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Posts posted by archibald

  1. Speaking from experience, what palp says is exactly right. All these third pary "contractors"--CNC shops, printers, etc--have regular customers and more lucrative orders coming in. When one of their "regulars" or a big, time sensitive order comes in the door, you get bumped. That's just the way it goes. Patience is golden, guys.

    Palp, are any of the newest run 2.0 or 1.9?

    HI all

    the reason why the shipments are a bit slow is the following:

    i had some problems with the batch of crowns i received last week (i get them batch by batch because the threadings have to be cut in). and these caused the slowing down of my output: the crowns I got last week had threadings which were not 100% so i checked how to solve this and decided to do recut the threadings by hand (each crown). i test the crowns with the stems before shipping so its sure that the customer has no problems with screwing in. that did not help my time schedule but anyway, i want to make things 100% and i think it does not help anyone when they have trouble with screwing in the stem.

    A good news is: i have a big bunch of packages ready today and a big run of crowns received today and a will pack up more this evening! So I hope to catch up this week again!!

    i am really sorry because this whole thing does take longer than initially planned but i am working on my limit. all i can say is I really appreciate your patience! i mean i really do not feel good (and do not sleep good :blink: ) because usually i stick to my schedule but sometimes its just not possible when things happen. I know how it is to wait and I fully understand your possible anger because I am a customer in a lot of projects here too!

    but as i said: everyone will get their crowns, thats for sure! the downside is that some needed to wait a bit longer than planned. and it seems that i am not the only one with time problems during such projects if you see on the board (seems that if this is common when you have third parties involved like CNC shops etc. dealing with these is a PITA!)

    i think i will not do such a big project again (or only with more helping hands involved) because its just too much hassle and time. also the members here are only a part of the customers who get crowns. we have customers over here in another forum and in real life too, so the number of orders is bigger than it seems, therefore the amount of work. :wounded1: but not to give a wrong impression: i do not complain about the work, only that it takes longer when [censored] happens...ARGH!

    again: sorry for the waiting time. Now I have to go and pack up some crowns LOL

    cheers palp!

    just for clarification because i had some questions about it:

    Not all shipments are delayed, only a part of the crowns (the part i received last week) had the problem with the threadings.

  2. I have a manual one that the movement went out on, and i gave up on... interesting to know that it could be used for parts.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. the dial and spacer ring might be useful to someone?

    I'll buy the ring & dial from you in a heartbeat if it fits the auto mvmt w/ the feet filed off...

  3. i've transferred the movement, metal spacer and pushers from the manual venus 212 into the case of the 7750 212...

    Wow, that dial makes all the difference--Awesome job! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Question: Let's say you want the short pushers and the dial from the manual version but want to retain the 7750 movement. I know you'll have to shave the feet, but are there subdial spacing issues as well?

    Barring that, I think a correct dial project would be money better spent than a new crystal project, especially since the latest 212's are coming w/ sapphire from the factory.

    Then again, until they fix the back on the 212, the manual movement w/ the auto case/guard/crystal is the way to go since even if you have the auto movement, the second anyone in the know sees the back you're busted anyway. Might as well have the on the wrist accuracy...

  4. well said everyone

    there are shows you can watch that aren't the typical talking points. I recomend - Mclaughlin group, "the chris mathews show" (note not hardball, this is a small group of journelists talking) and "the round table" on this week with stephanopololoslaluous. Not the whole show, it blows, but the round table part - real opinions not just talking points.

    I also recomend Countdown with keith olberman. He has been drifting a little partison recently, But, he makes non- political points. Very lucid logical points.

    One other thing we have to get rid of - Not all critisism or argument is "just political bs" No one has debates anymore, they have shouting matches and dismiss valid arguments against an idiology as just the other side sour grapes

    With the exception of Hardball--which has it's share of talking points screaming over one another--I agree.

    Naturally I think Olbermann is the greatest--but the best "independent" these days is Lou Dobbs. He's a Republican, but he's a populist through and through, IMO just what the coutry needs. He calls it like he sees it, bashes Bush and the Dems in the same sentence more often than not, and seems to me to be genuinely concerned for the interests of people who work their asses off just to give their kids a better life than they had, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans. I don't agree w/ him on immigration, but he's also obsessed w/ paperless voting machines, which I think are the single greatest threat to Democracy, by a long shot.

  5. LOL! I'm going to have to use you guys' strategy: "Here honey, I bought you a watch...I know it's a mans' watch, but they look so sexy on you!" :bangin:

    Seriously, I think mens' watches do look sexy on women , but unless they're going for that look which involves more than the watch, which they probably don't want to do every day, they probably prefer ladies' watches.

  6. So, you guys who have seen most of the watches in real life:

    Which model for a lady if I want a watch that is:

    * Large but not bulky

    * Classy - but not "blingy"

    * Sporty but not masculine

    * Reasonable priced

    * And I like STEEL - the more steel the better...

    I don't think you want a Panerai, even though thats what most of us addiction addled fools are going to tell you to do.

    Try the Franck Muller ladies Conquistador. If that's too dressy, maybe one of the MOP Rolex Daytonas or the ladies' Vacheron Overseas w/ the black dial.

    All are very accurate reps, with the Muller being the most accurate, then the Vacheron, then the Rolex. The Rolex, unless you want to spend $600 on one with a Swiss 7750 Movement inside may have reliability problems.

    As always--please keep in mind the cardinal rule of rep wearing: If you can't pull off sporting the gen version, don't wear the rep or it doesn't matter how accurate the copy is.

  7. You're not going to fool anyone: The wife knows better than you do what you can afford. The steady girlfriend knows you well enough to know whether you're the kind of guy who'd buy her a rep and pass it off as real. The woman you're trying to get into the sack with a watch (which is what I assume the OP had in mind) is going to go to get it checked.

  8. Well said, Nanuq...and if that happens--people taking ten minutes out of every day to read a couple of articles in their local paper and think about them--both parties would stop 1/2 their [censored] in about ten minutes.

    If we had 70% turnout-in other words an engaged electorate--I guarantee we'd wake up to a vastly different county on november 8.

  9. There has never been, and may never be again a two year period during which so many huge issues--issues so basic to our system of government--will be hashed out: The babance of power between the executive, congress, and courts; the application of the bill of rights in the 21st century, how we prosecute wars, which civil liberties each of us will maintain in a long term war on terror, the rights of states..and on and on and on. Even if only one of these were at stake, it would be worth ten minutes of your time....but they all are.

    It doesn't matter who you vote for or where you stand on any of these issues--what's important, essential in fact, is that we let them know we're watching carefully.

  10. i like it ;)

    It all comes doen to the surcharge...Since this is still an instant tell for anyone who knows what an OEM movement looks like and utterly irrellevent to anyone who doesn't, I'd be totally happy if this becomes the standard"C-Class" movement, but I sure as hell ain't going to pay a penny more for it.

  11. I have jut seen the new Santos on a few websites. Is it any good?

    Santos 100 Chrono SS Men Asia 7750 28800bph



    I'm not a "Use the search function" guy, but when a thread that that discusses the same watch is available on the first couple pages....

    Just for future reference, there is usually an existing thread on all new reps within minutes after the dealers post them. Pleae chech for such a thread before clogging the front page with repeated info requests.

  12. I've never even been able to pull up their webpage here so I've never been able to join. :huh:

    For a minute there I thought it was a result of your--mild, I thought--disagreement with one of the admins about terminology, which would have been absolutely preposterous. Glad it was technical and cleared up. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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