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Posts posted by Dani

  1. I prefer to call them 'skin-horns'. Or taking a spin in the 'Recedes-Benz'. :p

    Seriously, age with grace.

    Don't comb it over or do any ridiculous treatments. Buy yourself some clippers and move on.


    easy to say..If i looked just somewhat good bald or short I would do it NOW, but i am one of those that dont look good bald my head shape is let say funny :lol:

  2. Pretty much nothing works on the front. I used combined Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia) until a couple of years ago which stopped hairloss and helped grow back some at the back (of my head). Got lazy and cheap and now see the results (of only using Minoxidil). I have just ordered a new batch of Finasteride to restore a full head. It does not work for everyone, but works for me, especially when combining the two. Never felt any side effects either. Cost can be less than a decent PAM rep when you go for generic. Minoxidil ca. $100/year; Finasteride ca $200/year. To make thin hair appear thicker have a look at the Samy's products. Their shampoo and conditioner aren't cheap (at least in the UK) but make a whole lot of difference.

    can i Ask where you order from?

    propecia is same as proscar, only whit proscar you need to cut your tab into 4bits.

  3. Hi,

    Since their was no thread about it ill start one :p

    My problem is really not as bad as many others but I do suffer from reclining hair loss at the temples, not on top.

    I have thought about going shaved/short and tried it, even my Mother said i looked bad that way so i need to keep my hair if your mom says you look bad you LOOK BAD :lol:

    So i need to keep my hair but to what cost, my reading come up to 3ways

    1.pills that makes your [censored] recline like proscar NOT AN OPTION NOT A OPTION TO EVEN TRY :shock:

    2.hair transplant , really bad options out their FUE and stripe, both being really expensive and seems very hard to get any good results..Also hair cloning is on the horizon in a short time frame so better wait if you can..

    3.hair scalp treatments in different ways but all contains MINOXIDIL.

    I have chosen option 3 if only to better options comes.

    If you think about it 48% of all men gone lose significant amounts of hair before age 40, this should be big biz to get something going to help people whit hair loss..

    I would love to hear what others think, is it shallow to think about hair loss or is it a legit concern, what's your thoughts?

    • Like 1
  4. So you can get 'rep' HGH? ;)

    Yes generic HGH from China cost about 1,6$ pr iu and regular European cost 3$ pr iu , even in Europe you get HGH that is made just for the black market..

    As btocamelo pointed out their is some issues whit HGH but whit correct tests and follow up from a good doctor it should be no problems to run 2-3iu each day for older gents..

    Its better to have a quality life then a long an miserable one.

  5. well, u throw enough "juice" into the mix and any 60+ y.o. will look like this :bb:

    well to just use anabolics is the last way to get any kind of good body, you will just get fat..

    he uses HGH (Human growth hormones) its amazing, and I would think he does testosterone therapy due to his age not jucing.

    so his body has the levels of testosterone like a 22yr old guy and together whit HGH it will bring your body to extremes in a pretty healthy way to.

    I am sure he does other peptides to but that I can say for sure..

  6. You can buy mine, but my experience whit the sec at 12 they can go on you at any time..So if you really need something that can hold and dont have lots of cash around up I would look away from the sec at 12 models.

    You are more then welcome to buy mine fully modded at only 800$, but their is no guaranty on the movement except from the person that serviced it :)

    both mine are working great now, but who knows in 2-3months.

    Cheers and good luck on your hunt.


  7. I heard back from the CNC person and unfortunately I am going to have to find another person. The owner of the shop couldn't have been nicer and spent a couple of hours analyzing the requirements. He concluded he didn't have the appropriate machine. In spite of the fact he does a lot of hi tech stuff he doesn't have any machine above a 4 axis. He let me know I need a 6 axis machine (suggested Citizen "Screw" Machine)and that it would require being able to to take 2.75" steel bar as feed. That is a 10,000 lb+ $150,000 machine.He is going to try and find someone in his neck of the woods but otherwise I am on the prowl for another CNC shop. But at least now I know what equipment is necessary. And thus the saga continues.... :bangin:

    Thanks for the update.



  8. The major flaws are still there in both versions (Date wheel, cyclops, crown, CG and lugs). It comes down to what you prefer.

    so the watch is a big flaw? if you gone get it right you need better case,better dw,better cyclop,better crown,better cg and diffrent lugs? seems a lot of work and $$ to do all that.

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