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Everything posted by KB

  1. I will say this Josh has posted elsewhere that he needs help in tracking down a couple of members who he is in the process of doing a deal with, one of those members is Ryan Pannell..........hmm where have I heard that name before?..........its very close to Bryan Panell if you ask me Ken
  2. Floris my friend you are trying too hard, I mean its not even a milestone anniversary. So for those that have wished my wife and I well, I thank you...........but Floris be a good fella and let the thread die Ken
  3. Hey thanks guys We (my Wife, Daughter and I) have just got home from the park where my wife and I sat in the sun sipping wine and nibbling shortbread (makes a pleasant change from cheese) whilst the daughter played on the swings. We are heading back out to dinner soon and then off to a friends house for after dinner drinks, then back home to put the daughter to bed and then.......................the party really starts Ken
  4. Funny you should mention that Ethan, there has always been many who call for Waltzing Matilda to be our National Anthem. To them I always say............listen to the words ....................... Ken
  5. Obviously you've been holding out on us Superb collection Ken
  6. KB

    My gift

    Well Ethan it looks like Yoda stay's.............................at least until the boss turns up. Ken
  7. KB

    My gift

    Ok you have my solem promise that this watch will never leave my collection.....................now will someone please tell me how to get it back as my avatar Ken
  8. KB

    My gift

    @ All..........I have tried, I have exchanged many PM's with Floris as well as others and there seems no way I can make this happen I have therefore decided to keep this watch and forward another which has no more special meaning than the fact that it is one of my watches, and I shall then still be able to find solace in the 'me to you' gesture. As a postscript to all this I shall once more revert my avatar to the photo of my 'First and Favourite' Ken
  9. Basically the law is to stop people buying cheap rolex straight from the maufactorer and undercutting dealers in other countries. Walmart actually brought a large amount of rolex watches for their employees and they lost the lot at the border. Ken
  10. KB

    My gift

    9 very..............nay extremely..........happy years Ken
  11. KB

    My gift

    Todays my Wedding Anniversary so I'm in a good mood....................however I don't think slay has noticed Ken
  12. KB

    PO age

    Cheap and nasty Ken
  13. Slay if you want me to adjust your warning meter just keep going. Ken
  14. Slay..........cut it ok...........yes this is an offical warning
  15. KB

    My gift

    I know Dutchy's misfortune has touched us all and we are all helping out in whatever way we can. Whether that is a watch, a donation or just words of encouragement, it has all overwhelmed Floris and made me feel so happy to be part of this community. Anyway I have a watch........ a very special watch.......... and the first watch I purchased here This watch has a very special meaning for me as it was purchased from Dave Gates and as such I can think of no better use for it than to be passed on to Floris who can now be the keeper of what I would like to think of as the 'Welcome Watch' Maybe in time another situation will arise with a highly regarded new member and then Floris can pass on Daves 'Welcome Watch' But for now this is your watch Floris........ Ken PS.........I have your address
  16. The unfortunate reality is that whoever has highjacked Joshua's account is a member of one of the four rep boards. Ken
  17. All my watches are round (so far) but this is the first to tempt me to buy a square (oblong) watch, beautiful Ken
  18. Actually as soon as he gives me his postal address I will send him a watch. Ken
  19. Of course I've got you before but once again Happy Birthday. And are you going to send me your postal address or not. Ken
  20. Sometimes we get so caught up on our reps we forget there is some very nice (and cheap) gen's we should be looking at too. Ken
  21. KB

    Suspect PO

    Wow a gen 1st edition................white date, no red tip, shocking bezel.................. The $39.99 is about right if no one else bids Ken
  22. Nah when they get to nosey we kill them
  23. Australians all let us rejoice The weekend now is near We've worked all bloody week for this Dear God let's get a beer. Our desks abound in paperwork Our hands are stained with ink In desperate stage, we'll fly the cage Advance to Friday drinks!! With joyful strains,destroy our brains Advance to Friday drinks. Beneath our radiant locals sign We toil with glass in hand To be the one to skull the most Fall down, or lose your pants. Tequila shots, we'll take the lot That guy behind us stinks. Beer goggles on, it's time to run Go home from Friday drinks. Spew rumbo stains and vodka trains I'm done with Friday drinks!!!
  24. I suppose we can always as Randy, then he wont have a choice. Ken PS. I'm going off line for a gew hours, can someone please work on Floris to give me his address.
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