just my two words.. ive read all the pges, but i could really missed the thing so my word could be a seconding someone.
Nontheless personally i think that this rep sell game, that dealers run isnt much more anything else than a simple marketing games. Whever we try to buy something, no matter where, seller tries to sell things to us at mainly all cost. I have found myslef dozens of times in situations like seller declared about something and when things came up, the declared statements were far from truth. But mostly I was happy with the thing anyway so I said myself "f**k it" and stayed without any complainments. And much do with reps I think. A dealer thinks "why should many of them bother a lie about "real syntetic shapire" if theyve spend 150usd which they been collection for quite some time, waited 2-3 weekes since theyve ordered their precious new watch and finally got it? They will have to wait another period of time to send it back, got another one". Theres where those little lies makes sense for them. If we have two advertisements about same rep, same priced, but one with real shapire, ETA mvt and other watch bling blings which one will you choose? And thoesnt that come suspicuos that two different dealers offers crap rep and "ultimate" rep at the same price?
I do really expect dealers to colorize a bit whatever they try to sell, just to sell better. Remember, 10% of rep buyers ro less, more, whatever, is here on RWG, RWI, DS, WC and we could notice the difference. Keeping us informed trully, would make them to inform the whole world the truth that equals lower sales stats in the future. Or they could tell truth on our rep community sites while still lying to ohters on their sites, photobuckets. But on that case they would addmit to us, that this dusiness is full of missunderstanding.
But about the lies themselves? At least dealers send watches they show on pictures on their sites and photobuckets