm at a complete loss here and since RWG collectively has great taste (except those of you who like B&R watches :p ), I need to ask for advice. I'm a complete loss as to how to decorate this wall in my bedroom. There is an unsightly vent smack in the middle of the wall. Anything that takes attention away from it would be great. Just for reference, this is the wall the bed faces. Please help me RWG!


    For a size reference, I've tie-wrapped a fiddy to the vent. :lol:


  7. Normally Angus's Pams are pretty good I thought..That was the impression from looking at them and reading the reviews.

    Nothing like a knowledgeable watchsmith delving further to uncover what issues lie underneath though.

    I'm hoping this is a one off.

    Vacuum exposed some issues with the Es too. They keyless works looks eerily familiar.

  8. I had a feeling this would be about the one I sent you when I read the subject. This was one of Angus' ultimate 111h. I was mostly happy with it (I really hadn't noticed some of the issues...I don't have as keen an eye as some of you) but I wanted stronger lume (even thought it was relumed, it just wasn't as bright as the other superlumed watches I have) and figured I could get it serviced and small things like the CG could be taken care of. Absolutely no more buying premodded watches for me.

    Embarrasingly, the thread (and it IS thread! I assure you I don't have white arm hair) in the CG pin is my fault however. :lol:

    I haven't bothered talking to Angus about it since I decided to be done with 111 reps. The Zigmeister's email earlier this week was the final straw while I was still going back and forth trying to decide whether to stop.

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