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Posts posted by Dani

  1. These forums are 2-3% of the replica sales.. worldwide..

    High End replica watches (we call them super replicas..etc..) are 2-3% of the replicas made..

    These forums make up 70-80% of the High End replica sales...

    Why do dealers sell these high end replicas if they only make up such a small percent produced and supplies such a small segment of the worlds replica buyers?? SERIOUSLY... ask your self that question!


    Now time to go on a field trip... go look at all of the dealers websites listed here on RWG and elsewhere... tell me if you find junk replicas or are they high end models? Our dealers may sell the junk stuff elsewhere... but the big money... (OUR MONEY) comes from US (not U.S. but rather US = forum). Take the theory that the replica forums are a small percentage of a dealers income and throw it out the window, I know better now...


  2. Cut you losses and send it to me ;)

    Unless you're a trained watchmaker, I'd leave the movement well alone. Maybe see if another member can help you out, or send it to The Zigmeister for diagnosis. As they're becoming so rare to source, unless you got it for a good price, I wouldn't suggest returning it would be a great idea (6 months down the line, the price could of doubled yet again!).

    I now a watchsmith that has lots of experience working on rolex, and from what is can see the spring under the big wheel where you adjust is damaged.

    You think this is a easy fix for him?


  3. I now that 75 to 80% of all hunters coming to this game areas where people breed all kind of animals for killing are Americans can anyone explain this?

    I do see all hunters that kills for fun or for the pride trophy as stupid, but i see many of this Americans comes from places like Ohio maybe that explains it?

    Maybe i em wrong i don't think all Americans are stupid but i do think many are sorry if that offends i think my thoughts is shared amongst most Europeans maybe stupid is wrong word ignorant is maybe better.

    Am i also wrong to think that people that kills any kind of animal whit no remorse are dangerous people? maybe that explains the ease of killing that many have in the US my refs of fact US prison statistic. :rolleyes:

    Search youtube on game hunting see have many are Americans of the vids you see -_-

    i think hunting in general is ok to keep numbers down but to travel to other country's for a [censored] trophy omg so sicking.

    Then again i don't even buy exotic straps or support it..

    The Americans i now 95% i regards as smart people and good people, so maybe its have the Americans are portraited that is the fault?

    I like to now.


  4. i have lost items valued at 5000$ at least in post transit since 2005.

    sucks they are [censored] thiefs, one got caught in the US SF area he faces hard time and federal prison time and i em enjoying every update i get from the US department of Justice

  5. Yes, the complete watch is Dave's, the dial close up picture is yours, ready to go later this week, just finishing it up.

    Tritium lume is my own special mix.


    Wow great Rob.

    I now Dave will be trilled to get this in time for the holidays even in this ruff times that he has now.

    Its not Tritium mix its magic mix but that is my opinion :p

    Looks so amazing the finish and attention to details is out of this world.

    Thanks for sharing the photos :)



  6. I'm sorry, but one has to have a complete RETARDATION (imagine that in borat voice!) to make such a deduction.

    Copying is as much stealing as buying a replica. So YOU are guilty as charged. Just because something is free, doesnt mean I would also take it if it cost money. Only dumb people make such a connotation (or people who have some financial interest, but I dont see "one" to be an apple exec).

    And I for one (yeah, thats the douche's way if saying I!) can say, that I have spend enough money with Apple to copy Final Cut Studio. I wonder how much money YOU have costs Panerai and who not in "free" catalogues and wasted AD time, just because you wanted to impress them with your little fake watch. Of course I could just try to write a suck-up eMail to steve jobs and hope to get it for free, but I doubt this works twice!

    I have no need to impress anyone whit fake watches :rolleyes:

    And if you did not get it i was joking.

    I em a warez junkie.


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