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Posts posted by Dani

  1. on King's site there is a remark made with Genuine as a sample?! :huh:

    Yeah offcaurse its the new 1:1 term.

    So many idiots on this forums that falls for all this [censored] from our so called trusted dealers, its time for this and other forums to go back to why we created this playgrounds to KEEP PEOPLE FROM GETTING SCAMMED. :thumbdown:

  2. Not sure what the answer is on the DW Dani ^_^

    I hear DSN has a pretty good datewheel these days so that might be an option....

    Regarding the Xtal, I believe it is the Ultimate 199 that folks are using...I stuck with my 024 Xtal and Lello DW...Just couldn't see enough of a difference to warrant the expense and hassle of getting a 199 for the Xtal....

    Ok, yeah the dw question is not easy ;) i have an asian 7750 lello but that is no help for me since its swiss.

    Ill check out DSN.

    Thanks for good answer friend :)


  3. Dani, amazing watch. I assumed you relumed your hobnail dial with orange luminous?

    I have been looking for one of these discontinued reps with the ETA... I posted an inquiry last week with no response. Do you know if these models are available anywhere?


    Not for sale anymore..Mine has The Zigmeister tritium look lume..


  4. Anyone have a spare rep dial? Gen dial prefferd :p

    And if i will change crystal is the 199 ultimate the way to go, its so many "ultimate" on sellers sight so little unsure on what to buy :g:

    Also to finish it off i need a lello dw :huh: i have an asian wheel but not a swiss , and a part that has been ruined on my 7750 swiss movment due to the lello dw has stuck where is best place to get some parts like this?

    Thanks guys,


  5. Thank you All!

    And Dani, I used the Nikor 60mm A/M Lens.. these pics were taken with Manual settings and I set the white light manually... I guess you would call it "custom", because to capture the "true" rose gold colour IMO you need to be as close to real life colour as possble.. and the lighting and settings need to be a little lower than normal or the rose gold turns to much reflection of light .. and that will discolour the gold to look more yellow.

    FYI ~ the auto focus on the Nikor is good for shots that capture broader areas ie. the UN with the tea pot,.. but for close up macros and especially for images that try and capture depth of field.. the manual focus is a must, to get the "exact area" that you are trying to capture is very difficult (for me) with the auto. it's hard to delegate exactly where the lens is focusing in the auto mode

    Granted the manual focus takes longer but the precision is better IMO.

    The only reason I got the Nikor is the manager of the store offered to swap my sigma 105mm for the nikor .. and the 60 and 105 mm is no different on close up macro's .. it will make a difference in group or portrait shots as the 105 covers a wider range (area).. so he took a look at some of my images and told me he thinks I cold do better with the Nikor.. so as PR.. since I bought everything there.. he offered to do a swap .. I couldn't turn it down :)

    But he did say the 105 mm Nikor has some tech issues .. nothing that would affect my images but overall the 60mm is the better macro lens, out of the 2 Nikor has.

    Hope that helps B)

    Thanks for the advice Lani.

    Ill try get my hands on a macro lens.

    Cheers bro,


  6. easy..marketting... :)

    I think the gen AP ROO is not worth the money. $20k just for a basic chrono SS? hahaha..

    That is why I buy the rep, and can spend the money on another watch.. :D

    For $30k, i can get a gold annual calendar patek. For Just over $40k , the perpentual calendar.

    roo is going for much much lower price this days.

  7. you should know the marketing ploy. release a well anticipated rep such as this RG Rubberclad with some errors on it. people will buy it because it finallly came out and cant wait. then a few months later, they release a 'corrected' version with some fixes and then people will buy it again.

    why make a perfect clone from the 1st release when you can make more money if you slowly release versions that slowly look exactly like the gen?

    i dont think the chinese manufacturers are stupid in paying attention to the details on the watch, but just business savvy

    biz savy they are not at all.

    reason so many things is "made in china" is becasue its dirt cheap labor.

  8. I sent a mail to Josh and told him about this flaws, his simple answer was:


    Maybe you are refering to another model of ap..

    The current model is avail in gen.. According to the maker.

    Iwc .. Should be avail end of this month.



    So I fear they will not change it...what a shame that the makers are so narrow-minded

    this is why i have stopped buying reps such answers. <_<

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