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Posts posted by Craytonic

  1. Joe,

    Do you have any sort of work management system? You once said you had over 100 watches in your shop.

    Do you have the following information centrally located?

    a) Customer name & email

    B) Watches you have of that customer

    c) What work is to be done on those watches

    d) Price paid

    e) when watch received

    f) if/when work completed

    g) if/when watch shipped back.

    Just curious; I did a simple database with a few tables that would do this with just a few hours work back when I was a comp sci major. It would really improve your work flow and would allow you to generate a list of whose watches you have very quickly.

    It could be done with two tables. Any hot shot kid could probably churn this out for you with a cool web interface in less than a day. Pug could probably do it in 5 minutes in his sleep with one hand behind his back. ;) right pug?

  2. All these posts are realy scary :thumbdown:

    As for my experience...before some time i asked with a thread for a tool..and there was no help from none of the members(exept Randy!)Joe was the only who helped!By him self!He soled me the tool in a very good price and the delivery was super fast.....but after all these...what can i say???Its realy sad for a member to send a watch for mods and never recieve it back!

    I talked to him on the phone a couple times, I really think either

    a) His act is a ruse and he is a "used car salesman" and really good at suckering people


    B Nice guy, just not so good at running a business with lots of things coming in and out, lots of emails, lots of little details, and no flow control, records (?). Stuff gets lost, delayed, who knows?

    I have seen some work by him that looks good and some that didn't look too good.

    The $40 dial bl0w j0bs are IMHO complete rubbish though.

  3. How do you guys browse the site?

    I have a link to "new posts" bookmarked and then just open a new tab for each one I want to read before I get started. Each page may load slowly but I never notice since by the time I get to them they are open and ready. Found it worked a little better for me than going thread-by-thread. Course this idea may be old news...

  4. Took a break from it and went to the gym; I noticed a bottle of "ZEP 45NC Penetrating Lubricant with Teflon and Vydax." It had about a zillion warning lables on it and stated very prominently that it was only for industrial and "NOT FOR HOME USE." Decided this was just the stuff for me and uhhh "borrowed" it for the night (it is going back tomorrow!).

    Worked much better than WD-40. It took me about 2 more hours of work but I was able to basically get enough random screws out to create a jigsaw puzzle of parts to put together and get the right size.

    I highly recommend the ZEP 45. It worked best after I sprayed it, let it sit an hour, sprayed it, let it sit 30 minutes (got impatient) and then washed everything in HOT water with soap.

    Usually I will hand out my spare links but I will guard these with my life in case I get a white faced one. :evil2: :evil2: :evil2:

    Hope this helps someone size theirs...

  5. Does anyone have any tips for removing screws from the bracelet on the new VC Overseas?

    This watch is turning into a money pit for me. Ordered the watch, screws are all non-moveable and some are stripped. Got stuck paying $90 for a new bracelet/case from dealer (seems very high when you can get a noobmariner for $80, told they were only sold together). Was able to get 2 links out but I need one more for it to fit :( I have a double AR coated crystal for it and a correct cross so I am ready to get this baby on the wrist.

    Any tips? I soked the whole thing in WD-40 for a few hours in the sun but it is still tight as a.... well it is very very tight. Other compounds to try or methods to get it out?

    I am close to chucking it out the window! :black_eye:

    Thanks for any and all help! :thumbsupsmileyanim:


  6. Amazing revisionism. I had you pegged as an interesting and educated debater until you posted that. :black_eye:

    Sorry I have relatives that served and died fighting to protect someone else's country. Not my blood, but blood of my blood.

    Let me give you an analogy to get out of the US slant.

    Lets say you and I live on the same 100 acre piece of land with a large lake between us. Someone breaks into your house and pins you in the bathroom - you have maybe a small weapon but are under attack, pinned down, and out gunned. You call me with your cell phone and say you are pinned down and need help really bad. I drop what I am doing and

    a) build a boat with my own resources (ignore time that would take for argument's sake)

    B take my brother and maybe your cousin who lives with you who was over for a beer with me, and give them all my guns and ammo

    c) cross relatively large lake between us

    d) the robbers shoot at all of us since they are now holed up in your house

    e) the robbers shoot and kill my brother

    f) we manage to free you.

    g) oh by the way while I was running all over your house someone was attacking the other side of my house, so I am fighting on two fronts at once.

    Did I save you? Do you owe me a thanks?

    I think it is more obvious when you take it out of context.

    n.b. - I realize I vastly oversimplified history here but I think it gets the point across.

  7. See?

    This is exactly what I'm talking about.

    WWII was won by the allies, not the US. The US didn't storm Normandy, the allies did. The invasion force was from the UK, the US and Canada and was supported by Free French and Polish troops. Stop taking credit for a team effort: it insults your friends and allies. The US war effort was amazing and part of a huge global undertaking whereby the US chose to fight on two fronts, but you didn't do it alone.

    In all honesty, do you think the allies could have won without the US? Lets not forget it was the UK, France, and Poland that were either under attack or occupied by the Germans. Not the US. They were defending. We were helping.

    If your country is under attack or occupied by a foreign power and the US comes and bails you out that makes the US your _________.

    Hint: answer == savior. Hey, better than speaking german!


  8. This is an academic arguement, nothing more.

    In the end it is a cost/benefit analysis; which is to some extent a value judgment on which reasonable minds could differ. In the US the perception is that the benefits outweigh the harms. In another country people may decide differently. I am not sure there is anything wrong with that, or why people want to impose their own judgements about guns on the US.

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