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Posts posted by archibald

  1. What about a simple simple JLC Reverso?

    So easy and still not here :wounded1:a result of your actions.

    I'd buy an accurate reverso in a second--I remember reading an article in one of the watch mags in which some guy from JLC said that he was surprised more companies haven't copied the concept of the reverso since technically it was remarkably easy to accomplish. Maybe there is no chinese or ETA movement thin enough for an accurate rep that's mechanical on both sides?

  2. As opposed to?

    it may have been that my semantics were not phrased correctly .. after really being mezmerized by the Panerais, when i put on other makes it just feels very strange to not have a Panerai on the wrist , even smaller sizes, even a rep., .... as i said alot of things that i collect, i enjoy just viewing them when i'm home and smoking a good cigar or drawing on my pipes (tobacco) ..lol ....if i came on too strong i offer my humble apologies ... i enjoy history .. obviously my knowledge of watch parts is not as indepth as most of the RWG members ... i don't have to explain what satisfaction we all have with these reps .... watchsmiths are a different culture from most "mechanics" i worked in Seattle at Mayer Brothers, watch parts department when i was working my way through school ... too bad i was not into these watches back then ... i would have taken more interest in Horology .. anyway ... i guess the old saying if you own 1 pipe you are a smoker if you own 2 you are a collector .. maybe same with watches.. so i like the history behind what ever i collect ... i know this is a watch forum .. but for example .. look up cohiba .. it is a brand of cigar from an island south of Miami and see what history you come up with ... same with watches, i sometimes get into the hisory behind a certain watch ... so peace and live and let live. :thumbsupsmileyanim:


    OK...I was just getting a little worried. We went from 4mm to cigars to golf clubs to dogs pretty quickly.

    I really wasn't saying anything about your personal watch buying or wearing habits, which I don't think about very often to be honest. I was making a general statement: If you hang out here or any watch board long enough you will read dozens of posts written by people who say emphatically "I won't wear a watch under 44mm" or I can't wear a watch unnder 44mm" or refer to a 41mm watch as "way too small for me" Call me a purist, but I'm sorry to say that I do have trouble referring to someone who absolutely refuses to wear 98% of the watches on the planet a "watch enthusiast." It'd be like calling a guy who only drinks Pomerols a "wine enthusiast." He's a Pomeristi. To you I was only saying, and still say: If you agree with those guys, you won't like the PAM 50 or 51 however accurate or beautiful they are. You will look at it and think, "This watch is 4mm too small." I should have also added, "If you do like watches smaller than 44mm, I reccomend the PAM 051 because the white dial works much better on 41mm PAMs than 44mm PAMS to my eye."

    Peace and hi to the pups.

  3. unfortunately the lugs shape from the gen and rep radiomirs are not my taste.

    so i have decided for the lugs with down curved shape, 'cause the entire form of the watch has more homogeneity.

    i have seen that some vintage radiomirs on pictures have the same down curved lugs.


    I see exactly what you mean...the curved lugs look a lot better. So your watchmake essentially forged you new ones...Amazing craftsmanship! Do you think it would be possible to approximate the mod my grinding and bending the existing lugs?

  4. I don't mean to offend anyone ... i actually never said or have the attitude that "i don't wear anything under 44 mm", what i am asking is does anyone have a comparison .. and visually it is like looking at a golf club ... if you can't get used to the "look" then it will not be pleasuable to use.. SO if you are proclaiming that i am not a watch enthusiast and that i should not be on this forum then that is your opinion ... i was requesting a comparison not your personal opinion of my thoughts that you are assuming i am thinking ....did i state anywhere that i "do not wear anything other than" 44mm? this is what i am thinking .. so you can get it straight in your "so called mind" .... a collection of the same design and style in different mm sizes may be interesting, for me personally and not for your approval or otherwise.. some watches that i own hardly get worn .. i just like to take them out and enjoy viewing them ... i also collect vintage cigars and pipes .. some pipes are 10 to 15 years old and i have never smoked them their carvers are great artist and masters in the art.. (carved meerschaums), some cigars are in tubes that have been discontinued in the 70's .. i don't show them to anyone .. they are kept in a climate controled room and in a humidor .. you can find them in the encyclopedia of post revolutionary habana cigars .. but i do not post pictures on any forums .. they are for my "personal enjoyment" friends ask me why i don't just smoke it .. and my reply is that they are a part of history, and i enjoy viewing them form time to time, like watches are ... i have a watch from the 1930's that still works well (very small) .. i like to take it out from time to time just to view it while i lite a good stick.

    I don't show it at all ... i have had champion show dogs sired by Grand Champions , but never showed them because the trophies were not what i was after...... my point is before you make assumptions you should take into consideration that hobbies or interest vary and some people take a very humble approach to their hobbies , and do it for pure personal satisfaction .. like owning art that only the owner views .. hobbies at times i compare to religious beliefs .. very personal ... so be very careful who you call out .. it could turn out very embaracing for you.


    Are you OK?

  5. Sometimes it pays to wait...the Black Magic and the 2007 CD (no rec room paneling on the back)....My take-the-kids-to-the-pool watches for this summer.

    BTW...let's hope they're using existing dials just for the pics of both ceramic BB's--both are wrong for their respecive models by a wide margin, although I bet it wouldn't be hard to remove, paint, and replace the numbers on the Black Magic.

    ON Edit: What are the odds that they used Ti on the Black Magic?

  6. Yeah, I agree. The same old one step forward, one step back. Beveling is too wide. No mark over the "e" in Geneve. Hands are wrong. Font on "Automatic" seems a bit off.

    LOL! You're pulling our legs, right? The .2mm of date window bevel and a .1mm mark above an "E" count as steps? I just can't see the what's wrong w/ the hands and "automatic font" except they both look a little more crisply executed on this version.

  7. A date wheel would be pretty easy--about ten minutes work as a matter of fact--if someone knows the right font and if there is no overlay used on the rep change the position of the date to accomopdate the window. I already have the size an alignment for 28XX wheels in Illustrator. It would literally be 4 mouse clicks--two to change the font, one to save, and one to send the file to the print shop.

    I'd cretainly be willing to make a few and have them printed and cut--at least as a small made to order run--if someone else can ID the right font.

  8. Unless they actually mean "pay him a visit." Asking someone to pop over to a mate's house to see if they're all right isn't actionable. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    You know, maybe someone should actually "pay him a visit..." as in call him first, see if they can do anything to help him out, maybe even by mailing what needs to be mailed for him at their expense, or paid via some kind of collection here which I bet would be instantly successful. I ain't no Mother Theresa to be sure, but if a Washington DC RWGer were sick, I like to hope I'd be thinking the last thing he needs in his life is [censored] like Mark is getting in this thread and that maybe I'd make a 5 minute phone call and do an hour's worth of work for him.

  9. If you've actually fallen into the "I don't wear anything under 44mm trap," don't even bother w/ the 40mm. You won't like it. Read some of the threads about 40mm PAMs and you'll see what I mean.

    Personally, and I'm certainly not trying to offend anyone, but if watch a enthusiast has really excluded himself from wearing 98% of all watches in existence, I kind of doubt their watch enthusiasm. I'm thinking they just like really big objects on their wrists....

  10. The color of hands and dials is the same on the early gens. It may look a little different as you can glob more lume on hands. :)

    I think Davidsens dial is pretty good, maybe even better than the "original" rep dial, depending on what bugs you. Davidsen's font isn't exactly the same as gen but his "A's" are better. Lume is too green, So, assuming you'd get Davidsen's relumed to correct the color and the other one relumed to improve the lume, which one is better? Depends on what bugs you more: a font that's not exact to gen, or the infamous drooping bar.

    One thing is for certain: Unless you hang out a Paneristi conventions on a regular basis, you chances of getting called out w/ a modded 63 are nil.

  11. Thanks for the info.

    It's just that I've read in some of the threads about PVD coating PAMs that it can be scratched off to reveal the base metal. In fact, I believe I even read on the Paneristi website about it happening to gens - something about how Panerai wouldn't recoat the watch but they offer a service to strip off all the rest of the PVD or something like that.

    Not sure how hard a knock that would take but figured that it might be risky.

    From a post @ finishing.com, w/ cuts and my italics:

    "The PVD treatments that are used in (good quality) watch casings are much more resistant to scratching than electoplating...

    An excellent reference is the Longines website....

    ... What is actually on the top of a PVD watch is a sub-micron finishing layer of gold which highlights the gold colour of the PVD coating (usually titanium nitride).... As mentioned before, since the top layer on a PVD coating is so thin, if you manage to scratch a PVD coating you cant buff it back...."

    So it looks like PVD is much harder to scratch than electroplating, but if you scratch it, you're screwed.

    Also, it looks like Louis Erard offers a PVD Rose gold piece...


  12. Okay, I pulled the trigger on the gen Monza!! It should be here within a week.

    I had some doubts to buy a gen Tag Link chrono but the rep looks to good to buy a gen.

    @ dablockrock: you're aboluty right that the cal. 36 is very nice. But I need some space to maybe engrave something on the case back. And that doesn't look nice on a display back.


    The business end of the 2894 is the chrono module--which appears on a number of watches, high end and not so high end. The chrono module makers make the modules to fit on a wide variety of movements with minor modifications--AP for example puts a DD module on a JLC movement for the ROO, I believe. My Tag Monaco is powered by a 2894, I believe, although it may be an elprimero... whatever it is it is completely reliable and keeps cosc time.

  13. Thumb....hmmmm....never heard of him.

    Just speaking for myself, whenever a "new" modder or dealer shows up, I always try to find out if its someone I'm already familiar with, for good or for ill. 'Cause you know, I would wonder why anyone would feel feel the need to pop up under a new name. I woulda thunk modders, like dealers, live and die by their reputations. Those who have changed their names usually announce it pretty loudly so their good reputations--and customers--follow.

    Also, I just blow off the owrd serviced in any ad--as zig points out there's no real way to verify, so I won't pay extra for it. IMO, if all the "serviced" reps offered in the trading section really were serviced, our watchsmiths would be doing nothing but servicing movements 24/7 365.

  14. Thumb....hmmmm....never heard of him.

    Just speaking for myself, whenever a "new" modder or dealer shows up, I always try to find out if its someone I'm already familiar with, for good or for ill. 'Cause you know, I would wonder why anyone would feel feel the need to pop up under a new name. I woulda thunk modders, like dealers, live and die by their reputations. Those who have changed their names usually announce it pretty loudly so their good reputations--and customers--follow.

  15. Agreed some of the GP out there is diabolical.... (yet nowhere near as bad as it was a decade ago on reps when it was seldom good for more than one or two days wear!), but generally easily spotted as such, and therefore avoided by reputable dealers.

    But conversely a lot is VERY GOOD and equally on a par with the GP on say a

  16. There's no reason why some factory couldn't do a perfect 104-- good font Dw's for the A7750, and good magnification systems already exist on other 44mm reps, & the good dial already exists. All they would have to do is put those parts together and fix the caseback. We could take care of the crown, which they will never get right.

    I'm afraid that that would never occur to a repmaker--that level of detail is under their radar unless they try for it from the get-go, like on the HBB and Couteau Diver.

  17. Now do you think i can do this with the new pam24 bezel. It's brushed when it comes from ed. But i would love to have it polished...

    An old thread--but a high class shine never goes out of style. To polish out brushing I'd invest in a dremel. Use one of the felt tips w/ green polish then continue as per JJFlash's directions.

  18. Customs got the press hit they wanted, knowing that their announcement of the fine--which their press office undoubtedly pitched--would be news and the dropping of the charges, which was undoubtedly left to the victim to try to get in the papers, would get no play. I bet the the ratio of stories on the fine and stories on it being dropped is 50-1, which is the whole idea: 99% of the people who even know about this incident still think some guy got fined 50 grand for trying to bring fake rolexes into the country.

    Think about it--How many reps are carried, smuggled, and imported into the country? How many individual collectors have paid a fine at all, let alone 50k? I'd say your odds of losing a watch via postal theft are much higher than losing one in customs--which is exactly why some dealers take customs risk but not theft risk.

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