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Posts posted by KB

  1. I notice you said 'used to be' a Breitling dealer.


    A friend of mine owns a jewelry store and he doesn't know the first thing about watches, or jewelry for that matter, he simply bought the shop and is learning as he goes.


    If the store expert that looked at your watch is not a Breit man but just a guy who knows a bit about watches then it's a good chance he will say the same about every second hand brand name watch he sees.




  2. Just for the record I was a dealer on TRC and a founding moderator of this board.


    When the decision was made to make TRC a read only forum, which made it neccessary to move my business here, I offered to stand down as a moderator but the team vetoed that on the grounds they felt I could conduct myself fairly and in an unbiased way.


    If anyone believes that is not the case I will be glad to hear why the think so.



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  3. This is the 3rd time you have tried to attack me on the open forum Carl, both other times I asked you to contact me via PM and let me know exactly what you are referring too.


    Obviously something has upset you but just as obviously you have taken something way out of context because I have absolutely no recollection of any clash with you at all.


    Now my offer is still out there to contact me and sort the issue rationally but I will not continue to let a smear campaign go on unchecked. 



  4. I tend to watch a lot of foreign movies on SBS as my wife usually goes to sleep long before me so I can turn the sound off and read the subtitles.


    I have seen 'Tell No one' and yes it is a good movie.


    I find there are some real gems, yes you do have to sort through a lot of flimsy stuff, in the Bollywood movies.


    One I really enjoyed was Mohabbatein, a bit of a tear jerker but beautifully acted and filmed.



  5. what really grabs me is that the case is listed as Vintage 1971 to 1983


    I have a couple of problems with this


    1. When you do get the extremely rare item that is worth a fortune it is a one off year, like the 1930 penny and it's value is due to the lack of availability. No way can you give a 12 year spread like that.


    2. I would have thought Vintage was pre 70's?




  6. It amazes me the lengths people will go to when trying to save a dollar or two.


    The 6 watch case listed above is $110 USD plus $30 to $40 shipping.


    So what you get is a basic case, no QC, no guarantee of delivery, no after sales service if there is an issue for approx $150


    On the other hand you could get this beautiful walnut 8 watch case for $195 delivered with guaranteed delivery, professional QC and after sales service....go figure




    Honestly every time someone has a grand plan to get better prices than Bergies they never factor in all the benefits I offer.




  7. Just a quick shout to let everyone know that 'She who must be obeyed' has informed me that it is my best interest not to work for the couple of days before Easter :(


    I gotta do a thing called family activities. ;)




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