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Posts posted by Dani

  1. Really not important but if anyone here that knows me and would like to help me out on a order at UA let me know.

    Shipping cost when using their site for 6pair of socks and 2 boxers is almost 75$ :black_eye: not to mention the tax into my country :black_eye: :black_eye:

    I got a free shipping code for US , so you could order my stuff and yours and get free shipping.

    Hook me up whit a PM if you like to help a fellow nut out. :victory:



  2. EXACTLY!!! This is what happened to me just as I went into the final stage just before giving the OK to go ahead with the prototype/sample. Kruzer knows all too well of my 6 month odyessey trying to have the perfect A-F series cg manfactured. The company I finally selected here in SoCal is housed in a 3 story building with security guards and over 100 employees. They started asking about the design/origination and ultimate use. The rest is history. Kruzer has his gen cg back in-hand.

    US-A its bound to happen if you try it their, why not get some Europeans to do it?

    I am gone search for people that can make such item here in my home country.

  3. No its exclusively through Chinese site Taobao. I alerted King about it and shes jumping on top of it being the first person to grab the correct audemars. Shes placed orders for me. The date wheel is still slight off but now atleast theres a space between the DW and the inner bezel insert.

    correct, have my 2 sec at 12 in front of me its slight difference.

  4. @AllergyDoc - shock.gif Based on my seafood and Sushi consumption I should be dead! Yikes! No more twice a week Sushi for me....

    As far as SuperFoods and supplements, I suggest reading this book: http://www.michaelpollan.com/indefense.php "In Defense of Food".

    Basically, eat "real" food not the processed garbage, eat in moderation and exercise and you should not need to stress yourself out about the latest SuperFood study, or buying $$$ supplements.

    If you are concerned about a certain health issue / heredity, your money would probably be better spent on a DNA analysis 23andme.com and then simply target what you might be susceptible to instead of playing the broad spectrum supplement game. (i.e. If you have the genetic marker for Prostate Cancer, you would be better off focusing on that). Just a thought.

    Great link that DNA thinghy, got to try that :)

    My family is very healthy on men side, only high blood pressure and i don't smoke or drink a lot so.

    Acai you feel great after using it for 2days its pretty amazing,green grass gets your stomach felling great after 2days just overall much better then regular vitamins in pills that you really don't notice much of I watch a doc called "Food matters" and that just sold me on this..

    Fish fat is also great I use about 1 spoon each day.

    Good thread this has become many good advices and different opinions :)

  5. I eat lots of canned tuna... and chicken. I take my protein in small dosis throughout the day. maybe the equivalent to about half a can of tuna.. about five times a day.

    Protein is not digested well by the body and is much more effectively used in very small amounts. Fore example, when you eat a big chicken breast during one meal.. your body is only able to process and effectively use between 25 and 40grams of that protein and put it to use in muscle regeneration. (the amount of usable protein depends on the person.. whether or not they're active.. if they work out etc..)

    I get somewhere between 120 and 200 grams of protein per day.. divided up into 5 periods throughout the day. The rest of my food is all fruits and vegetables plain oat meal, brown rice and lots of Quinoa :)

    Of course I love to splurge out and get Chinese, thai, indian and mexican sometimes.. but only a couple times a month :)

    Ah ok, sounds like bodybuilder diet :) Its smart to divide proteins i try to do it, but as i don't work out a lot last couple of years due to motorcycle accidents i tend to lose track on such, my diet in general is embarrassing compare to what is was 2years back :black_eye:

    To dine out is something we all should do, if you are to strict on your diet it tends to make you more prone to quit it.


  6. I take a multi-vitamin aout 3 times a week (normal Centrum). My diet is 90% vegetables and fruits and I can say that I feel great. I lift 4 days a week and play basketball twice a week. Since some of my vitamins like b1 and b6 are not very prevalent in lots of the foods i eat.. .besides the trace amounts of garlic i eat, i opt for a multi-vitamin.

    I didn't know that it could be dangerous though! maybe i'll stop taking them to see if i notice a difference!

    Where do you get most of your proteins? since you eat mostly vegetables and fruits.

    Wish i was as good on eating vegetables and fruits, i need to take that more into my diet.


  7. I know :drinks: and you are correct about that Dani...being as active as you are you probably need them ...and lucky me I have someone who spends that kind of time make me food


    That's more then lucky :) But your deserve that good people should get good things in life :)

    I wish i could make some Pepper Laks 2-3times a week and some good salater whit garlic,tomater,mais,salat,nam nam :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  8. Gran@

    Just to ad in VG some months ago it was stated by this so called scientist/smart people that Fish fat like Tran was a good way to get cancer, a week later it says on front page the opposite..Just like C vitamins one day its very good next day you can die from it..

    What i know is that dirt where they grow fruits,veggis has 75-80% less minerals then 80yrs ago.

    My belief's is that its healthy and to ad Acai is not pills,green grass is not pills, and the algae is not pills its all either fresh or dried powder.

    And i am one of those active dudes that skips meals and dont eat very correct, i wish i had 2hours to make food every day whit no worrys but i dont :(

  9. Myself use Acai,green grass,some type of blue/green sea algae not sure of the name now.

    I mostly try to incorporate b17 true green grass due to its effects towards cancer prevention.

    Acai due to its high anti oxidants and general amount of vitamins and minerals.

    When people think superfood they only think solid foods, I see water as a type of superfood so I drink 2+liters everyday some days maybe even 3-4liters that does not include coffee,tea and such.

    Also ginseng and garlic extract is in my daily routine of supplements.

    Only downside to using all this is balance, it takes time to set up a good routine whit exact amounts that your body can handle and use effectively.

    As I am Norwegian I drink fish fat straight from the bottle. :drinks:

    Would like to know what you guys use of supplements :)



  10. Myself is already on list to get in July.

    Going for black 32gb.

    Previous own the first one in 2007 then moved to 3gs when that was released.

    I did not think the new one was very special or had anything revolutionary as Steve Jobs tried to make like the facetime stuff but some cool tweaks like the steel being receiver for signals, and the new better display is great.



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