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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. The OPs been a member for over a year and still doesn't make up his mind which watch to get until AFTER ordering it?


    I think Toro has shown exceptional patience so far, and if PayPal have changed the rules on refunding fees it's got nothing to do with the dealer, take it up with PayPal.

  2. I do understand what people are saying, that we shouldn't forget any atrocities, be it in wartime or peacetime, no matter how many people lost their lives.


    I do think that to comparing one to another is doing a disservice to one or the other. Every single atrocity, no matter the 'scale', deserves more respect than that.


    I'm a pacifist and it's getting to me now thinking about either one :(



    Note i'm not getting at anyone here. I'm not that familiar with American history but AFAIK 9/11 was the worst loss of life for a terrorist attack which is what I think Vegasvic meant.

  3. how about a mac version Fraggle mate


    CoffinDodger, would you like to try using this to run my software?




    It is built from the Windows Emulator WINE. I know WINE only supports a limited (but expanding) set of Windows functionality, but my program doesn't do much apart from web download, PGP signature checking and a couple of forms so has a good chance of working.


    If you do try it, please do let us know how you got on.



    Thanks :)

  4. I can go and buy one and post it to him, but as it's going from the UK I don't know exactly when it will get there.


    I'd guess it'll be there by Tuesday or Wednesday but can't guarantee it.


    If you know which hotel he'll be at on Wednesday and don't get any other offer of help PM me the phone model and the hotel address.

  5. Hiya all,


    I've finished the next version of my rep dealer information tool, renamed it again and am looking for a few people to test the beta version.


    It is developed on Windows 7, should run on 32 bit or 64 bit Windows 7. It needs .NET 4.5, which most people should have by now - I believe if you do not have .NET 4.5 it will issue a warning when you try to run it.


    As before, it's a simple tool to help you find TDs, modders, accessory dealers, strap makers. It has an extra section now that lists known scam dealers. (courtesy of RepGeek, but this list was last updated in 2007 so is out of date)


    The interface has changed a bit, you can select to filter by forum(s), select one or more categories, and select one or more sub-categories.


    There's also a Search function which accepts any text and searches in the name, category description, sub category description, URLs, emails and notes.


    It also downloads the database every time you start it which comes from my website (it keeps a cached copy in case you don't have a web connection)


    I've checked the dealer data entries, updated some out of date ones and added some missing info to some, and added a few modders.


    I know there's still loads of modders and others out there that aren't in the database, if you think someone should be included please let me know in this thread or via PM.


    You can download the MSI installer from here:-






    Please do follow up to this post if you have tried it, and if it installed OK and runs OK, or not.


  6. Not to lessen 9/11 in any way, but the worst? How about the Brits burning our Capitol city to the ground? Or any major Civil War battle .. 50,000 American casualties in one day?

    My wife's cousin is on the memorial rail at ground zero, so please don't wave any angry flags in my face.


    Soldiers are fully aware of the risks they may be exposed too, two skyscrapers of people working for a living and three planes of people travelling, all to suddenly have that happen to them?


    It's not the worst in terms of numbers of people killed, but I think in terms of innocent people being killed it's the worst, and worst morality wise.


    (And at Washington only most of the public buildings were burned down, the Americans burned the Naval Yards themselves and I don't think anyone was burned in the buildings?)

  7. I have a tool that lists all dealers from all four forums, plus strap makers, modder(s), etc.


    Very shortly I'll release a new version that has live updating and extra categories in it and the list itself is digitally signed to prevent anyone trying to corrupt it or insert scam dealers in it. (should be ready tomorrow)

  8. PayPal use your IP address to see if you are using the same computer or not, but as IP addresses have run out now, the simple act of turning your broadband router (the box that plugs into the phone socket that your ISP sent you) off, wait 30 seconds and turn it back on, and it will grab a different IP address.


    (some people have static IP addresses that don't change, but if you have one of those you would know the above anyway).


    I haven't opened a new PP account in years, but I believe you can open one with just a credit card, and you can get pre paid credit cards easily, if you have a middle name it's also easy to use your middle name and surname as opposed to your first name and surname (or the opposite, depending which name you normally use)


    There's no need to open a new bank account.


    Also I would say it's very unlikely that PP will side against you, all you need to do is just claim you bought it in good faith beleiving it to be a gen bargain and got conned.

  9. I would have thought you would have a case with the couriers - if you send something insured to a "Mr X" and "Mr Z" signs for it, it has not been delivered as per the contract you and the courier agreed to has it?


    It's their fault. They might as well hand them out to a random address or their own neighbours!

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