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Posts posted by Craytonic

  1. Neil,

    1) I don't give a [censored] about the watch I sent me. Wrote it off, lesson learned. My beef is my friend you screwed for 6 months till he gave up and the way you treat your customers and everyone else around here. This manner is clear from your posts here for everyone to see.

    2) Obvious at this point no proof I tried to scam you via western union. Talk about lying.

  2. Neil,

    [sarcasm]Thanks for explaining how I tried to scam you via western union[/sarcasm]

    caught in a lie there chief?


    Funny how you blaim everyone else. Blame the buyer, bame the post service. TTK never makes a mistake. If there is a problem, it surely wasn't your fault. Great way to run a business.

    I didn't say $600 total silly, I said the typical transaction is that much. Why would I try to scam you for a $100 piece of crap watch? Same as I didn't say 40, I said 30-40. You either don't read, or read selectively. Like I said I don't care about the watch I bought from you, wrote it off, doesn't matter. I just want to alert the novice buyer like I was at the time so they don't make a similar mistake.

  3. "BTW...yes....I checked my records.....I know who you are now.....you're the [censored] that tried to con me by WU......sent me a hooky MTCN number......and tried to have me express it before I received payment.....you kept screwing up the address and pleading that you would make it good....but that you needed it sent for someone's birthday.....your details are posted all over the dealers blacklisted section......I know you now...!"

    Where the hell are you getting this? And you call me a liar? :thumbdown: Fabricating something is pure class TTK.

    Always trying to make it about the other person. Blaim the customer. Did I complain about my particular transaction? No, stop acting like I did. Did you screw a friend of mine (waited 6 months, never an email reply)? Yes. YOU are the one that wanted to start asking me questions in your thread, all I did was point out that RT has been waiting 8 weeks for no reply, and juxtapose that with your statement that you shipt all watches promptly. :g: You brought this one on yourself & blew it up.

    Good to see the "top 10 reasons to buy from TTK" is now "Look at how big a jerk TTK is." Way to win over the customer buddy.

    Ryann - nothing but respect to ya.

    I also want to thank the mods for editing out my name/address

  4. 1) Please explain in detail how I attempted to defraud you. I have had 30-40 deals here & no one has ever complained. You claim I am a scammer & then drop it completely. Did you fabricate this claim? Confuse me with someone else? Please explain. If I am doing ~$600 sales with other dealers, why the hell would I try to scam you out of one watch? This is ridiculous.

    2) Did I say you ever delayed in shipping the watch? No. I said it took 7 weeks to arrive. Either you mailed it late, or your post took forever. I have no idea. Given you lie that I tried to scam you, I don't really believe the lable. Use EMS like a real seller. I didn't bother emailing you about it because, as many threads here demonstrate, there is no point.

    3) My beef is with how you treat your customers. As this thread shows, you treat them like [censored]. I think, given all other high quality dealers here, that you are a dated antiquity and buyer should beware.

    The point is not the watch I bought from you. It was under $100 and I don't care about the loss, I wrote it off to "lesson learned" a long time ago; not worth my time. I didn't even say anything about my purchase if you re-read the thread, you asked me about it and then threw a fit. My point is I have seen how you treat your customers, there is no place for this sort of behavior in our community. I wish to protect the newbie that comes here looking to buy a sub rep for himself - he/she doesn't deserve this sort of grief.

  5. It's no more [censored] than what you tried to spread all over my topic......if you can't stand the heat......don't play with fire....sonny.....!

    I've shown you now for what you are.....a LIAR.......!

    You want your name removed......you remove ALL your lies and I'll consider it.......!

    Now you are trying to BLACKMAIL me?

    Stop saying TTK is a bad dealer or I post your personal information everywhere. Unbelievable!

    I highly value not to having my name, address, and email posted everywhere. PM me the threads you want deleted and I will berid of them, better than having people use my info found on the internet to commit identify theft. Unbelievable.

  6. @starbu...you're new here.....yeah!

    No less than I'de expect a customer that I've given good service to....spreading lies about the dealer......it's ok for him to rubbish me and I've not to respond.....not likely....!

    What lie am I spreading? You obviously made up this scam story (or to give you the benefit of the doubt in trying to figure out who I was confused me with someone else).

    If you had any proof for this claim you would have posted it.

  7. WTF are you talking about me trying to con you? I have bought from most dealers here and never conned anyone.

    I think you had trouble finding record of me buying something, concocted a story or confused me with someone else, and then found the record of the watch I bought (I told you I had bought a watch from you). Either way I have never conned anyone and probably have 30-40 good transactions here.

    Either way, good showing here of how you treat your customers. Blacklisted? Please. I have good relations with many dealers and have an ongoing deal right now. Especially given the details of that phony story, I am not exactly concerned.

  8. "BTW...yes....I checked my records.....I know who you are now.....you're the [censored] that tried to con me by WU......sent me a hooky MTCN number......and tried to have me express it before I received payment.....you kept screwing up the address and pleading that you would make it good....but that you needed it sent for someone's birthday.....your details are posted all over the dealers blacklisted section......I know you now..."

    This is complete [censored].

    BTW, please remove my name/address from thread

  9. More like you don't answer that question because there is no good answer as to why someone should buy from you over the other dealers in terms of reliability & service (I notice your "10 reasons to buy from TTK" contains nothing about service, guarantee of delivery of a working watch, promise of good communications, etc. All good reasons NOT to buy from you.).

    In your spirit of not answering quesetions, I will not answer that one. I'd rather you not know my name & address. If you haven't figured it out from combing your records (which I have no doubt you have done) I will not help you in that regard. Last time I gave you ~$100 and my name and address your mailed me a piece of crap watch. I don't really want to know what basically giving it to you again will get me.

  10. No, 7 weeks. I count myself lucky that it arrived from you that fast and that I was not one of your transactions that has lasted many months with the end result of a very unhappy customer. Small blessings. The quality of the watch was lacking & I quickly was rid of it.

    Let me add I work with three other board dealers (Eddie, Josh, & River) and over many orders all have delivered in less than 2 weeks and have always been courteous, attentive, and responsive. When a problem has occured it has always been corrected promptly, without your typical fuss.

    As another interesting aside I performed a board search for dealer review posts with "TTK" in the title and saw results like:

    * Ttk(neil)- Six Months- No Satisfaction

    * Ok Ttk -- Enough Is Enough

    * TTK(Neil)-IGive Up

    * Where Is Ttk?

    * Ttk, I'm Still Waiting...

    A similar search for "Josh" under dealer review produces no (none) negative reviews on the two page of results (didn't check the other pages but would assume the same).

    Now permit me one question in return: why should someone buy from you when you have that sort of track record and so many other, reliable options are available?

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