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Posts posted by Brian

  1. By-Tor, I already have the best Sub, but do want to ask you about another watch . . . don't know if you've heard of it, but . . . .

    Who has the best GMT Master II ??

    And, for the best price, from the best dealer, with the quickest shipping . . .

    And if I wear it for a couple weeks and don't like it, will take it back, refund my money, and pay for the shipping ??

    Doesn't that TTK guy operate like that ??

    Think I should Email him about a dozen times, and throw in a handfull of PMs ??

    Oh, got some questions about a couple other best buys, but I'll wait & PM ya Saturday night or Sunday morning . . . you're not doing anything then, are ya ?? If you want to do some research for me first, I think the watch was an Omayger or something like that, but you could look it up for me, can't you ??

    Thanks in advance for your help, even though you owe it to everybody to do it.



  2. I've never read anything bad about anything from Joshua. The new cases he got sound like they're pretty good looking too. I recently picked up a black one from PT, his "ultimate" model. That's right about the price range you're looking for. I'm very, very pleased with it. Like ANY rep, there are a few things not quite 100%, but over all, it's a very accurate piece.

    I will add this though, and give you a good reason to read for yourself. All of the dealers here have very good accurate reps, and especially with the Rollie Subs, due to their popularity. Each has its flaws, as do all reps, but you have to find the one or ones whose flaws you can live with. A rep can be just about perfect, but if cgs are your pet peeve, and the rep you get is perfect, except for the crown guards, they'll keep bothering you and bothering you till you finally sell or just dump the thing, and get another. By reading through the reviews here, and the other boards, you can find out what the members have said about their particular purchase, what other members have said, and decide for yourself what flaws YOU can live with. That's the best reason I can give to politely tell someone "read and research it for yourself!"

    Good luck in your quest, and you really can't go wrong with any of the trusted dealers here.


  3. MBW VINTAGE watches that Luckyy carries are the true MBW watches. He had a DRSD, SRSD, and a white letter, all vintage models which do accept genuine bezels, inserts, crowns, and I believe dials. He also was showing a vintage MBW Explorer II, and a solid gold Daytona that MBW made up for a customer. These are by far, the best vintage model watches out there. His NEW version Subs are really pretty good, but the one batch had the Swiss Made off center, too far to one side. PreciousTime (PT) has what he calls an "Ultimate" Sub that is very very good. I've also read nothing but good things about TT Subs from Joshua and EddieLee.


  4. worlok . . . nice batch of watches, you definitely have good taste.

    I said I can understand you being upset, but let me Re: your last back to me a different way . . .

    "Successful businesspeople take their customers seriously and treat them well, and make sure the orders are correct the first time. I can understand if one of the things was wrong but I was very specific and they essentially sent me the opposite of what I took great pains to describe I wanted. I'm sorry if very few, if any, of you seem to get that. Furthermore, and this is like the 10th time I repeat it, I NEVER SAID WHO THE DEALER WAS, did I? I can sort of understand the hostility if I named him but I never named him. I am complaining anonymously. It started as a vent and I know I shouldn't bother responding constantly but what the hell. "

    I fully understand that you were very, very, very specific about what you wanted. . I have owned, and presently have my own business, as well as ran businesses for others, so I do know what it takes to be successful. I also understand what you got was NOT what you very specifically asked for. I understood from the beginning that you did NOT mention the name of the dealer. I also understood . . . or at least had a good guess . . . that you were a bit PO'd about the transaction, and felt you needed to rant on to someone about what happened.

    What I was trying to get across . . . and obviously didn't . . . was that name or no name, you really jumped the gun with your starting post of this thread. Yea, your upset, but give the dealer a chance to work it out with you personally. You just emailed him/her and haven't gotten a reply yet to know how they'll take care of it for you. If you read through the dealer's review section . . . gawd, now that I said it, I hope there's at least a couple on the new RWG . . . you'll find posts where other people had problems, and how well they were taken care of.

    If this had been going on back & forth with your dealer for a couple weeks, and you were getting no response, or basically a "so what" reply from your dealer and THEN posted, you would have the members of this board backing you up, and when all was laid out, and you still got scammed, that dealer would not only lose a TON of business from this board, but their name would very quickly be [censored] on three other boards as well. You may not have been aware of that, but the dealers on the boards definitely are.

    Also, and not a personal slam, but . . . the dealers on the boards do read the posts also. If you jumped on this mistake like this, without even giving the dealer a chance to fix it . . . and yes, I KNOW you didn't name names . . . how willing do you think the other dealers might be to deal with you? I do feel bad for you having your first purchase go awry, but give the dealer a chance to correct it for you. I'm sure they will.

    "You are comparing watches with Swiss movements that you wear on your wrist to drive through junk food? I rarely visit drive through anyway. I haven't been a student for about 15 years."

    No, I was making a joke about you saying:

    "Look, when I communicate thoroughly with someone and then GIVE THEM MY HARD EARNED MONEY I expect them to follow through correctly. No stupid careless mistakes and quality issues."

    Because the drive thru is the best example I could think of as the antithesis to your statement . . . and also pictured Joe Pesci in the Lethal Weapon . . . two, three, seven . . . where they ordered the subs (sandwiches, not mariners) drive away and then hand out the sandwiches . . . "They fvck you at the drive-in . . . they always fvck you at the drive in . . . "

    And, I haven't been a student for about three years, but before I went back & got my 'puter degree, it was about twenty since I was last a student . . . dammmmn . . . I wanna go back to school again & again . . .

    I really and honestly want to read about your problem being corrected for you. With the dealers on these boards I'm sure it will. Just be a little patient . . . and then be a little more patient. This will get worked out.


  5. "Yeah, I did. Still waiting for reply."

    You haven't even heard back from the dealer from your first email stating your problem with the wrong watch being sent yet ??

    "It just gets me though b/c I don't want to have to pay to send it back to H "

    "If he resolves it correctly"

    "If it turns out that he expects me"

    "We'll see if this guy does the same"

    "This leaves me no choice but to conclude that he was just being careless."

    "We'll see what he says. I have to send him another email about the crystal now."

    Ya know, I can understand you being a bit upset, but why didn't you wait and see what the dealer's reply to your email about your problem was first? You're dealing with an illegal product from half way around the world, you didn't just walk into Lord & Taylor and buy a shirt & tie . . . The watch dealers here are here because of their reputations for their watches at fair prices, with good solid service before AND after the sale. You seem to be worrying yourself into a panic with all the ifs . . . you said it IS one of the dealers from the boards, you will be taken care of & the situation corrected.

    "Look, when I communicate thoroughly with someone and then GIVE THEM MY HARD EARNED MONEY I expect them to follow through correctly. No stupid careless mistakes and quality issues."

    LLLOL . . . you never went to a drive thru, huh ??? My first watch order got to me rather quickly too. Feeling extremely pleased with the delivery time, I opened my package to find . . . not just one wrong watch, but another one too that I didn't order too. Emailed my dealer, letting them know what I received, and waited for a reply. Turned out my watch went to Calif. & their watches came to me in Ohio. Rather than play with Customs again, I suggested just sending each other the right watches. Dealer said great, and would and did pay me/us back. With all the crap that's happened to me, when things start going too well . . . that's when I start getting nervous . . .

    "Even if he makes it right though this is just so unexcusable."

    Oh yeah, the other rule is the customer is always right.

    Your first statement there . . . and actually, your whole post about your situation, isn't exactly going to make any other dealer hope you want to do business with them . . . this is a game of patience, the majority of transactions go through amazingly well, but you have to plan on something messing up. That's why you use the dealers here, they make it right.

    Oh, the second statement was made by a customer . . . probably a pain in the ass customer, so don't bother telling a business person that . . .



  6. If your dealer is one of the well known and trusted dealers on the on the boards, you should know, after reading their reviews, that they will take care of problems. You should be emailing/PMing them directly and calmly explaining the problem instead of flaming them on the forum. That doesn't score you many points, here or with your dealer. If after repeated attempts over a reasonable period of time still doesn't resolve your problem . . . THEN . . . post your message.

    Great first post BTW . . .



  7. sorry about all the pms, and Es . . . .

    I'm sure your puter is on overload by now . . . .

    by those you would stick by you, and those who think you know way more than you have a clue about . . .

    talk about a hard rock & a place . . . .

    errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . .

    so`````something like that . . .

    RWG to the best of my ability . . . . and the effort I'm willing to put into . . . .

    just ain't there any more . . .

    I'd still like to know why Blade has such an attitude about drm & RWI . . .

    Sorry, but a whole bunch of US cruise all four . . . . since RWG1 has finally gone . . . .

    boards . . .

    and the RWI gang is also part of the RWG2 gang . . . .

    why would either have a problem with either ????

    us is them . . . they are us . . .

    we're all together . . . we all hit RWG2, TRC, WT, RWI, . . . where else ????

    Hey, I'm just a newbee . . . what do I know . . .

    $#!+ . . . politics suck pond scum . . . .

    and I'm startin to get a REALLY ad battitude about ALL that's happenin in christmas land . . ..

    but that's just MHO . . . .

    I could be wrong . . .

    nyaaaah . . . , not this time


  8. Na, bress pm's me yesterday and said he was just bullshitting with Brian...

    Unless bres was bullshitting you that he was bullshitting me and really IS matrix . . .

    or maybe even . . .

    BLADE !!!!

    And dammmmmm . . . blade musta not liked me doing a neotrace on his site

    & posting it, when he was barking about RWI . . . been suspended till '09 . . .

    Maybe if I'm good, and wish real hard, he'll let me back on . . .


  9. Yes, that's exactly why its gone now. I hope you are very proud of youself.



    OUCH . . .

    Just happened to notice it reading thru the posts, and was curious 'cause I know gran said he trashed his old mod account there. I've got nothing at all against the guy, but the way he did it, the "name" & permissions would still be around and could get hacked. After reading the threads from Blade on there today, it sounds like that, and a LOT more happened last nite.


  10. I still go back there . . .

    I really miss it . . .

    is it because I mentioned that a post from bres got edited by someone named gran ???????

    I Re:d your post . . . RWG1 is where I got into reps & mech watches, and found a new place to hang, . . . .

    and spend tooooo much $$$$$$$ . . . .

    I Re: 'd the post about blade/matrix . . . .

    and how much I'd like to go back & find the RWG I found in the first place . . .

    wow . . .

    on a good day . . . .

    . . .

    i guess life still sucks . . . .

    . . . that's really low . . . .

    bottom feeding low . . . .

    I NEVER bad mouthed RWG1 . . . .

    and this is how I get treated . . . .

    I MORE than deserve an explanantion . . . .

    or you can eat $#!+ . . . .

    and everyone can see you walk around with a $#!+ eatin grin till you die spiiting blood . . .

    NO 8^) . . . .


  11. I had no problem there at all, but I still cruise on over at least 3 - 4 times a week. I DID ask if Blade/Matrix are the same person . . .

    Boy, I coulda swore I also saw a post from someone and it was tagged "edited by gran" . . .

    maybe Blade just really needed a 5 month vacation away from the place . . .



  12. No Way !!

    I don't want just anyone to know I'm from Ohio . . .

    DAMMMMMM . . . I shouldn't have said that . . .

    Hey, really, I'm from Pennsylvania, or West Virginia, or Kentucky, but not Ohio . . .

    Gawd, there's probably only two or three Brian's in the whole state of Ohio, and I sure don't want to give any

    Custom's agent or Rollie lawyer THAT easy of a time finding me . . .

    But since I'm really NOT from Ohio, I'm really not worried a bit . . .



  13. Aaaaw maaannnnnnn . . .

    Next month would have been my 1st aniversary too . . .

    The last time it seemed like it took forever . . . well, OK, a week or so . . . for it to get back up & running, and that was when the mysterious BLADE was still around . . . with all that has transpired since, the births of RWG2 & RWI, and not even a hint of a comment about it, or change in anything . . . even the wallpaper . . . at RWG1, I wouldn't want to take any bets on it rising again. It would be a shame for it to vanish though, that's what & where I got started in this . . . damn expensive . . . hobby . . . wow, should I really be thankful ???? Yea, I should, and I am. It got me hooked up with a whole bunch of really great people, who were more than willing to share their knowledge & experiences with me, and gave me many hours of enjoyment on the net. It gave me enough knowledge to feel confident in my choices of purchases I've made, and the dealers I've chosen to buy from, and the comfort in knowing that should any problems arise that a dealer wouldn't take care of (which FOR the record has NEVER happened) I could go back to the board and tell my side of the story, and through the pressure of the membership, get it resolved, or at least be able to keep others from getting scammed.

    To the gang here that were perceptive enough to get this site going, admin, for all your work here, and for the welcome feelings at TRC, & drmmaster at RWI with the same thoughts in mind as the gang here, thanks for all your work, and for keeping a place where all us replica collector freaks can congregate & continue the pursuit of our hobby.


  14. Joshua,

    I haven't tried your reps yet, but have always read what a stand-up honest guy you are. Always quick to reply, and equally quick to take care of any problems that might arise. Between your email addy getting jacked, and the PP problems, and now this, you sure are getting way more than your fair share of bad luck. Who ever gave you that lucky rabbit's foot . . . find that rabbit & give it back! You definitely do not deserve all the krap that has happened to you. I definitely agree with posting the scammer's info. All of our trusted dealers give us great service, an honestly described product, and are honest business people who wouldn't think of scamming us. By choosing to deal with the members of these boards, you should have the use of all it's resources to protect you from getting scammed too.

    Hope you get your $$$ back real quick.


  15. That's just like when that person from the old RWG was over at the Panerai forum, agitating them over there. Doing stuff like that is like going in to a cop bar and asking who wants to smoke a joint. If you're quiet & discrete, and stay with your own crowd, they pretty much leave you alone, just don't flaunt it in their faces.


  16. Hey ace,

    Not saying that your watch guy doesn't know what he's talking about, but if Joshua said it's a Swiss movement, I'd kind of believe it does have an ETA inside. BTW, the ETA in your watch will NOT look the same as a genuine Rollie, but still is a Swiss ETA automatic movement. Can you pop the back off & get a pic & post it? I'm sure the folks who are far more knowledgeable than me will be able to tell you right away, and I would think that Joshua would be rather upset at his supplier if HE finds out he's not getting what he paid for, and advertises as such.


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