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Everything posted by mb1

  1. great news The Zigmeister,. thanks for taking the time
  2. I'm out three watches but I have little hope for any resolution. If Jakub can be found, What are the odds he still has my watches just sitting there but couldn't be bother to return them? More then likely he has lost them, had them stolen or sold them. What then? If he has not made contact with anyone, its because he is unable to offer any restitution. They're gone, period.
  3. easy fix. If you can take movemnet and face out, use a hairdryer on the case and insert until the glue softens up. Then move the insert until it lines up. Put the movement back in. happens all the time with these
  4. looks like it should. relax and enjoy it.
  5. don't buy a thing from that site. Please read the top ten lies about relpica watches http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=1708 and then see the dealers here on the forum. You will get a great product for around a third of the price of that scam site. Welcome aboard
  6. WOW
  7. great pics of a beautiful watch.
  8. I suppose I struck a chord here. I also suppose I understand but am frustrated. BTW the opposite of implied is "expressed"
  9. There is no way for the mods to contact this guy? I guess I just find it hard to believe that a dealer or modder can be added to this forum and recommended to its members with nothing more then a prepaid cellphone number and a mailbox store address. Are we to assume that any dealer or modder could vanish at any moment and the forum can promise no saftey/security to its members?
  10. when I enjoy me Melrose Jewellers purchase I also enjoy........... Quizno's sandwiches, thats Quzinos........mmmmmm toasty
  11. I agree, some gentle "lubrication" can't hurt. P.S. Have our mods done anything further or have they dropped it with a "sorry about your luck"
  12. seems like the people who sent stuff earlier and thus had some work complete or half complete have not received anything. Leads me to beieve that Jakub had trouble witht he coater or his "watchsmith" and all the half done work is in limbo. The fact that he has not taken time to attempt an explanation means IMO that he has given up and we are not getting anything back. I hope I am wrong.
  13. all this reminds me of a story I once heard about Jack Johnson the first African- American heavyweight champion of the world. He lived large and was into cars (this was at a time when cars where a new thing) Story goes he was stopped and fined for speeding in some small town, he pulled the cash out of his pocket and paid twice the amount. When the cop asked why to paid double Jack said something like "I'm coming back through here again on my way home" I love that story. If you can take responsibility for your actions and are willing to pay the consequences then do what you please.
  14. thanks for that. Well written artricle
  15. no returns for some time now huh...........just when I got my hopes up..................sigh!
  16. nothing for me yet either
  17. man this is awesome news, my heart skipped a beat. Maybe I will get my three watches to!
  18. its a rep for sure and worse its being sold by someone who knows its a rep. All the obvious tells (date windows, regulator on movement and serial number) are conviently not visable in the picture. The seller also has zero feedback! I dont know how to report this to ebay otherwise I would. Can someone either tell me how to report it or report it themselves.
  19. Nothing on my end. I was one of the members that got an email from him a couple weeks ago. I have not heard or seen anything since. I sent another emial to him last week with no reply. I am holding out hope that they will come this week. The optimistic side of me still has faith in people I guess. After the end of this week though I think I will officially write off my three watches (at least a $1000 bucks worth) and become a synical effin bastard that hates the world .
  20. anyone hear from jakub, any updates at all?
  21. the movement is a mechanical manually wound, not automatic.
  22. I am in full on "wait and see mode". His email to me last week said he was getting back on top of things and would be hopefully getting things out at the end of the week. I am hoping to hear from him some time this week with an update but who knows. i'll post any updates
  23. Great winder, I have the same one. For watches with the 7750 I have it set for 1000, I believve the 7750 requires something like 900 turns per day. Eta 2824/2336 and asian 21J should be fine at 650. Enjoy
  24. wow.........thank you..................I'm speachless
  25. I think if he wishes to regain any trust from board members at all he needs to send watches back and then ask for payment. Perhaps admins can make this a condition of him having any further dealings here.
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