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Posts posted by slay

  1. it would probably not bother me, if my serial was used in reps if i own a genuine with that serial on it, but it would really [censored] me of, if i try to sell it and ppl would tell me its fake because of that :/

    and i dont really care about the serial on my reps, its not like i'm hardly trying to convince someone by showing him the serial numbers ("look, here, you see, serial between lugs, my Rolex is genuine!!! in your FACE!").

  2. But, I do make up for this by having a $9,000 Persian rug on the carpet, a Bang and Olufsen stereo system, Toshiba plasma TV and some beautiful paintings and sketches. Of course the Persian rug looks no different from other rugs, but the quality is really there, but it's still all in the mind.

    b&o is a little bit overpriced, there are better systems for less outthere!

  3. Seriously, you can do this yourself... it's that simple. I don't recommend it though. And you don't need 3 followups unless there's an infection he wants to watch closely.

    i took your advice (because the outside stiches were bothering me) and removed them myself with a pair of scissors! really, wasnt that hard, just cut the top and pull them out one by one!

    now the internal stiches i will get removed by the doc, simply because its hard to cut them in the inside!

  4. Ok, I admit it. I am one of those who bught box and papers too. Just 1 over 8 watches, just to get a hint on how the real thing looks and feels, but I actually bought it. Some months ago now. A PAM box + papers set.

    Too bad, I right now noticed a deadout flaw in the 'international guarantee certificate' (that small plasticized gray card resembling of a CC). :cc_hang:

    The Italian writing actually spells 'CERTIFIDATO DI GARANZIA" where it should be 'CERTIFICATO' 32011-40262.gif


    Is it about mine only, or anyone else got this card? Are there cards with the correct writing?

    Do you think this is an issue that I could ask for a replacement?

    ...and it's some months that the dealer I got it from seems missing now... :(

    crap!!! now you cant sell it as a gen on eBay *lol*

    seriously, this is a little flaw, i wouldnt bother a dealer with that ;)

  5. omg you dont really believe the crap that just came out of your mouth, do you?

    Islam is no 'totalitarian ideology', some ppl just use islam in order to achieve their own goals. maybe you should read the book "a handmaids tale" maybe after you read that book, you start a war against christianity?

    sorry but i'm not going to continue discussing this with you, because the words that just came out of your fingers are the worst [censored] i have ever read and dont even deserve a response!

    and please, if you talk about germany and hitler, educate yourself before you do so, okay? hitler and the other nazis believed in germanic/nordic gods like Baldr,Bragi,Eir, Forseti, Frey, Freyja, Frigg, Fulla, Gefjon, Gna, Heimdall, Hermod, Hlin, Hoenir, Idun, Lofn, Loki, Odin, Saga, Sjofn, Snotra, Thor, Tyr, Ull, Vali, Var, Vidar, Vor

    they had nothing to do with islam.

    maybe you got something in the past wrogn, hitlers goal was to get a pure arian race. now i dont know if you've ever seen a muslim in your life, but they certainly dont look that way!

    and the only reason, muslims ever were in the "SS" is, because germany occupied terrotorys which were inhabited by muslim ppl (like yugoslavia). they only made them "SS" because they didnt have enough ppl to kill all the jews.

    sharing the same "enemy" doesnt make 2 groups one and the same.

    every religion can be "totalitarian" if interpreted a certain way, even christianity! again, please read the book i told you about earlier!

  6. This is a Glashuette ORIGINAL all right. But at that time (1961) they were not

    a luxury watchmaker any more / yet again.

    They are situated in Glashuette Saxonia. Until the fall of the Berlin Wall that

    was part of East Germany of the eastern block dominated by the Sovjet

    Union. So the watches were essentially crap. Later on they were reduced to

    producing watches parts for the state owned watch industry.

    Only after 1989 they went back to producing watches of medium quality,

    later they went back to luxury and high end. So you'll find a lot of reasonably

    priced Glashuettes of dubious origin. If you find a reasonably priced Senator

    or Sport Evolution though, let me know...

    thats exactly what i already said 2 posts above yours ;)

  7. the city of glashütte is located in EASTERN Germany, yes, the part which was communist 16 years ago and still is the bad part of germany (you can call it the bronx of germany!)!

    After WW2 Lange&Söhne and a bunch of others had to shut down, because of the socialists. they all reopened after germany was united. the watches from the time between 1946 and 1990 are most likely made by the socialists (maybe they even took glashütte original over back then).

    because of that, i would considder calling that watch an "ossi-watch" (the ppl who come from eastern germany are called "ossies")

    that is also a reason, why you dont see any vintage lange's from the time between WW2 and now. all vintage langes were made way before WW2 and are HIGHLY collectable!

  8. A couple sundays ago I walked in wearing my gen Master Hometime and I guarantee he recognized me since he immediately stared for about 20 seconds at my wrist. The funny thing was after about five minutes I realized something odd: He was wearing a 183 and there was no way he was going to give me a decent look at it---boy, that wrist didn't stay still for 3 seconds. I guarantee it was a rep. I'm not going to get a guy fired, no matter how big of a goober he is so after looking at a few watches, I just winked at him and said, "nice 183" and walked out.

    lol, thats pretty funny!

  9. I understand Slay just treatin' a Newb like a Newb no hurt feelings at all

    i wasnt treating you like a newby and neither was i bitching at you, i simply refered you to a tutorial of how to take good pictures with (supposedly) crappy cameras, thats it! if i'd been a [censored], i would have said something like "use the f----n search button and search for picture-taking-how-tos NEWB!!!" in bricktop voice! but i didnt, i was nice enough to search for them myself and post them for you, so you dont have to go trough all the hasse and search them yourself!

    a little thank you would be more apropriate then a "he treated me like a new"

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