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Posts posted by KB

  1. Actually I am sure if you take a few deep breaths and start again that there are guys right here on this forum that can walk you through the fix so there is no cost to you at all.

    Yes watch dealers expect customers to pay shipping for returns, it may not seem fair to you but it is after all an illegal trade and as such there is always some risk.

    I am assuming that the only offer you would find acceptable is for the dealer to pay your return shipping and then send you a replacement watch...but it is not going to happen and despite what you said, no dealer will do that.

    So it's time to look at your options 1. get help from the guys here and do the repair for free or 2. Find a watchsmith who will do it and it should be a lot cheaper than $100


  2. @ Nanuq :D

    Yes I always sleep with mine on, if the house catches fire and we need to run out into the street I might be in my underpants but at least I will know what time it is :)

    I only take my watch of when i have a shower because (in Eddie Lee voice) "Waterproof is good for 20 meter dash in the rain"


  3. Just out of curiosity @ freddy333 as you don't see any threats of murder on a grand scale coming from the west, exactly what is the preferred option that is being discussed in this thread?

    And no we do not need to go back to the Crusades but history does show that Christians have caused more bloodshed than any other religion, but again we are far more learned than that now, many of us recognise that atrocities were perpetuated by our ancestors that we of today would never do....but...but...Iraq, anything up to 200,000 innocent men, women and children killed!

    The link I gave served only one purpose and that was to show that many domestic terrorism acts were not perpetuated by Muslims, I could care less if many were leftist (although I think you are being a bit fast and lose there) because I am not a leftist in anyway shape or form. If anything my politics is much closer to center because I am a humanist but I do have a lot of issues with politicians on the right when they say they know more about climate change than the scientist, when they say they know more about religion than the Pope and when they claim morality while demanding to refuse Syrian refugees I find those kind of things an outright attack on my intelligence. 

    A smart man should never link himself so tightly to a political party that they can dictate the way he thinks.


    • Like 1
  4. Actually no you are defining how to grade these acts, the guy that walked into the Sikh temple may have been a moron because he was out to murder Muslims but what he did was an act of terror in anyone's eyes.

    I also assure you that while all those attacks on the list I showed you may have been committed by persons not in their right mind nearly all had political/religious reasons for their actions.


  5. unreformed66 a guy walks into a cafe' in Paris and open fires on all he sees and it's terrorism, but a guy walks into a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and open fires at all he sees and it's a crime?

    You need to go back to your searching and exchange the word 'crime' with 'domestic terrorism' like your own FBI does.

    I do apologise for wasting an hour of your time but I did think that if it took me 30 seconds to type 'Domestic terrorism in the US' into Google others should be able too.

    All the same here is one link of very many for you.... http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/terrorism/wrjp255a.html


  6. Personally, like someone said earlier, I think the only real option is just get out of the middle east altogether.

    Sure guys like Sadam Hussien were barbaric but the middle east and Islam have lived that way for centuries, the problems have risen only when we try to force our democratic ways on them.


  7. So tell me, when was the last time THAT happened? Oh, never. I'm not a religious guy, but I don't see any other religion doing this sort of crap anymore. The days of the IRA and ETA are in the past. It would seem that 100% of the acts of terrorism perpetrated in the last 10 years were perpetrated by one religion. And it wasn't Christians, or Bhuddists, or Hare Krishnas. I'm also not for "nuke them all".

    2012 August 5: Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting, he shooter thought they were Muslim, but I'm sure there were many who said close enough.

    You should also research before offering opinions as just from 2010 alone there has been around 20 domestic terrorist attacks on US soil of which the vast majority are perpetuated by Christians.


    • Like 1
  8. If the only answer people can come up with is to drop a frigging big bomb and wipe out untold numbers of innocent men, women and children just to get to a small number of extremist then you are way worse than the terrorist in Paris.

    Don't kid yourself the discussion is about murder on a grand scale because in most of the opinions here there is no difference between a peaceful Muslim and a terrorist.


  9. There is a lot of uniformed comments in this thread but this....

    "If 98% of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims are truly peace loving, only they can take back control of their religion and eradicate the extremists."

    Pretty much takes the cake.

    I mean seriously your own people can't stop nut jobs shooting up schools and malls but you hold Aariz who lives next door responsible for ISIS?


  10. Well Andrew going by this thread the obvious answer is the USA and Canada.

    The whole issue I have here is this totally indiscriminate idea of 'Kill em all and let God sort them out'

    You believe it will never happen, what do you call the Iraq war?


  11. So just looking on the flip side.

    If a hand full of Christian nut jobs went to Pakistan and shot up a lot of civilians they would be justified in putting a few nukes into most of the major American cities?

    After all these nut jobs are Christian so they represent all the Christians right?


    Thought not.



    • Like 1
  12. Look lets be clear here, does anyone really think ISIS can be wiped out by military force?

    I mean when has this ever worked?

    Vietnam? Korea? Ireland? Iraq? Afghanistan?

    I support bombings and even troop actions against ISIS but I am not blind enough to think anyone is going to wipe them out any time soon.

    And I most certainly do not support a war against Islam simply because it is the religion shared by the few that do perpetuate these atrocities.


  13. I'm sorry Mike but you say it's inevitable that we go to war with Islam.

    Just a couple of facts...

    There is 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world, Pakistan is a Muslim country that had Nuclear weaponry plus there is always the chance of others China/Nth Korea picking the wrong side.

    Of these Muslim numbers the entire ISIS, Boko Haram and Al-Qaeda make only 0.003% of the Muslim population and only 2% of all terrorist attacks can be shown to be in the name of Islam.

    Are the above figures really enough to risk nuclear war and possible end of the human race?

    Even if we could get through such a war I am sure the world would not be the kind of place I would want my children or Grandchildren to grow up in.

    Is there another way?

    There has to be, it took over 30 years to stop the bloodshed in Ireland maybe it's time to learn from history.


    • Like 2
  14. My heart goes out to the people of France such a cowardly and senseless attack against civilians.

    I will venture however those saying that it is time to take the fight up to the terrorist need to remember that the 'War on Terror' started in 2001, Bin Laden is gone and also a host of top al qaeda leaders but not the organisation, the same was true for many years with the IRA.

    Yes you can take the fight up to the ISIS and yes we probably should but they will end up as an underground terrorist network, ask Israel how hard it is to take these groups down.

    I fear people are really suggesting a war on Islam and I wonder if our children or their children will one day be studying about the start of WW111....or worse.


  15. Hold your horses, I am still checking on this for you.

    Why people are so quick to go to off site sellers for softgoods even when they all know the dangers of doing so for watches baffles me.

    Please understand there is just as many, probably more, bad softgoods sellers out there as there is bad watch sellers.


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