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Posts posted by Craytonic

  1. You should read David Sedaris's book "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim". In it, he talks about a pretentious woman who said "My home, well one of my homes..." She had it down to an artform.

    Thanks for the recommendation; I needed something to read on the beach at my house on lake como next week.... :D (in my dreams that is)

    My girlfriend read that and commented on it being good; he supposedly has several other great ones I have just never had time to read. People on the tube/subway here always seem to be reading it.

  2. yes, it says, Lacoste and shirts of ANOTHER cheaper brand have the same design.

    Since when does ANOTHER cheaper brand mean Ralph Lauren?

    Or what were you trying to imply with your post?!

    I had always thought of it that way; particularly w/ your love of RL and talk of its lower price in your first two posts it seemed to fit.

    You try to do a review on something you bought on a whim to help people out a bit and give back and you end up with people giving you [censored] because they are _____ (insert drunk/bored/lonely or combination). Typical. I'm out for the night, happy new years!

  3. I find Lacoste polos that are made in Peru to be of poor quality and inconvenient because you must dry them flat. The ones made in France are well made, but they are not available in the US. My favorite Polos are made by Brooks Brothers.

    My expertise, you ask? I grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut- the Preppy capitol of the world.

    BB makes great shirts, their slim-fit no iron shirts are the ultimate for travel.

  4. I was calm. No need to calm down.

    I think its ridiculous to pay 72$ for those shirts, because most ppl only buy them (as Admin pointed out already) to show off on social events or at the golf club and not because they are such nice fabric. And you cant show off with a lacoste shirt that has an aligator as ridiculous as the one on your fake shirt (in fact it made me laugh out real loud, because it just looks so funny as if someone was trying to make a joke when he made that shirt).

    If you want nice fabric, buy a Cashmere, Pashmina or Shahtoosh shirt. And not cheap, thin cotton lol; as a matter of fact, when I bought my dad a genuine lacoste shirt as a present (he has never had one of those) he asked me if it was fake, because the fabric felt so cheap and thin.

    I have genuine Lacoste polos, too (I paid less than 72$ though), and RL and so on, and yes, maybe I sometimes wear them to show off. Dont get me wrong, but ff you are trying to tell anyone, that you wear a RL polo, because it "fits" you best, or because its made out of such nice fabric, you are only fooling yourself.

    In fact, lacoste shirts, and shirts of another (much cheaper) brand have the same design and are cut from the same cloth. Though you couldnt wear this shirt at the local golf club or at social event,s because all your rich friends will whisper at each other 'ohh, look, there's mr. 10.000$-watch and look what he's wearing, he's earing a WalMart shirt.. oh my god, does he have no shame??'

    I'd never try to argument "I wear RL because it's made of such nice fabric". Though I'd say that about my 300pounds sterling (which is like 600$) cashmere knit or my 150 pounds t-shirts that feel like a 2nd skin. Of course I paid for the design, too, but I mainly bought them because they feel so nicely.

    Same goes for daily products such has shampoo or toothpaste. The same stuff that's in Wella is in cheaper products from a different brand. Price difference? A LOT!

    No Slay, my [censored] is bigger!

    I have about ~20 of the real ones; I do think they are cut a little slimmer. If you want when I leave NYC for New Year's I can photo a Lacoste on top of a RL slim fit on top of a RL classic fit - all are cut differently. I have plenty of "better" shirts in my closet (you seem to equate quality with price), but I always reach for the lacostes because they are comfortable and breathe well for just bumming around when I'm not going to work or something else where I have to look "proper".

    Cashmere is nice (I wore a cashmere sweater today when we went to Bergdorf's), but you would be crazy to wear cashmere anything outside in the summer on the beach - nothing really beats cotton or linen (excluding various high-tech fabrics but who wants to run around in under armour).

    I have never bothered to dry them any special way, I just throw them in the dryer and they have turned out fine. Just wash in COLD or they will shrink.

  5. 1. They you CAN'T afford them. I don't buy the idea that someone would just never spend over X ammount on princaple or something. You can afford it or you can't. If you have to think about it or wonder if it is a wise way to spend your money or anything else then you CANNOT afford it. Simply having the money does NOT mean you can afford something.

    That is silly; I know people with millions in their portfolios who still collect fakes.

  6. what do you expect for 14$? if you want real 1:1 lacoste shirts, expect to pay 30$+ per shirt.

    I got a great deal on Ralph Lauren shirts (GENUINE ralph lauren shirts!), cost less than 1:1 fake lacoste shirts and only 5$ more than fake ralph laurens. but noone here seemed interested. I sold almost all of them within a week to my friends and so on, I had over 30 of them. I now have 5 or 6 left.

    IMHO it is ridicolous to pay 72$ for a polo shirt. it's just not worth it, because if you buy them in large quantities, you can even get genuine lacoste shirts for 30$ a piece.

    Wow calm down; as I said many, many times in my review I thought it was a good deal for $14. I was really just curious as to what they were like, no one else that I know of has tried them out and I wanted to learn to spot the fake ones by getting a close look and get some spares to tear up.

    I do not think it is ridiculous to spend $72 for a shirt (at one point I bought every lacoste color, but I think they have come out with more since then so I don't have the full lineup possily and mine are always scattered); hell I have plenty of shirts that cost several times that. They have a fit and feel that is perfect for me; Polo RL simply does not fit me as well (although probably fits other people better than Lacoste).

    I think it has been proven many times here that it is a little base to say it is ridiculous to spend X amount on Y item.

  7. This is my first review so comments and questions are of course welcome.

    I purchased 10 lacoste shirts from Boaming for $140 USD shipped EMS. The transaction itself will be reviewed seperately after an issue is resolved.

    All pictures are hosted on google Picasa at http://picasaweb.google.com/craytonic/LacosteShirtRepVReal please visit there for close-up shots.

    I am very happy with the shirts. $14 a shirt is a great price for any shirt. However, they are not 1:1 and there are several flaws. I am probably the preppiest person on the board; I literally have a closet full of these shirts in various colors. I believe the lacoste shirt is the ultimate shirt, it fits perfectly. I have destroyed many of them with salt, sweat, and grass stains and wanted some cheap ones to wear when I knew they would be damaged. I keep Lacoste in business based on the white ones I purchase alone. I picked up a new one today for the purpose of this review; the real ones are $72. These reps will not be part of my main wardrobe, but I will leave some at the beach and some at other houses so I can pack a little lighter when I travel from place to place. The most obvious flaws to me in order of appearance are:

    * The collar on the rep is nothing like the genuine. It does not fall correctly, and is a thinner material. It is way too light. I am not a "collar popper," but if you are one you could not do so with this shirt. This is hard to tell from the pictures, but trust me you know instantly when you put it on if you wear the real ones regularly (the material for the rest of the shirt is nice).

    * the buttons do not hang open when undone. This is something else you can't tell from the pics but you notice the moment you put it on.

    * The alligator is off in many ways

    * The buttons on the dark colored shirt are the wrong color (should be dark) (correct on light shirts)

    * The buttons are of lesser quality (and poor stiching)

    * The stiching is inferior

    Here are the shirts I received:


    Fake on left, real on right. In these two pictures note differences in collar, stiching, and buttons.



    On to the alligator, probably what people notice first. Up close, like most watches, the differences are very visible. The mouth is a different shape, the teeth are wrong, the tounge is too short. The tail is too fat and does not curve correctly. The legs are incorrect, they curve and should be straight. The squiggle down the middle is incorrect, and they added a hump to his back. Poor little fella! It seems it would be easy to 1:1 this but I guess not.



    The sizing was very close to 1:1, if it was not 1:1. I was relieved that the shirt fit.


    Here is a shot of the shirts from the back. Fake on left, real on right. Note the differences in the collar here and the inferior stiching.


    Overall great shirt for $14. I will probably be ordering another ten of them; it is a great way to stock a closet in another city. BUT, it is innacurate in several areas, so don't expect to pass the gen off if someone looks closely.

    Bottom line: great deal, good shirt. I apologize if the review was too negative, but I wanted to highlight all differences. I think it is a good deal for the money, keep in mind you can't get a $14 shirt at wal-mart. As long as someone is not 1 inch away they won't notice the difference (or they are a lacoste snob). But, you will notice the differences in how the collar falls and how it hangs open when the buttons are undone. For me, it is these little comforts that nag me much more than being off visually.

    Please feel free to ask questions! I hope someone finds this short review helpful.

  8. So what if i got a watch from watchmaker9.tv big deal, i gave a review with pictures....now its gone...i didnt bash or put down or even say anything about the dealers here. so who can give me an answer....and i know people hate george and watchmaker9.....but why cant i put my pics up of the watch i got....if it was moved i apoligize for this message i just dont know where it went....






    Thanks guys,


    Merry Christmas

    Hi George! :bye1:

    Would you like some Bacon?


  9. Just be careful not to buy the watch you think he should want, instead of a watch he actually would want. For the wis and average person these are often 2 extremely different things.

    Just be careful not to buy the watch you think he should want, instead of a watch he actually would want. For the wis and average person these are often 2 extremely different things.

  10. All rolex for me

    1) MBW 1680 - huge letdown, just did not like it. Felt like a toy & I hated the bi-directional bezel

    2) MBW 16610 - Not impressed

    3) Various other rolex subs - just never wear them, but I keep buying them

    Santos 100 is a funny watch. HUGE, such that it is hard to wear with a suit. yet still a "dressy" watch and strap.

  11. If you go for the "noobmariner," the $100 one pugwash mentioned I would suggest you order it from andrew:


    You will get get fast, consistent, & courteous communication / support. You will also get EMS shipping and a tracking number. You will get both the tracking information and the watch promptly without having to ask.

    You might not get that support or service from TTK. Sure, $8 bucks more. but the best $8 you will ever spend in my opinion.

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