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Posts posted by archibald

  1. Something I really can't get past anymore is the CG lever pin. It is almost never flush to the CG. On this watch, it is even worse than usual.

    I have many clients wearing genuine Pams and the one thing that instantly seperates mine from theirs' is this one small but hugely and instantly noticable difference. Oddly enough, My old Abay 118 is absolutely perfect, though the lever is really loose.

    I hear you, but the difference isn't really the "flushness." I have an oem guard on my 051 and have seen and held many gen PAMs. Actually PAM pins are usually ever so slightly recesed. There is a major fit and finish difference between Panerai pins and rep pins--OEM pin holes are perfectly finished (reps usually have unevenly rounded edges), and the pin itself, flush or not, fits in the hole absolutely perfectly with no gaps, dents, rough ends, etc.

    That being said, if your goal is to have your rep pass in-hand inspection by a collector you've got a long and frustrating collecting life ahead of you, and the pin is the least of your worries--Even if the dimensions of all the parts were perfect, general fit and finish would an instant tell, followed by the brushing if any, the dial print, and the AR shade....then of course, there's the movement decoration....

  2. cosmetically more correct version buy a gen :p

    God, I hope not.

    One thing is for certain, though: If the crown guard fits the "1:1" cases currently offered by other dealers, it will be possible to have one sweet rep.

    Dial, case, crystal from "1:1 case" rep.

    CG, hands, movement from Davidsen

    Palp crown

    High end aftermarket strap

    After you sell the leftover parts, $500 bucks gets you an A's crossbar away from an on-the-wrist perfect copy of a $5,000 watch.

  3. realy? any proofs? :bangin:

    We are given figure ABCDEF which is a union of segments in a plane. connects only to at point B, and point A is left unintersected. also connects to at C. also connects to at D. connects to at E. connects to no other segment and in fact, point F is left completely unintersected. Now since figure ABCDEF has two segments, and , which only connect with one other segment, it cannot be a polygon. For in a polygon, by definition, all segments intersect two others, one at each endpoint. Thus it is proven the movement is a 6947.

  4. Simple: if it lookes silly to you don't wear it. We big guys have to be careful we don't wear clothes that make our guts look bigger than they already are. Really skinny or little guys, I guess, have to decide if they want to wear watches that make them look lankier or smaller-framed than they already are. Me, I probably shouldn't wear my RO w/ short sleeved shirts because, like Ms. A says, it makes my arms and hands look a little ....er...plump. I do anyway, though, 'cause I'm too old to give a [censored]. Bottom line: depends on the degree to which you care what others think.

  5. Everything is either 100% perfect or well on it's way. But can I be 100% honest? Don't ruin your work w/ that dial! You went for the crusty look....and I believe you got the "I'm going for the crusty look" look. Know what I mean? It looks "done," not naturally aged. With your obvious skills, I bet you'll back off about 40% on your next attempt and nail it dead on! Awesome work.

  6. What I want to know is this: If the french police go in there and start kicking some ass, will the idiot republicans in the US stop ordering Freedom Fries at McDonalds?

    (BTW, the Repub who wrote that legislation is now one of the leading proponents of a timetable for getting out of Iraq).

  7. The Bush administration is way too incomptent to have done 9-11. What we know happened:

    1)January 2001: Richard Clark gave Deputy NSC chief Stephen Hadley warning that Bin Laden was threat #1 and a comprehensive plan to get rid of him. Team Bush had 9 meetings about what what to do w/ Iraqi oil between inauguration day and 9-11 and ......1 on Bin Laden.

    2)CIA head Tenant calls a meeting with the National Security team in July 2001 absolutely freaked out that we're about to be attacked. Rice does nothin except have 2 more meetings on invading Iraq.

    3)The President himself gets a memo titled, "Bin Laden Determined to strike America" on August 6. Does nothing except play a round of golf.

    4)Within a week of 9-11, Rumsfeld orders the military to draw up plans to attack....Iraq.

    5)Instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan and the border areas of Pakistan, Team Bush misleads America about the threat of Saddam. We divert 140k troops and 300 billion bucks to find.....that Saddam was a [censored], not a threat to the US. We also create thousands of terrorists who would not like to come over here and kill us., says bush, because they're busy blowing up [censored] in Iraq. LOL!

    6)The Intel Community points ouit what everyone not bamboozled by Bush's schmoozing of the religious nuts already knew--the war in Iraq made us less safe.

    With a track record like that, they couldn't have caused the collapse of my kids' plywood treehouse. And now over to the die hards, the 30% minority of Americans who are uh.....smarter...than everyone else.

  8. don't let the screw down crown issue prevent you from getting it. It is NOT an issue. If you want it, get it. It is a fantastic rep!

    Exactly. You guys are cracking me up. For $100 you can get 5 tubes and still save 6 grand off the gen. Plus, as many have said about the 183, if you're wearing a manual wind screw down crown watch as you're daily wearer you need to buy a couple more reps!

  9. I think it's pointless to put a fixed dollar amount on rep expeniture unless there's a fixed dollar amount you can afford to spend period. I usually compare the cost of a rep to the cheapest price I can get a used gen in good condition.

    Let's say a decorated swiss 2892 FM Conquistador w/ OEM crown, dial, and strap;relumed hands; and a professional polish is up for sale at $750. You'd be a fool to pass up that watch just because your arbitrary rep value cieling is $600. That $700 is indistinguishable in form AND funtion with a watch that sells for at least $5500 used.

    I understand the "rep-will-always-be-a-rep" truism that gets slinged around here (but the line is becoming increasingly blurred and that saying increasingly not-always-true). Even so, for super accurate, same movement as gen watches I love, I'd even go 35% of the cost of a used gen.

  10. Here's my question... is it actually possible to achieve the same rehaut on the rep using an ETA2836. I am wondering if the polex movement isn't thinner and consequently allows for the deeper rehaut. If that is the case, there only one way to allow for deeper rehaut on the rep and that is to use a 'deeper dish' case back... not really a great solution. Is the MBW rehaut more close to the gen?

    I think, although I may be wrong that the rehuat is due to case construction and would be the same no matter what movement is used inside. Since MBW's tend to have 1:1 rehaut and 2836's clearly it's possible to have both.

    As a side note, for noobs who wonder why we're all obsessed about rehaut: 1)we're insane. 2)It's one of the flaws that can't be modded away, so it means people who mod can get their watches that much closer to 1:1.

  11. I buy Tropic's version 100%. My wife collects old china and regularly chuckles at the bloated values they quote on the show. Since it's a TV program, their job is to create drama, not provide accurate, healthily skeptical appraisals of people's [censored]. The whole idea is the vicarious thrill when someone finds a $100,000 painting in granny's shed or the schadenfreund when the greedy yuppie finds out the Ming vase he thinks he "stole" from the flea market was made in Hoboken in 1923.

    Some guy brought in a genuine vintage PAM and a great story so they're not going to tell him the caseback was made in 1945 instead of 1943. Since so many of those watches wound up on the bottom of the ocean, and since the ones that didn't are searched for and collected so voraciously, I doubt there's very many sleepers left.

  12. Last night I dreamed of your new watch..

    How were you able to source the solid gold bezel? :)

    Oh no....this isn't going to be one of those "look at my top-secret rep"" threads, is it? Is it one of the gold bezels sold on ebay?

    BTW, I was thinking about buying one of those bezels to go with my OEM crown ($75) and OEM white-gold bezel screws ($71) that I got from my...ahem...top-secret source. :D

  13. Do the math: Bad workmanship is one thing, outright scamming is another. Do the math. Many people sent their watches to be essentially stored for months, then paid $25 for $4.00's worth of return shipping. 140 watch backlog. If 1/2 those people just said "to helll with it" and paid the $25 "shipping" charge, that's $1470 for unpackaging and repackaging watches.

  14. There is a review of the Pam 212 in the latest issue of WatchTime...

    It´s a battle of the Flyback Chronograph, Blancpain VS. Panerai


    I expected a shameless schmooz job of Panerai from WatchTime, but they actually settled for being too generous. They correctly pointed out that the 212, while a drop dead gorgeous watch, is hugely overpriced.

  15. I respectfully disagree w/ jonathan:

    My suggestion would be to make an attempt on a sprung crown first--why not see if we can make them as much like the gen crown as possible? Same size, same function. If there is a way to make a crown that functions like an OEM crown while working "out of the box" w/ rep guards, I can tell you, having worked on three aftermarket parts projets now, that you will find it's worth the effort. You'll sell them out in a day.

    I also guarantee that any CNC shop that has the technology/knowhow to make a crown that works also has the technology/knowhow to make an accurate H series guard...as a package deal, that would make some RWG entrepreneur a healthy sum of money in a VERY short period of time.

  16. Doesn't his have a bridge across the complication, on the dial? I'm pretty sure that means it is not a tourbillon.

    Some tourbillons have "bridges" some don't (it usually depends on whether or not they have a second hand attached--so that's not an indication of real or faux--the version in the OP is the same flying tourbillon described by omni. I can't wait for the center tourbillons to drop...with the bridge and a second hand attached it'll make the current muller flying tourbillon rep damn close to the gen.

  17. Um... Ulich... you need to do your homework a little better... a good rep is rhodium plated... that would be, uh, how can i put this... EXACTLY the same finish as the gen. A WG gen does not actually show any WG... just rhodium... which it is also plated with. True 18K WG is too yellowy.

    I used to think the same thing, but that's not always the case (it is w/ the watch in the OP, though). So far, the only brands I've been able to find out definitvely about are:

    FM: No

    Rolex: Yes

    AP: No

    VC: Yes

    In any event, aside from weight and general fit and finish which would allow any WIS to spot a WG DD rep as a rep, the highest end DD reps are great. 99.9% of the people will assume they're real as long as you can pull off wearing an 20k watch. If not, rep or gen doesn't matter..Everyone will assume it's fake.

  18. FM makes, by fair, the ugliest watches on the planet.

    LOL! You've got some pretty definitive views on matters of taste...but judging by the comments I get, most people definitively think Panerais are uglier than mullers. Mullers get the most "nice watch"es by far, and Panerai's get by far the most "What's that ugly thing on your wrist." I love them both, so I don't care...i just buy what I like.

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