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Posts posted by Craytonic

  1. I have no dog in either side of that argument, but the US has to stop picturing themselves as the saviour of Europe. I doubt anyone posting here saw active service on either side of WWII, and that British servicemen hate being told the US saved France. France and the US have a fractious love/hate relationship that no-one really understands.

    [sarcasm]I am sure storming Normandy and what followed was of no help at all; France, the rest of Europe, and N. Africa would have been better off without the US.[/sarcasm] To say the US wasn't helpful in WWII is just a tad ungrateful. At a minimum every axis soldier a US soldier shot or captured was one less for the Europeans to deal with, and every bullet an American took was one a European would not have too. :thumbdown: And then the guns we shipped over, the aid we sent, and the german subs we sank... give me a break.

  2. I have no dog in either side of that argument, but the US has to stop picturing themselves as the saviour of Europe. I doubt anyone posting here saw active service on either side of WWII, and that British servicemen hate being told the US saved France. France and the US have a fractious love/hate relationship that no-one really understands.

    I just want everyone to mind their own god damn business, the US included and leave myself and my individual rights the hell alone! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  3. Influenced, not decided. Since half the founders read The Republic I geuss we should pay our dues to the Greeks as well. I am well aware of the founding period; and the number of times the US has saved France.

    Since we are giving history lessons, have you ever read our first president's farewell address? Go see what he said about "foreign influence." Perhaps not so new of a fear after all, is it?

  4. Oh you can say what you want and sure maybe we can learn from each other.

    But there is a difference in saying "gee guys we do it like this and it works really well" and "YOU HAVE TO BAN GUNS YOU IDIOTS!" I hear much more of the latter than the former here. Such a "better than thou" attitude it is slightly disgusting. It is when people start commanding like that you get a "[censored] you" response, because in the end you can't tell someone how to run their country so be nice with the suggestions or people quickly get resentful.

    But in the end only citizens get to vote so ultimately, they are the only ones that matter. For instance when a US politician does polls to help decide on a policy decision I really doubt the poll Paris or London - and with good reason. They are polling domestically instead.

  5. I believe he means towards american domestic policy, not in general. And in that respect he is correct - if you live somewhere else and don't like something in the US be thankful you live where you do! There is probably someone here that feels the same way about where you live. They call it domestic policy for a reason. Each country gets to write it, and based on a number of factors each country probably needs a unique set of domestic laws. Things that work out great here may not work so well in your country, and vice versa. The sense of self-righteousness on here is somewhat disturbing - some of you need to consider becomming TV preachers ("my bills!").

    If someone says something about Iraq capt_cope gets to shoot them.

  6. I have to laugh just a little at those who think there will be any major changes in US gun laws. Even more so at those who are not even US residents. I think the planet is big enough for different systems and laws.

  7. This is of course total and utter [censored]. Only outlaws ... and law-enforcement officers, security personnel, pest controllers and the military will have guns. You can spot who the criminals are and shoot them dead as they'll be the ones carrying guns.

    I am sure they will have nice big signs they carry around that say "please shoot me! I am carrying an illegal gun." right.

  8. Agreed. American public academia is a bastion of liberalism. So really, it depends on what we're terming "bigoted". Because if he means in the traditional sense, then absolutely not. However if he means being at the forefront of promoting reverse discrimination policies, then without a doubt. :)

    Don't get me started on the ivory tower; the quickest way to make a college professor hate you is not to be black - it is to tell him you read Richard Weaver, Russle Kirk, and think maybe those greeks like Aristotle were on to something we can still learn from.

  9. I'll tell you in all honesty, the most bigoted people I've ever met are highly educated PhD types. I am not saying that to just get a rise out of you. Perhaps from your perspective, if that is the crowd you normally hang with, you in all probabilty do not see it. I work in probably one of the most educated cities in the US, spent a number of years working at a major university here in town, and it was incredible to me how people so advanced in their position in life and education could possible be so dumb. I am not just talking about simple prejudice either but out and out white-supremist style racism. God's chosen so to speak, simply a better class of genetics in their own mind.


    Myself and those I "hang with" and work with just want the person who will do the job best; I don't particularly care if that person is purple with pink purple dots. The guy I share my appt with is Korean; several of my good friends are Indian. I eat most of the flavors at Ben & Jerry's. I am no model for diversity in action but I don't think I am the bottom rung on the ladder either. I think I associate with some relatively highly educated people (and my idiot bros I hang out with for beers :thumbsupsmileyanim: ) and I have never heard any such argument advanced. Maybe I'm not at a high enough level to see it but I don't think it is there.

    If it is true that the most highly educated people (therefore those who have been subjected to the most forced diversity in college & grad school) are the most biggoted, that means the entire system of affirmative action is a sham that has exacerbated and polarized the problem - the exact opposite of its intended effect.

    I have heard professors upset with a few students who they felt were not performing up to standards and they thought "did not belong" at a very good university, but it was because they were failing exams and perhaps didn't have the grades to get in to begin with and not a matter of race. I really to be told linear algebra and other advanced math classes are not color blind.

    ps. are you talking about chicago?

  10. You. Diversity training. NOW!

    Diversity is a wonderful thing. The only outcome is people learning how to get along with each other. Reverse discrimination and racial quotas, please where do you live that these are problems?


    Med school is the classic example; give me a smart doctor over a diverse doctor any day.

    It is a huge negative for minority practitioners who get in on their own merits; their business is damaged because affirmative action creates an assumption that they were accepted not because of skill, but the color of their skin.

    True of any specialization - I had a black friend in college that got into Harvard Law with a 163 LSAT (not a good score and his GPA was not that great). Poor Thomasng on this board scored a PERFECT 180 and didn't get in. Sure perhaps there are other factors but I call bull$hit

  11. I believe the 111h has the CDG bridges (wave pattern) while the 111g has "PANERAI PANERAI" engraged on the bridges.

    Swan neck is the little bent piece of metal on the back of the movement where the regulator is.... hope that helps you find it somewhat.

  12. Don Imus is that you?!?!?!?

    I read on the internet that insensitive, disparaging, racist comments about black people are step one in ending violence and hatred. Never can trust that internet though, crazy thing.

  13. That sounds like an incredibly dangerous way to deal with a snake.

    I had wondered off, my father saw snake and the danger, no time to run to get me, but time to shoot the snake with little threat to me. What do you suggest, a father let his son get bitten? I was 6 or 8 at the time; I really doubt I would have survived the bite given our remote location.

    Not to be an ass, but I fail to see a better alternative?

    Not to get all "country" but guns are generally a great way to kill a rattlesnake. Much [censored]ing safer than getting within striking distance.

  14. Wow. I was floored while reading a thread about the tragedy at VT, but was even more astounded by these words posted by TTK:

    "This freedom to bear arms needs to be challenged in the 21st century......we need to move towards a society where it is unaccpetable that the average citizen has access to weapons......assault rifles.....multiple guns ownership......etc etc.......there is simply no need for it....as demonstarted in many other countries worldwide........but this position will be disputed by Yanks.....and supported by Americans.........there is a significant difference......!

    I was embroiled in a discussion with Fordzilla on the old RWG about gun ownership....his position was that he needed a gun to provide protection against armed burglars.......the truth is that any armed burglar is not likely to be a registered gun owner......but has more than likely stolen the gun from a registered gun owner......who ...if they hadn't had the gun in the first place.....would lead to the lack of need on Fordzilla's part to own a gun in teh second place....EVERY country in the world suffers from burglary.....involving simple theft or indeed violence against the homeowner.......howver because of the lack of access to a firearm.....the results are usually much different.........I keep a baseball bat as a deterrent to any possible intruder who is highly likely to be armed with a knife rather a gun.....!

    The easy acquisiton pf guns.....allied to a media which perpetuates violence on TV / film and every applicable medium.....numbs most Americans to what is happening to it's society....!

    I don't want to go thru' all the [censored] that I've seen in similar posts before......all I'll say is that I watch the media discussing what steps can be taken.....all the apologists are spouting off at the mouth about knee jerk reaction towards gun control....others are asking...'how can we determine what the lone gunman had going thru' his head'......they want to examine the psychology of the murderer......NONE of that will save the next massacre victims.........the TRUTH is that if ALL the gunmen involved had NO access to guns......these tragedies would be less devastating.....!

    Guns are weapons.....specifically designed for killing....there is simply no good reason to own one.....!"

    And as much as I hate to get angry at a forum memer, I just can't imagine what the [censored] is wrong with that guy's mind. I'll preface my comments with the fact that I am biased, very much so. I'm a life member of the NRA, I own many firearms, pistols, rifles, shotguns, and even "Assault weapons" if you want to call my FAL that. I love to shoot, it's a skill and hobby, just as modding watches is. I also love to hunt, never got into the deer hunting scene, but I love grouse and pheasant hunting, and am really taking to coyote hunting (around here those damn animals are smarter than most people I know.)

    That said.

    If Neil's current time is correct on the forums he clearly isn't in the US, and (in my opinion) has absolutely no basis for either judging American society, or deciding which of MY rights should be null. But be that as it may I'll address his points.

    This freedom to bear arms needs to be challenged in the 21st century......we need to move towards a society where it is unaccpetable that the average citizen has access to weapons......assault rifles.....multiple guns ownership......etc etc.......there is simply no need for it....as demonstarted in many other countries worldwide........but this position will be disputed by Yanks.....and supported by Americans.........there is a significant difference......!

    First off, how do you define need? Do you need a car? Cars contribute both directly and indirectly the destruction of our environment. Lots of people have them though, and lots of people have multiple cars. I don't need a gun to survive, but I do need guns to continue to enjoy a quality of life that I have been enjoying. Who are you to argue that my quality of life should be lessened? You bring up other countries as "proof" that no one needs guns. Funny, the last time I looked at the statistics crime, murders, and even *gasp* gun violence INCREASED after firearms were banned or restricted. (UK... Australia...) But we all know that those stats are twisted depending on the author's bias, so it's a toss up. You certianly don't have any more proof than I on that count.

    The easy acquisiton pf guns.....allied to a media which perpetuates violence on TV / film and every applicable medium.....numbs most Americans to what is happening to it's society....!

    Strange... I'm not numb to what is happening to our society. I see it every day I drive to work. Our society, based on strong religious convictions, is crumbling at our feet. Now I'm not saying that one religion is right, and all others are wrong, what I am saying is this: Most religions I am aware of seem to offer sets of guidelines for their followers. Usually some bit about "do unto others" is included in there. As more and more of our societies members become degenerates, so progresses our society. No longer is the majority concerned with the well being of their neighbors, but rather what they can steal from their neighbors. And this applies to both corrupt executives in large companies, continually shipping more and more jobs over to the east just to save a buck, and to your most basic of burglars. Both are raping our society for their own gain. If you really did your research on my society, you'd realize that doctors kill more people than auto accidents and guns put together. Yet you tell me that I shouldn't have the right to own guns, because some degenerate somewhere might kill people with a gun? Excuse my French, but that's [censored]ed up son. Banning all guns will result in two things: A lot of [censored] off Americans, and a lot of criminals who still have their un-registered guns. Your average criminal can't buy a gun legally anyways (at least if he's committed a felony or domestic abuse) and now the answer to illegal guns is to remove all legal ones? Dumb logic.

    the TRUTH is that if ALL the gunmen involved had NO access to guns......these tragedies would be less devastating.....!

    Strange I I don't rate any school shootings as any more or less devastating than the destruction of the World Trade Center, and those terrorists had box cutters for God's sake. A gun is a tool, nothing more, nothing less. It is incapable of being good, or evil, and it only does what it is made to do. The same can be said for rocks, knives, forks, spoons, bats, irons, golf-clubs, nail guns, hammers, and all the other tools that people have managed to kill each other with. You simply cannot address the problem of violence by banning a tool, people will just find another one.

    Guns are weapons.....specifically designed for killing....there is simply no good reason to own one.....!

    Again wrong. I have many good reasons to own one, and many more reasons to own multiple firearms. Hell the only one I need is this: It's my RIGHT, as a citizen of the United States of America. But it also lets me shoot sporting clays, go hunting, shoot bench rest targets, practice shooting at 500 yards, shoot trap, work long and hard at perfecting the ultimate handload for each gun.

    And here's something else to try on for size: If everyone in that college building had been a responsible, gun carrying citizen, how many people other than the gunman would have died?

    Very well put.

    My life was literally saved when I was a very young child by my father's sharp aim with a pistol on a rattlesnake that was about to bite me. My grandmother used a shotgun to stop a burglar in his tracks and was able to contact the police after he broke into her house and threatened her. I can't help but agree.

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