Well it occured that the screws I got with my 111h after a couple of months become somehow damaged and they werent holding the cg tight.
So I decided toay to visit all my local watchmakers to see if they can get these screws for me. Unlucky none could help me. All of them were admiring the rep btw and one didnt noticed it was a rep, he even told me that it will be hard to find these 'ORIGINAL' sg screws I askerd him quickly if he could do a waterresistance test on my pam as its rep. He was very very suprised and asked 'THIS WATCH???!?!' so I quess our pams really look close.
Anyway back to the main point.
I was seeking rwg and didnt find any solutions, my dealer still havent reply my email.
Is there a way to source cg screws or the whole CG as mine came bit not tightly fitting the case??
I apriciate every help and advice