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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. Definitely in the club ! Last week decided needed a small pocket knife to keep in pants pocket, come in handy. Well three on the way could not decide which one! Mind you I have a extensive amount of larger ones and swords and machetes............... :bangin: :bangin: :bangin:

    Supposedly we're not allowed to have nice swords and knives on display in the UK. Just in case some toerag breaks in and they could be used to cut someone.


    I've still got a samurai in the living room, another upstairs, broad sword in the dining room and a few knives scattered around, no ones ever said anything about them apart from compliments.

  2. I'm glad I'm not alone, it seems so sad getting excited just waiting for a parcel, regardless of what's in it.


    Deckard - think of the basements you could build there!!! Loads of workshops, and talk about a vertical market! :yeah:


    Pete - I was thinking about seeing if I could get interested in box collecting, or maybe something even cheaper like air collecting, anything, so long as it's cheap and still makes deliveries!! :pray:


    Hmm, I wonder if I could bottle some Swiss air and then sell it so anyone can build their own "franken" - rep watch + swiss air!

    • Like 1
  3. It isn't just watches, my friends.


    Watches, straps, movements, tools, watch winders, MIG welders, pens, books, gel seats, microscopes, heavy duty power sockets and wall boxes, 12V LED car spot lights...


    I just love browsing through EBay, Alibaba, online shops, Amazon, Google and anywhere else I can, talking myself into "needing" something, spending days researching something out and nailing down exactly what I "need" and finding the perfect fit, ordering it and then waiting for the delivery.


    Every morning at work I listen out for the front door aroundabout a certain time as I know that'll be the postman, and also when I see a delivery van drive up. And then I sit there half concentrating on what I'm doing, half concentrating to hear if I can hear Jo's (the receptionist / secretary) footsteps walking towards me to hand over a parcel.


    Lately she's taken to leaving the large parcels next to her desk where they're closer to the front door and only tells me when I'm on the way home in the evening, so if I'm expecting something big, a couple of times a day I'll wander the long way around to the kitchen so I can see if there's a box there that might be for me...


    I need two little metal adapters turned up to fit motorbike pegs to my bike, and I'm looking at £600 hobby lathes so I can make them myself.


    If this carries on I'll end up homeless but surrounded by millions of cardboard boxes!


    I definitely think we should set up a clinic where online shopping addicts can recover! Help!


    • Like 1
  4. Looks stunning and very reasonably priced.

    Do they offer small versions too??


    Clem, they do a smaller 4 watch winder - basically half this one but it has a nicely curved top and comes in all sorts of wood finishes.


    I know cause I've got one which I'll be putting up for sale very soon on here, along with a dozen or so watches.

  5. I bought one of their 8 watch winders via EBay, they are selling some models off as "Ex Demo", and about half their RRP. Cost me £251 + postage from Germany.


    It arrived today - its absolutely HUGE!


    I saw the size of the box it came in and thought it must be 10 boxes inside each other or huge foam blocks.


    Nope. It's approx 24" wide, 12" deep and 10" high.


    4 winders that hold two watches each, and further storage for 8 watches, plus enough room around the controls to stash half a dozen straps.


    Lovely dark piano gloss wood :)




    It's as new - it may be ex demo but I can't see any wear, marks or anything on it at all.


    The box had been opened and re-sealed, and it'd been taken out of the polystyrene packing side bits, but the thin polystyrene wrapping round it was original and unmolested.


    I like!


    • Like 1
  6. Fraggle can you please look at the entire thread and look at my posts. If you see one bad thing i said on any of my posts that wasnt warrented, please let me know. I also pm him i still havent gotten a response. I spoke to him on july 2nd never heard back. I last pm him on august 3rd then on august 20th. Today is sept 2nd. Dont you guys think this is a little ridiculous by now? Also if i badmouthed or did anything to him he would have said something on here like he did to finn.


    Tony, sorry, I didn't mean to imply you had used bad or angry language, just I find asking a question in a simple, polite, factual way works best - I leave out (or rather go back over and re-read what I've written before I post or send it) anything emotional or subjective.


    What I posted before was a perfect example of what NOT to do! :)


    I didn't write it properly and you thought I was referring to something you had already done and (rightly) took offense.


    Written language can be such a pain in the butt sometimes!

    • Like 1
  7. Franken doesn't mean anything definite, it's different to different people.


    Ok, there's obviously a kind of accepted meaning among you old timers :D but whatever that was has been diluted.


    I just completely ignore it and just see if I like the watch or not.

  8. Sorry guys but this is bullcrap. I also never said one bad thing to mike nor have i sent any threats to him and yet as of july 2nd still havent heard one thing from him. I havent heard anything on pm or have i heard anything on this thread as i have tried to have him contact me on my watch. So what happens now? Its ok to do stuff like this on here? I want to know whats going on?

    Just ask him on here, politely. State the date you last tried to contact, the name he knows you by, the watch you've sent, the work requested and the date sent.

    Check your PM inbox isn't too full, clear out your PM outbox, and give the man a week to reply.

    Most importantly, I think, is to be polite. No one ever got good customer service by shouting and swearing at the checkout girl in the supermarket! :)

  9. Finn, with every post you're confusing yourself and everyone else more and more.

    You say "I waited patiently for 6 months (listening to an unbelievable number of excuses none of which explain a 6 month delay including the tragic death in his family)" and then a couple of paragraphs later you mention the fact there was a 3 month (or was it 4? I couldn't really care less at this point) delay whilst parts came from China. (Or rather didn't come, as you say you ordered them yourself after 3 months and got them within a week)

    So, you say you don't know of any reasons for the 6 month delay, and then state a valid reason for at least half of that delay YOURSELF.

    Sorry, but people telling the truth will state the same version of events again and again with no differences, and it all makes sense.

    I'm not saying your lying, but I am saying what you have said yourself does not add up, contradicts itself and casts doubt on everything else you say.

    • Like 1
  10. Very nice fraggle wear in good health, I do not know had one the super dupper model at the time just did not work for me. They do come in other dial colors which I like but alas TC just doing this one to my knowledge.

    Oh I have no intention of only having one rep!


    This is very, very nice but it'll live alongside the other 20 or so reps I have.


    It's just nice having something that I don't get that itch in the back of my mind to upgrade the lume / dial / crystal / AR / movement.... :)

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