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Posts posted by Craytonic

  1. Craytonic.

    Get on a bike and climb the Alpe d'Huez or Mont Ventoux as hard as you can all the way to the summit, then tell me what a sissy sport cycling is.

    Eh, I was a varsity athlete in college on a nationally ranked team (so I know a little about exertion) and knew many of the players from the other teams; I think I have a good feel on how difficult each was (and also an idea of which ones were on T). We did not have a cycling team, but I have know a few cyclists and just was not that impressed compared to others. They were not doing the tour, but still (and they shaved their legs).

    I am sure it is difficult; but I personally would rather stare at a mountain to climb than an offensive line full of 300lb guys. Your opinion may of course be different but that is mine.

  2. Don't knock a hit of testosterone till you try it!

    It is usually attached to different esters and suspended in oil; then inserted into the muscle so it disperses slowly (this is the 2 week stuff).

    You stick enough test prop in your ass, glue, delt, etc and you will feel it right away! Sometimes test base is suspended in water, instant kick-in. Burns like a mother! Leaves the system quick to, favorite of the NFL.

    And then there is epitestosterone you can inject to hide the good stuff. Then there is the designer stuff you can't detect at all!

    Disclamer: I know nothing about cycling and think it is a sissy sport (sorry). But I know enough about Test to call [censored] on anyone who says enough of the right stuff won't give you a nice boost.

  3. believe me if I had any deep or shallow seated insecurities.....after the pit bulls like you snapping at my heels yesterday and today....I'd be sitting in a corner crying.....however I'm not....and I don't feel the need to attack and belittle every person I encounter....only the ones like you that elect to lock horns with me.....!

    As for your mark on life that remains to be seen....in the meantime you can continue to send your hard earned dollars to buy the watch that may or may not help you putyour mark on life......as for my mark on life.....I haven't always been involved with fake watches.....I've had a very full life as those who know me can testify to.....I have no need to make my mark in 15 years or 15 months....as for nobody knowing me here.....that won't matter ......those that I care about will know me...and that's what's really important in life......you're far too serious....but I presume that's because of your youth...whereas I'm far too irreverent.....you see...I know that nobody died here....nobody lost an arm or a leg.....you had your sensibilities trod upon....and like a young buck you reared up......but you ain't leader of the pack yet......neither am I....I'm too old and not interested.....!

    Whether these boards will be here in 15 years is debateable......but no amount of you telling me that i won't be remembered will change the fact that I espoused that thought to you in the first instance.......only difference is when some of the worthies here get together at some future RWG get together.....rest assured The Zigmeister and all the others will get a mention as will I.....bad or good who knows and who cares.....you will be as permanent as a melting flake of snow...!

    Finis.....you don't have enough to feed this troll......!

    Have you considered treatment or medication? You really are going to blow a gasket if you carry on like this much longer.

  4. You are right we are very different; I don't have some deep seated insecurity that leads me to attack and belittle every person I encounter.

    You are right on one other thing; you have indeed been around these forums longer and have a larger "footprint." My mark in life will not be on fake watches that are outdated quarterly - that is just a hobby; my mark will be elsewhere. In 10, 15 years from now though no one will know you around here or hear about you - your mark will be gone. You will be outdated like a canal street rep, an unwanted remnant of a lesser and unwanted past.

    I am done feeding the troll these boards seem to never be rid of.

  5. The bigger the a-hole you make of yourself in each of these threads on each of the forums, the more likely it is that someone will buy from another dealer. You just spend a few posts attacking a previous customer of yours, how do you think that makes you look to future customers? Who has the hook in their mouth? Who is the schmuck?

  6. lol, he can't literally mean it. You will feel better when you treat TTK's insult as a joke.

    Have you seen me getting angry? It's just internet. Don't get too serious.

    No, I know he won't fly over and do anything. My point is there is a rule against this sort of post (rule 4), but the rules don't apply to TTK. I can think of another similar (empty) threat by a strap dealer that ended very differently.

  7. If the watch is seized in the country where it was sent, the dealer covers the loss.

    If the watch is seized in buyer's country, the buyer is responsible.

    This should be the way how things should be run.. but is it?? Dealers are covering both bases here and somehow you are trying to work your way around the fact that the dealer can somehow cover the losses by "encouraging more buyers to purchase"??? Jebus.

    Even legitimate online businesses don't run this way. You order illegal items into your country. Your customs seized the item. YOUR LOSS. Who the hell in the right mind would try and monitor each and every country's law. The fact that andrew went an extra mile doesn't mean that he can keep on covering the costs. Some of you people have one thing in mind: "I'm alright Jack"...f**k everybody else." (to quote TTK).

    You obviously need to re-read my post.

    "?? Dealers are covering both bases here and somehow you are trying to work your way around the fact that the dealer can somehow cover the losses by "encouraging more buyers to purchase"??? Jebus."

    Is not what I said.

    Let me demonstrate how correct this actually is, although the numbers will be just guesses. I would use X, Y, Z, etc but want to avoid any confusion.

    Let us say the base price of watch is $100. ($30 shipping, $20 profit, $50 watch cost). (change numbers as you want)

    Now, let us say 1 out of 50 is seized. (no idea what real % is, once again change as you want but I have never had a watch seized out of many, many purchases and rarely hear about it).

    That is a lost cost to the dealer of 80$ ($30 to ship again, $50 for another watch).

    80/50 = $1.6; that means the dealer has to charge $1.6 more per watch if 1/50 is seized. Obviously this is grossly inaccurate, but stick in whatever numbers you chose and you will see the point.

    Would you rather pay $1.6, or even about 3x that, $5 more, and know you will get your watch? Or would you rather be the one guy who DOESN't receive a watch at all? I think I'll pay the nominal fee.

    Now, I say this is good for the dealer. Why? Because a hell of a lot more people will pay a few bucks extra to have the risk spread out among all buyers than want to risk that their watch might be lost. This = more sales for the dealer (good for business!) because there is less risk for the buyer, the risk is distributed.

    This is the reason insurance exists in our society. Altough the numbers may be off, I believe I am right.

  8. ....do you mean that they would get along better in prison than us??? We keep talking about RISK. The only risk we face is tripping on the way to the mailbox to retreive these things and scaping a knee. Dealers face prison. Not quite equal I'm afraid.

    Plus I don't think that the price raise has been said to be exponentially. It could be a matter of a few bucks, and theres alot of people that have their panties in a bunch over this, which could turn out to be a bunch of hooey

    Last time I checked you can't go to prison, at least in the US, for buying a fake watch. So that really isn't an issue that can be put on one side or the other. It is set in stone either way unfortunately.

  9. I have always thought the risk of loss at customs should reside with the seller because they are best equipped to easily carry that risk.

    First, a $200 hit to one buyer is a huge pain for that person. However, a dealer can spread that out to $X dollars over X sales on the cheap with no personal loss. This is good buisness for the seller as well because it encourages more buyers to purchase. Furthermore, the dealer is best equipped to properly package a watch (piano, etc) such that it won't be picked up by customs.

    I keep hearing about customs problems; but I never here anyone say their watch was seized outside of very isolated incidents?

  10. Let me enlarge on some of your comments.....!

    1. Make fun of my name......well perhaps you should have been more circumspect in your choice.

    2. Call me wrong.......I didn't call YOU wrong.....altho' the midwife may have thought it.....I said you were wrong in attributing certain 'comments' to me.....!

    3. I think there are more than a few that would say "[censored]" before they said "charming wit and sarcasm".....and I would agree with them....I'm definitely an '[censored]' for bothering with you.....!

    4. but we have 10 pages of people saying that at RWI already so I won't belittle the point....WRONG AGAIN....we don't have 10 pages of people saying that ....we have over 10 pages of people discussing the topic....but last I looked......I didn't see 10 pages of people saying I'm an [censored]....!

    5. I digress, my point is that no matter how true or important your message may be, it gets lost in the way you tell it. ....I don't thnk my message has been lost in translation.....I think EVERONE understands what I was saying.....agreeing with it....NO....but definitely not lost in the way that I said it...WRONG again....!

    6. I always am disgusted to have to read through all the name-calling, etc to get to the one sentence that is worth reading......yep.....it's extremely hard to find one sentence in any of your posts that is worth reading......I'm in agreement.

    BTW....it's Ad hominem.......!

    Once a person has read one of your posts, he (or she) has read them all. As I said earlier, I refuse to stoop to your level. You are no longer making an argument, you are just attacking me personally. If you come up with an argument, I will address it.

  11. @catatonic......!

    Thanks for your revisionist history lesson....( more than I can imagine ) ....I don't think so....and as for SHOUTING......I never shouted....nether did I say 'you are stupid, stupid, stupid'....but I will say you are wrong....and of course you that you are famous for the sarcasm and charming wit that you have shown on the boards......which of course in the 6 years Ive been on the forums....I've never shed a drop of subtle sarcasm in the nicest possible way......!

    Who started the revisionist history lessons here?

    Ah the smartass, belittling comments. Make fun of my name, call me wrong, etc. Your favorite tactics! Ad hominum.

    no you didn't say "you are stupid, stupid, stupid" but it is a decent paraphrase of "I won't even dignify that with a response....except to say....stupidity....stupidity.....! " close enough I think

    I think there are more than a few that would say "[censored]" before they said "charming wit and sarcasm"... but we have 10 pages of people saying that at RWI already so I won't belittle the point.

    I digress, my point is that no matter how true or important your message may be, it gets lost in the way you tell it. (Yes, I know you will say I am too stupid to follow you. Not true, I always am disgusted to have to read through all the name-calling, etc to get to the one sentence that is worth reading). I will leave it at for now as I have to leave my computer.

  12. 1) We aren't in a greek or roman forum. I would wager they would be incredibly confused by the whole "internet" thing. Also, this is B.C. not A.D. and people behave a little differently. Last time I checked.

    2) Actually, the greeks typically didn't yell and shout "you are stupid, stupid, stupid." They demonstrated why in the nicest way possible, usually over wine, and still still managed to make the offender look like a complete idiot (more than you can imagine) without uttering a harsh word. It is an artform, and the old dialogues are quite interesting. The insults from the best are always subtle.

  13. 1) I referred to all of what you said on these boards, not the 1st paragraph of the 1st post of that thread (yes I know you didn't start the thread, etc, etc). If I said otherwise, please show me. (the post was: "It isn't what you are saying 85% of the time, it is how you say it.")

    2) There are more than enough examples in those 15 pages of what one could call "huge sharp spikes" to prove my 85% guesstimate.

    Things like:

    "I won't even dignify that with a response....except to say....stupidity....stupidity.....! "

    etc, etc, etc

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