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Posts posted by Watchmeister

  1. Gen owners don't need to know anything. They can either afford it or not. The people I know with the largest gen collections are focused on making money and the watches are just a trapping of a "luxurious" life. Everyone has a finite amount of time. You can either use it to make money or stretch what you got. In my case I had my most extensive collection when I knew the least (and was single with not so many fixed costs). Today I am a lot more knowledgeable. ;) And to get back to your original question, people with reps are often more knowledgeable because they have to be not to look silly or even get ripped off.

  2. On a different note, I read through the Harvard paper and found it very interesting. And basically what it asserts is that there is no correlation between gun control and murder - either way. But the one thing that it does scream out is that 90% of gun deaths are by bad people with prior violent pasts. So I say, kill or exile all the violent people and the violence will be gone. I bet if you enacted a law which says two strikes and you are excommunicated, killed or whatever would have a larger impact than any gun control on violent crime. Don't really mean it as that is too draconian but in my heart of hearts I know that getting rid of violent people is the only way to meaningfully reduce violent crime. :)

  3. One other thought.....throw a couple of watches on your wrist (that you already own) and snap pics of your self. That gives yu the best sense whether you like the look of a larger watch on you. Remember, that even when someone gors to the trouble to tell you height and weight it still is difficult to relate to you. The funny thing I have found is that no watch looks truly too small when looking at a larger picture of yourself. The real question is what do you think looks silly when you go big. And only you know whether you care whether it fis under a shirt sleeve or overhangs your wrist.

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  4. People can always utilize selective data to make their point. In NY the strongest gun laws over an extended period have correlated with a dramatic decrease in violent crime. Cause and effect? Who knows. Over the same time period the number of policeman have also almost doubled - first under Guiliani and then Bloomberg. And yes, Israel does far and away have the highest legal (or known) ownership per capita of semi and automatic weapons with a very low violent crime rate. But there everyone undergoes military service and serves in the reserves for many years after. They aren't hunters - merely well trained survivalists. :) Personally, I do hope they restrict the larger assault weapons in a constructive manner. There is no circumstance I can come up with in our country where a machine gun is required.

  5. if it is fogging up every time you wear it I suspect there is a fair amount of moisture in there. You can always try the silica packets or rice and it may help speed it up if you remove the caseback when you put it in the Baggie but at the end of the day you are still going to have to fix whichever seal is "leaking".

  6. The closest Royal Oak in my opinion is the 14790 black dial. It has a closed caseback but it's only 36mm. I do love my white one though. Wearing it as we speak.


    The 15300 is close, but you can't wear it on leather as the plots won't fit and the rep doesn't have any plots. There is an RO with faux leather strap available from the dealers but I can't remember which model.

    +2. It is somewhat humorous that you can't find a really good rep of the entry level Royal Oak.

  7. No Fendushi speaks from experience. And now more than ever, with better reps so freely available the hobby seems to attract ever more "money for nothing and chicks for free" entrants. It is a great time for rep collecting. The reps are beautifully done but expectations can get out of control. Of course I am curious why it comes up now..... :)

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