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Posts posted by dak244

  1. 20 seconds is nothing to be concerned with... depending on the movement, the factory specifications are no better than 20 seconds per 24 hours for many models, including most ETA's...

    There is no such a thing as a "Break in" period. It's not a car engine but a watch. If this was true, I would have to keep each and every movement I service, in the shop and running for 2 weeks, and then time them before sending them out. I dont' do this, because there is no change from day 1 after service until about 3-5 years later when the oils dry up.

    Break-in is a myth, nothing more.


    Wow, I couldn't have been luckier to get a reply from The Zigmeister himself. I always appreciate your knowledge my friend!!! It's an asian not an ETA, so im sure its likely to be even less accurate, but no biggy. I can put up with it, I really wanted to know more or less for my own knowledge. Thanks The Zigmeister!

  2. The latest 111H/177H, the same ones sold by most of our dealers currently.

    For me it was an impulse buy some time ago, and I even liked it (111H) at first, before I started comparing it to a gen 111H.

    The list of obvious and some not so obvious 'imperfections' is too long to display here, so I won't event give it a try :mellow:

    Yeah, I know, my detail-obsessed nature is a curse rather than blessing, especialy when it comes to all things reps :-)

    cheers all,


    I'd be interested for you to tell us some of these flaws. I just was in the market for a 111h and I thought Davidsen's looks pretty damn good, granted I am not a HUGE detail freak. But, I would like to know soem of what your talking about because I did not know the list was "too long to display here"

    P.S. - on second thought, maybe I don't want someone to point them all out, because then I will be obsessed/bothered by them everytime I look at the watch! :blink:

  3. Anyone else have this problem. I have read that there is the "break in" period, within the first 2 weeks or so, when the watch will run like this, but after that it will settle in. I guess I shouldn't be too worried if its running fast.. it's better than being slow.

    Anyway, I just thought I would get other's experiences and thought about it. Thanks

  4. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    couldn't wait for a rubber strap model to be released, so went for this just now from Andrew


    his email communication is extremely fast, very impressed with the service so far

    damn i'm excited now

    Tester -

    I feel you man, I just did the same thing, only with the orange numbers and the black bezel. I keep telling myself I am going to wait a while before my next watch... but that never happens <_<

  5. Any tips on contacting Davidsen want to place an order but no response yet. I have never done business with him and am not sure what the normal turn around for response is. Thanks for input.

    Did you PM him? If so he will not reply immediaetly. PM me if you want his email address

  6. I apologize up front if this has been a heavily debated topic, but I tried the search function, which a few different phrases, and I got frustrated with it. It doesn't seem to be the best feature on this site <_<

    Anyway, I have just purchased a 111h, which I am abosultely in love with, so now it is time to go strap shopping. The issue I am having is that I do not like very "obtrusive" straps. I see a lot of peoples straps that are thick and long and "puff" out, and that is not how I like to wear my watch. I am looking for a low profile, "broken in" leather strap.

    I have been looking at Strapmasters, DON and Bob (including standard and vertigo). I think they are all great straps and love them but need some help, from those who have experience, on the thickness of them. Thanks in advance....

  7. Pug!!!!!!!!!

    Those are the kind of shots that people need to post more often. I can't stand when people post wrist shots that are only 2 inches away, that's ridiculous. Who in the world ever looks at your watch that close.

    I think the first photo you posted is the exact kind of shot that should be posted more often. It gives a good indication of what the watch ACTUALLY look like.

    Great work.

    Agreed. That's why I had to ask the question again.. couldn't find enough like that one..

  8. Sure? It's a conspiracy and Davidsen deliberately put an error in? :blink:

    Na Pug, I didn't mean Davidsen did it, the rep factories just continue to put minor errors in watches that way people will continue to buy new ones when they are put out. Its just business, and I know everyone has access to the same reps from the same factories.

    Any opinion on the new dial?

  9. Pug - Thanks a lot for the pics!! I knew you would come through..

    I think it actually looks great on you. I believe my wrist is right around 7, so if I could pull it off like you that would be nice. Just from looking, it doesnt look like something I could wear to work everyday (a little too much) but with a button up or a sweater and jeans it looks pretty good.

    Thanks again Pug!!

  10. OK, so I know I'll probably get reemed for this, and maybe I deserve it, but I just had to anyway.

    Anyway, I have been searching through HUNDREDS of photos (wrist check search) trying to find a good zoomed out one of the Omega PO 45.5 and Pam 111h. What I mean by zoomed out is on the wrist, but far enough away that I can see what it will look like on the wrist.

    So with that being said, is there anyone who can post (Pug Im sure you have a few cause I know you have the PO) photos (zoomed out) of mainly the 45.5 PO on their wrist? I have been heavily debating this watch, especially because of Josh's promo price on it, and would really like to see whether or not I am going to look like a fool.

    For reference, I have a 7 inch wrist (pug, yours seems a bit smaller) if that helps.


    P.S. say what you would like to me, I know i probably deserve it.

  11. I am not trying to be an as*hole, but please read one of the other 50 threads devoted to the debate between 111 and 177. Its getting a little tiring..

    As a new member and admirer of fine watches I am about to make the jump into Rep collection. I love the idea of getting the style of watches that I love without the price tag. House, wife and kids limits the amount of 5 to 10 thousand dollar watches one can buy!! Through reading and searching the board the one last question I have is what should my expectation of a Rep from a reputable dealer be? Fully understanding QC means everything is a gamble should a $300 Davidsen last a year or two with daily use and gentle care? I don’t mind spending that type of money with the hope, (but no guarantee) that the watch could last several years. At the same time though $300 would mean if it crapped out in 6 months I would be wearing a very nice looking totaling nonfunctioning watch for another 6 months or back to square one tossing out another 3-4 hundy.

    Lastly I am down to the 111h or the 177h from Davidsen I would appreciate any thoughts as to which would be better for a noob. I had highly considered and been advised to go with Joshua (testing the rep water with a 1-2 hundred dollar watch) but am leaning towards Davidsen because of the Mods and Lume that comes with the watch. Thoughts and feedback always appreciated.


  12. here pics

    They always do that stuff to us. They fix one problem (the font) and create another (the located of the SWISS). We all know exaclty why they do it, its just frusturating after a while!!

    @tourbillion - Overall, with the new prob and fixes do you think this dial is alot better than the last? Also, when can we expect to see these babies in the 111h from the dealers?

  13. Your bigger problem will be pulling off wearing a replica of a watch that sells for six figures. Stunning, yes....believeable....not when you drive up in your Ford!

    There's a new one of these on the bay for $105,000

    I DEFINITELY agree with crystal. In fact, I dont even think rep Patek's should be made, nor would I ever wear one. They pull away from your credibility, and the credibility of the entire replica world.

  14. Hi all

    wooooooow his new dials looks good :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    the "L swiss L" is now a little bit near to 6 marker :wounded1: .... but the quality of dial is perfect.

    i know all his dials... from old models 1-2 years ago and the new dials. Also the materials are now much better as on old dials

    If you ever see genuine dials, you will know what i mean. I have saw many genuine dials and the materials are total different from rep dials. But Davidsen new dial use also materials very close to the genuine

    you will see pics??? :whistling:

    Thanks for the updated tourbillion. I'd love to see pics as soon as you can post them!!

  15. @randombloke - That looks really good. Just from the picture above your post, it seems like they took care of a decent amount of the "fuzzy" dial font.

    @tourbillion - Please do keep me updated. I have really be wanting to order from Davidsen, but have been hesistant as I am not sure when something new will come out. Thanks.

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