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Posts posted by Dani

  1. I had a really bad seizure in hospital, lasted about 2 and a half hours I'm told. When I came round all I could see was black and thats all I ever seen since. It's all mixed in with illness and breaking my back in a motorcycle accident, there are several factors to it I guess, but the same out come!

    Such is life, there are many people worse off than Iam!! I'm just happy to be alive and still rockin!! :bones:

    Good to hear bro :) You have the correct outlook on it, be happy for what you have and dont waste time being angry.

    Ride a bike myself been a couple of ops their is mr death episodes for me also.

    Lets hope their will come some cure to your blindnes, so many people are suffering from eye related injuries and such..



  2. Posting pics is kinda hard for me mate, unfortunately I became blind last year! So the chances of me actuallygetting the watch in the shot are slim to none and slim just left town!! But if you would like one of the wallpaper or maybe part of a cat, I'm your man for the job!!

    If you try Silix or silix prime, I'm pretty sure that they still stock them, I think Angus does as well.

    As Toad says i em sure you will find a way to show us some badass pics bro :)

    Hope its ok to ask, have did you go blind bro?



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