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Posts posted by slay

  1. i was thinking about going to a plastic surgeon too, but the thing is, it was late at night and i had a hole in my lip. everytime i drank something it came out ontop of my lip. and most stiches are in the inside of my mouth, not really visible! and i think the surgeon did a pretty good job (he was around 50 or so)

    @Highflyingclive as a matter of fact, i tried to offer free drinks to relax the situation a little bit right before i got punched in the face :p so i wouldnt reccomend that

    and btw. if insurance had to pay for it, i wouldnt have gone to a checkup at all after surgery. but since the guy who punched me probably has to pay, i will go as many times as i can :)

  2. oh, and no, i'm not doing it myself lol the last time i did something "myself" ended up in a MESS. i made it even worse than it already was (watchwise AND medical wise). long story short, 2 watches are siting on my desk taken apart and i cant put them back together, and i had a serious infection on my thumb which got even worse after i tried to fix it myself :)

  3. so he just seems to make money of me... but what the heck, the guy who punched me will have to pay the bill anyways (dont think insurance will pay for him!) so i will just go 3 times and get them pulled :D (will definetly cost a few thousand $ all together!)

    his watch looked like an IWC, maybe we can have a little bit watch conversation next time :)

  4. well there wanst much traffic in the emergency room, thats what made me mad. it was only me and some foolish grandpa who thought he had something in his leg (turned out it was nothing...!) and the doctor spend most of the time talking to him.

    and i also have a private medical plan and not the kind most other ppl over have (a private plan is much more expensive and you usualy get a lot better treatment, since doctors can charge 3x more than on the regular health plans). if the doctor charges 3x as much as he would do for normal surgery, least thing he could do is treat me right away!

    and no, they didnt give me antibiotics, they told me, if theres no infection within the next day, there wont be any.

    i just thought that the doctor told me to get the stiches pulled so he can make a lot more money (i can already see the bill "pulling stiches - 500$") :p ) because his office seemed very empty. and i didnt now if everything is fine within a week (i thought it would take much longer to heal) and i feared that it might tear open a little bit when he rips the stiches out (or how does he do it?!)

    and they dont look like silk, they are purple... almost blue!

  5. we got into a fight recently while is was out with some friends and someone punched me in the face when i wasnt expecting it and i bit a hole in my lower lip (i was talking to someone else and because of that i had my mouth open). it was stitched at an emergency room and they told me to visit a local surgeon for a check up. they used suture which is supposed to decompose in a few weeks.

    BUT the surgeon i was at today told me he could also pull the stiches out. the thing is, his doctor's office was very empty (i was the only one there..!) and he said everythings fine and sceduled me for 3 more meetings (!!). even though the doctor told me just to go there the day after to check if its infected or not (and it wasnt infected)

    so i wanna know if its really better to get the stiches pulled even though they are supposed to decompose? pulling them is probably not very enjoyable and i dont know if its good to get them pulled a week after i got them (doesnt it take its time to heal?!?)

    thanks for any help!

    and btw. it didnt hurt, it only hurt in the emergency room, because they gave me painkillers and told me the doctor would be back in 2minutes and 2minutes easily became over an hour and a half and the painkillers werent working properly anymore :p my lip is just really big right now... it looks like i got lionel richie's lip transplated :D

  6. There is one flaw with that dial that DW and I are trying to correct for his next silver version.

    Check out the "R" and the "A" in COSMOGRAPH. They should be like the "R" in "OYSTER" and the flat top "A" in DAYTONA.

    Do you know how hard it is to find that font? Man have I been looking.

    cant you just scan the words from the black dial version and edit them with photoshop?!

  7. welcome back! i hope you like all the changes that have happened. i'm really sorry for your loss, i have a very close relationship with my mother too and cant imagine what would happen to me if something happened to her!

    take care.

  8. This is a miserable failure. Not only am I not getting the nail hot enough (each time it approaches the prescribed “red-hot,” it gets too hot to hold), it’s becoming very clear that I’m a complete pussy. I just can’t summon the determination I need to drive that nail into what is probably the second most sensitive square of flesh on my body, made worse by the throbbing injury. You might as well ask me drive a shish-ka-bob skewer through my testicle.

    tried that once when i had an infection in my thumb... didnt wanna go to the doctor, didnt really work. so i stuck a little watch screw driver underneath my nail, hurt like hell, but released the pressure! and also caused the infection to get worse lol

    in the end i had to visit a doctor who cut my nail open. why didnt you go to the doctor in the first place? lol i thought i could do it myself, but lesson learned :)

  9. thats pretty cheap... well its expensive considdering you can get 100mbit for less in japan ;)

    anyways, DSL2.0 actualy just provides 12-16mbit, BUT (!!) its possible to get up to 25mbit out of DSL2.0 with some kind of update, dont know anything about the update and reliability though! I'd prefer VDSL :)

  10. Distance from exchange : 1195 metres
    Attenuation : 16 dB
    Attainable bitrate	1066 kb/s (up)	 18353 kb/s (down)

    So, no, I'm not too far away. The problem is genuinely filling 18Mbps (the real speed of my 24Mbps+ connection) is not easy. My DSLAM is local, the line is clean, etc., but I'm not the only person on the internet. I'm what, 50:1 contention?

    you only get top download rates (25-50mbit) when you are 100-200meters from your DSLAM with VDSL :) at 1.5km you wont get better speed than DSL2.0.

    my friend has 50mbit VDSL and he can download with ~48mbit/s real speed! but the DSLAM is right on his porch i think :)

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