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Posts posted by Craytonic

  1. So you are saying all rich people are snobs? I am going to make a sweeping statement that it might be a geographic divide between East and West.

    notice I said "great majority," not "all" :D

    I do think a lot of it is show-off; at least here in the US. Even for the less well known brands, those aren't bought to impress the random person on the street here in the US, but other well-off people who are most likely more familiar with luxury brands.

  2. Andrew, I respect you very much and think you are a good, honest businessman.

    I have a question that is bugging me though. If it is so hard to change the mfg process and the 1st run is not profitable; then why are there runs of 50 watches or so with custom casebacks, dials, etc (RWI watch, RWGI watch). The manufactures must know these watches will only be made once and in small numbers; so it seems these sorts of changes can be made for little finiancial cost - given they can be done for a 50 watch run?

    Since we are talking thousand watch runs, it seems if it can be done for 50 and still be profitable, changes could be made to the thousand sub rep runs and still be very, very profitable?

    Doesn't have anything to do with you or your watch, I was just hoping you could clarify how things work a little since I am very curious.

  3. I don't see how there could be a "watch monopoly" or cartel when I can go buy a timex for $40 bucks; or a random mechanical invicta, etc for (just guessing) $400. If people want to pay $4000, but something with the same function is available for less money, then that just seem's like a person's perogative to spend their money as they personally see fit. Obviously someone buying a luxury watch wants to pay the money, else they would get a cheap watch with the same functionality.

    It would be different if all oil companys got together and collectively decided to set prices on something we can't get anywhere else and need. Oh wait... that happened.

  4. Perfect in this context is very different than saying "perfect" woman. It is a subjective vs. objective test. The woman test is subjective. The watch test - objective (for perfection). A perfect replica would match the genuine in every way such that they are indistinguishable. Anything less than that is less than perfect.

    Ultimate, Best, etc are different than perfect or 1:1

  5. Sorry for the late question - but where do you throw in Trusty's "Perfect Sub" and Josh's "Perfect Sub" ?

    Somewhere betwen A and B+ for josh's since he fixes the CGs and does some other work

    Somewhere between B+ and B for Trusty's since he doesn't fix those things, only services movement.

    Need to look at eddie's new one more. Looks familiar, but haven't had time. Kinda want to order one just to have a look.

  6. The giants games are a blast. I take it your are not in the country. If I were you, I would buy the tickets in advance and have them held at "will call" so you can just pick them up game day. Ticketmaster might also let you print them out.

    You won't need anything to play golf - although I wish it were required here. All you need is clubs, and even those can sometimes be rented.

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