Im going to write something like 'how to' about strap making, cuz Ive made already a couple for me and my friends, I still regard my strapworks as awful, but my friends tell me to stick with this thing and improve my skills
Anyway Ill say to you what I was learned of myself.
Dont use best quality leather for your first strap project. Unless youre a cobbler dont do it, It wont look good and you will wear another one youll make in the future. It wioudl be a great waste of good leather.
But thats my advices. Anyway you will need a razor knife (or something simillar that is very very sharp to cut the leather), good glue ment for leather, something to press glued leather for time for the glue dry, some tools to do the holes ment for future stitching (i use a simple spike and hammer), then youll have to decide what kind of stitching will you do, straight, angled, couloured, matchng etc so also you will need a thick, strong thread and hooked or normal needle. In the end youll have do the holes for your buckle.
And thats it, but please, take your time and dont hurry. Patience works better than rush in here, although you would want to have this strap finished in 2h (that can be done) other than waiting 24h for the glue to dry properly
Have fun, its addicting the same way as Panerais are
btw, I done this few days ago, a black tan, white stitching