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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. Living in the UK I say the NHS is one of the best things we have going here.


    Yes, it's getting worse, but the new regulations behind it getting worse are trying to improve it, just the people who draft them up don't think things through properly.


    As to nurses and doctors being paid a low wage? Doctors / consultants are paid a damn good wage, and they put in a damn hard weeks work to earn it.


    Nurses get paid a reasonable wage, not good, not terrible.


    The problem we have is a while back they thought that adding beaurocricy would ensure the smooth running of everything, but all it did was add stumbling blocks to just about everything the staff tried to do. And in subsequent cycles they've done the same things.


    I think nowadays there's a reversal of this, certainly in private industry, where they've realised that doing that produces negative results, and usually when private industry realises something and does a U turn, the government and nationalised services (or government body regulated companies) follow suit a few years afterwards.


    Personally when I nearly died following a motorbike accident I had 4 years of inpatient and outpatient hospital care, 12 major operations, countless xrays, dozens of ambulance and patient transport rides, enough drugs to fill up a bathtub, and it didn't cost me one penny.


    And no one asked me to fill in any forms (apart from consent forms before the major ops, apart from the first one right after the accident when I wasn't in any state to say hello) before anything could happen.


    I know the UK is almost unique having the NHS completely free, but I hope to god it never, ever changes.

  2. I'm not really into vintagising watches but I can certainly appreciate the work that goes into them.

    Seeing the gen vintage watches on here and WUS and comparing them to the artificially aged watches I haven't seen any that look 100% (which will be because I haven't been taking much notice, not that they don't exist :) )

    I can see that it's something that could take you a lifetime to perfect, I bet you could order 500 identical dials and come up with 500 different ways of ageing them, and most of them would look horrible and a few look great. As has been mentioned, it's not something you can undo so I'd practise on an old dead watch first. And second, and third :D

    Good luck with it.

  3. Sent TC a request for this one Caddell-Submariner-07_zps0045fb90.jpg

    Guys cyclops no cyclops ,opinions? KH dial was my choice can wait.............

    This is the one I've chosen.


    Without the cyclops the date looks silly small, and AR can always be applied later if I feel it needs it. (the TC YM I have is great, not sure if that does not have AR but I certainly don't feel any need to get it AR coated)


    I've also ordered a spare bezel which I'll fit a gen LV insert too and then I'll be able to swap bezels as I fancy. Changing straps for one you fancy that day is sooooo last year :D

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