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Posts posted by Craytonic

  1. Do NOT post here!


    Could you clarify what you mean by "here"? Perhaps establish some limits? Do you mean the internet? This site? This forum? This thread? Your post? It appears you mean in your post, but none of us can post in your post!

    If I could post in your post I would post, but I can't because the system won't let me.

  2. I like the sub best, datejust if you are older. Most people think the datejust is more expensive than a sub, even though it is not.

    You consider getting a used one, perhaps off timezone? You might save a grand or so. If you are just going to wear it every day no harm in one that has been worn a week or two. People here can confirm it is real in .02 seconds flat.

  3. I will say, I believe the days of $360 MBWs may be over. My cost with tracking is considerably higher than the old retail cost. I think this may partly be due to the dropping dollar versus foreign currency as my cost is not in dollars, but I also feel I am being charged for my demand of shipping with tracking as well as better communication on the factory end.

    If you can still find one for the old price, I would jump on it immediately.

    Luckyyy was actually doing less than that if you asked him for help due to the high WU fees. I'm just surprised the shipping cost is more than $30 I guess, since apparently that could be knocked off with no problem and profit remaining.


  4. I think people wait for the second revision in lots of products if they have doubts about the first... for instance I refuse to purchase any computer not made by apple and would like a new powerbook (even though the current one is not even a year old). But, I have one that works so I passed on the new intel-based one to wait for the second version; get the bugs out. Lots of us have many reps we are quite happy with. It seems normal to develop a "wait and see" attitude at some point. After a collection gets big enough, the "must have now" attitude fades.

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